Chapter 1. Developing your SEO and Keyword Strategy

Joomla! SEO is not as difficult as some people will try to tell you. Most of the things you will see and learn in this book, could have been accomplished just by using your common sense. However, there are some things that are a bit more technical and there are some topics that you should start with, before progressing to the geeky nerdy stuff.

Here are some challenges that lie ahead of you and that you will have tackled by the end of this book:

  • Choosing and using the right words for your web site: This includes how to choose the right keywords and work them into your site structure.
  • Improve the default SEO setup of Joomla!: This includes configuring SEO settings using patches and special components, and how to choose or alter your template parameters.
  • Create search-friendly content: This includes using the right keywords in the right places, producing search-targeted pages. Using Joomla! with a blog section is a great way to get more pages into the search engines index.
  • Formatting content for users and search engines: This includes how to choose and use the right-link text and how to improve that by making good use of headings and meta tags.
  • Keep track of your progress: Using tracking tools and implementing them in Joomla!, along with analyzing the results will help you gain more insight on how to improve your site further.
  • How to promote your site: This includes how you can get more inbound links, which will drive traffic to your site and improve its search ranking.

Each of the points we just discussed will improve the chances of your site getting noticed more often on search engines, thus bringing more visitors to your site. That is your goal and you can take action right now by setting up your SEO strategy.

At the end of this chapter you will have your very own SEO and keyword strategy ready to work for you, and you will be ready for the next step.

Setting up your SEO strategy

As I mentioned earlier you have to do some work on your Joomla! site to improve its ranking, but where do you start? Baby steps will not take you where you want to go. You really need some kind of a game plan to help you out.

First you need to make some basic improvements to your Joomla! web site to eliminate some of the basic flaws in SEO for Joomla 1.5. We will then dive into keyword research, which is an essential part of your SEO process. Without targeting the keywords that people are actually searching for, you cannot take the next step.

This is when you build your SEO strategy. You cannot do everything at once when you want to get your site up in the search engines. You have to choose where you are going to spend your time and optimization efforts. By the end, you should have done most of the things we will talk about in this book, and you might have chosen to leave certain aspects of the process out of your strategy.

Create a small list of what you intend to do first, second, and so on. Here is a list to give you some idea:

  • Brainstorm and get relevant keywords
  • Set up the Joomla! SEO basics and global configuration settings
  • Install the Joomlatwork SEF patch
  • Install and configure sh404SEF
  • Optimize robots.txt and .htaccess
  • Install a counter and analytics tool
  • Structure or restructure the site based on keywords
  • Write and rewrite the content of the pages
  • Optimize your images and page loading speed
  • Start building incoming links

The technical requirements can be implemented very fast, and getting it to work will just take a few hours. The brainstorming and keyword research takes a lot more time and effort. However, you need to know which way to go with your web site, so keywords are essential.

For your site it could be that you already optimized a lot of things and you just have to move articles and categories around to improve the usability and theme of the site. You might feel that you have enough content and you can start building incoming links.

The order in which you do things is all up to you. My suggestion is to start with the technical improvements such as the SEF patch and an SEF component. This way you can make sure that your new URLs are working and picking up the rankings you already have. Once you have those elements in place, you can start the fun work—improving you titles, meta descriptions, content, and lots more.

At the end of this chapter you will have figured out a good game plan for your SEO. Also once you have finished reading this book, you will have covered the most important aspects of improving your web site—to have a better visibility in the search engines.

You can add some extra things to your SEO strategy such as the use of AdWords or affiliate promotion, but these topics are not covered in this book. They will cost you money and you might not want to do any advertisement. If you get this advertisement stuff wrong, it might cost you a lot of money, so I will leave that part to the specialists in this field. In this book, we will focus on getting the best organic search results possible for your Joomla! based web site.

Solving basic Joomla! 1.5 SEO problems

If you look at Joomla! 1.5, you will see that there are just a few settings in the administrator control panel under Global Configuration for SEO and meta tags. The right setup of these options is one of the tasks you have to do right at the beginning.

