The Jenkins Dashboard

The Jenkins dashboard is the central point of all operations in our pipelines and projects. Any and all operations are coordinated from this point.

From the dashboard, we are able to achieve operations not limited to the following:

  • Project and pipeline management
  • Access control
  • Data and resource management

Once the Jenkins setup is complete, click on Start using Jenkins on the landing screen, and let's get started.

If the page still shows Jenkins is almost ready, click on Restart. If the page doesn't restart or update after a minute, reload your web page manually.

If required to log in, use the credentials we just created on the UI, and you should be good to go. Take a look at this screenshot:

At first glance, we have a few options listed there. When you first log into Jenkins and you don't have any jobs or builds, the above will be the message displayed. In the top-right corner, there is an option to add a description. This is where you would add typical information about the server and guide, for example, some company info, as shown in the following screenshot:

In the top-right corner, there's a drop-down linked to your username. There are a few items to note here; they are as follows:

  • Builds: Option to view all pipeline builds.
  • Configure: Add a new project or Job.
  • User Views: Display custom user views.
  • Credentials: Display credentials, if authorized.

The drop-down panel gives us a few items to note too. Take a look at this screenshot:

The drop-down panel lists the following:

Selection Explanation
New Item Allows the user to create a new item, which could be a project, pipeline, and so on.
People Lists all the users available.
Build History Shows all builds.
Manage Jenkins Lists all configurations related to the Jenkins server.
My Views Lists all custom user views.
Credentials Lists all of the user and server credentials available.
New View Allows you to create a new view.
Some of the options will change when access is controlled for different users.

In the bottom-right corner, there's a REST API button, with some information on how to interact with the Jenkins API. Take a look at this screenshot:

Now take a look at this screenshot:

We will learn more about this when designing and building a pipeline, as there are some instances where you would be required to programmatically interact with Jenkins or run some scripts to get metrics or artifacts.

It is important to understand the dashboard as much as possible, so as to know where you would get and/or use a particular service. For now, we will solely focus on General Management and the setup of Jenkins, but as we progress, we will delve deeper into the service, giving us more information regarding the handling operations in Jenkins.
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