About the Author

Herbert-Jan van Dinther was born in September 1959 in Heusden, the Netherlands. He first came in contact with computers during his study at the Fontys Hogeshool in Eindhoven. He is currently working as an ICT Manager and owns a small part-time company named Web site Builder and SEO Consultant that focuses on Joomla! and WordPress. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Economics.

His first web site was built with Microsoft FrontPage in 1999 and he introduced the "new" Google search engine to a lot of people at that time. Google now has a market share in search of up to 98 percent in the Netherlands. He wanted his and his customers' sites to rank well in the search engines and his quest and passion for SEO knowledge has not left him since that first site.

Later he came across the NetworkDNA methodology to structure computer network documentation , which was created by Don Krause. Don Krause introduced him to Mambo—the content management system that later became Joomla!. To promote the methodology in the Netherlands, a web site based on Joomla! is now ranking high in the Dutch search engines.

Joomla! is now one of his biggest passions and sharing his SEO knowledge about Joomla! has resulted in several web sites and blogs on that topic. He also published the Little Joomla SEO Book, a free PDF file about Joomla! 1.0 SEO. Currently, he is working on a new web site http://www.herbertjanvandinther.com to show how powerful and easy Joomla! is for building your own site.

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