If you look at the configuration panel, there is a small section called SEO Settings as shown in the following screenshot:

Solving basic Joomla! 1.5 SEO problems

URLs without activating the first option will show as

But with the first option set to SEF URLs active it changes to

This URL is also based on the other two options, which are active as shown in the previous screenshot. The option Use Apache mod_rewrite means that you are on a Linux or Unix based hosting platform and that you have the rights to access .htaccess file. If you don't use the second option, you would have an extra /index.php/ in the URL. You really shouldn't use that option if your Joomla! site is on a Windows server or on your local PC, as it will break the URL to your pages and will produce error 500 page as the server doesn't know what to do with the .htaccess file.

The third option just adds the .html extension to the URL, thus making it look like a static web site. Using the .html extension is beneficial as people and search engines know that they are directed to a real content page and not a directory.

If this is all so great, what problems could there possibly be? It is possible to have different URLs to the same article if you have more than one link to it through several menu items. If you create a menu item, the title of that item will become the URL pointing to the item. Joomla! uses the title-alias field to create the URL.

This becomes a problem if you link categories in one menu item to the section in which that category is in another menu item. This is because you create multiple links under different URLs to the same page. If you want to blog with Joomla!, this is something that is very likely to happen.

Also, look at the following URL: /landscaping/8-landscape-gardens/8-outdoor-patios.html. You can see that the /section/ name, categories with ID number, and the page title with the ID number are included. The ID number is used to make sure that you don't get URLs that are the same, and thus only one page can be reached. You don't want numbers in your URL for two reasons. First, it can confuse your visitors as they might expect an article about eight different outdoor patios. The second reason is that you want the URL to be as clear and as short as possible and numbers don't really work that well unless you really have an article about eight outdoor patios. Also, the creation of more menu links will lead to a duplicate content issue—something that most content management systems have, but it is better to avoid.

I will show you how to change your site setup to overcome and prevent these kind of problems. I will give you some information on the new rel="canonical" option to give the search engines your preferred URL when we look into the SEF components. I will also show you whether "nofollow" options are still valid if we look at the SEF patch and content creation. Both these options have a new or improved benefit for SEO.

Global configuration meta tag settings

If you use the Metadata Settings under Global Configuration fields, you are placing the same description and keywords on every menu item that is not pointing to a specific article.

So, with every menu item you create in your Joomla! web site, you create duplicate descriptions and keyword meta tags, something the search engines don't like. These duplicate descriptions appear in the result pages—something that you probably want to avoid. You want the right descriptions and keywords to be indexed.

Clear the fields in Global Configuration | Site. Do not use the Global Meta Tags at all! I will show you how to create a better meta tag description and set of meta keywords later on, but for now, please let Google and other search engines pick their own snippets to show in the search engine result pages.

Global configuration meta tag settings

PDF, Print, and E-mail icons

Although it is a nice idea to give your visitors the option to view and print your content in a PDF or print format, it provides extra food for the search engines. With Joomla! 1.0.x you would find a lot of PDF pages in the Google result pages.

With Joomla! 1.5 there are some simple options you can configure to prevent this from happening. Just select Content | Article Manager | Parameter and Joomla! will open an overlay screen. Here you can scroll down and disable Icons, PDF Icon, and Print Icon by selecting Hide then click on Save and you are done.

PDF, Print, and E-mail icons

Meta generator tag

Joomla!, just like WordPress, inserts an HTML tag that says:

<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management" />

This is of course a nice way to show that you use Joomla!, to the people who view the source code. However, from an SEO point of view, this information has nothing to do with the content of your pages, and it adds an extra line to your page size. This can also be a nice indicator for hackers to know the version of Joomla! you are using.

The good thing is that all these issues can be solved with minimal effort by changing some settings and using some extra components and patches.

Why do you need to do keyword research?

Keyword research is essential for optimization, and if done the right way, you may even find some gold mines you can work with in your niche market.

First things first, I am going to tell you why you need to do it. It is actually quite simple—you need to know what your potential visitors/customers are looking for. You need to find the words and phrases that your potential customers use when they use a search engine. Of course there is more to it than that—you also want to know how much competition is there for those words, so you can estimate your chances of ranking well.

Let's start by simply looking at what you already know about your site topic. You already know a lot about your current customers, but do you know what people are looking for on the Internet that you could possibly sell to them? It is a bit like fishing—you first have to know what kind of fish you want to catch, and the bait you need to use in order to catch them. The tools with which you catch the fish aren't that important. At the end only the result counts—eating fish!

Keyword research is simply finding the right bait to draw your potential customers to your site. You already know some of the keywords people are searching for. You know your business and the terminology that comes with it and its importance.

This is where most web site owners, just like you, are making an incorrect assumption. The terminology used by you is most likely not what people are searching for. For example, you might think that "harden off" is what people are looking for, but in fact it is "how to get my indoor plants into my garden". You know you have to "harden off" those plants before taking them outside, but you can also see that "harden off" is not included in the search.

People are looking for an answer to a problem they have. It is up to you to provide the answer to their questions. If you do, they will love you for it and hopefully do business with you.

But wait, there is more!

By carrying out keyword research you will not only find the most profitable terms you want for a rank, but also the way your site should be structured/restructured. Another reason is that picking the right targeted keywords and optimizing those terms will improve your revenues. Whether you are selling digital products, information, or services such as landscape gardening.

An old study from Cornell University shows that the first result on the Google search's result page will get more than 50 percent of the clicks. Second gets about 15 percent, and the third gets around 10 percent, the rest goes in smaller portions of max five percent and down to the other competitors.

This is why you want to make sure you are ranking higher than your competitors. It can also give you a traffic boost if you start ranking—number one for more specific searches instead of focusing on more generic terms. Ranking on generic terms such as "cars" is a lot more difficult to do than ranking for a more specific term such as "hybrid performance cars".

Wouldn't it be nice to have your site in the top three? Having your pages further down from the initial search results will give you a lot less traffic, and hence fewer potential customers. If you start ranking better in the search results, you also need to try and draw people to click on your site link. Once we get into the meta tags issue and how to write for better results, I will give you some pointers on how to do this. Keep those results in mind and think about your web site as we go into the hard labor of researching keywords for a landscape gardening site and of course, for your web site.

How to do basic keyword research

Keyword research is not that difficult to do, it is just a matter of using the right tools and using your common sense. You must keep in mind that during this research you will come across loads and loads of keywords and phrases you might want to use.

Create a list of all the keywords that are used in your web site's topic area. Write them down. You are going to work with these later on in this chapter. Put them in a spreadsheet, a word document, or a text file. It doesn't matter how you write them, but just do it!

Personally, I prefer Microsoft Excel as I can easily structure and restructure some content afterwards, and it can import .csv files produced by some of the keyword tools that we will use. But if you can work better with another program, maybe even a Mindscape map, please use that. It is all about getting the job done.

There are a few other things you need, well actually two things:

  • A pad of Post-it notes (if you want, get some different colors)
  • A marker for writing down some keywords (not too thin)

You will need to use these for structuring your web site based on the main keywords you will find. Once the basic list is ready, you will start building a new one, based on your findings from the keyword tools we will use. One word of caution though—restrain yourself from putting too many keywords and key phrases in the second list. We will draw topics to create articles that will be put into the site structure that is based on the first list.

You have to make sure that at the end of this process you have a list that you can really work with. Remind yourself that only you can decide whether or not you are able to write good articles and content for those words. This last advice is essential for building a site that attracts lots of visitors in the long run.

Even with a massive list of keywords, you have to provide quality content on the subject of your site. Having a good list of keywords and phrases just helps you to attract search engines and get good rankings for your pages, but at the end of the day it is the visitor who decides if your site is good enough.

If he/she thinks it is not, in the end the search engines will leave, as the bounce rate of your site will be too high. We will get deeper into the signs of problems like a high bounce rate in the Analytics part of the book.

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