
This chapter introduced you to the information gathering phase. It is usually the first phase that is done during the penetration testing process. In this phase, you collect as much information as you can about the target organization. After getting to know the target organization, it will be easier when we want to attack the target. The great Chinese strategist Sun Tzu stated very succinctly the overall intent of OSINT and information gathering:

"Know yourself, know your enemy, and you shall win a hundred battles without loss."

This saying can't be more true than in penetration testing.

We described several tools included in Kali Linux that can be used for information gathering. We started by listing several public websites that can be used to gather information about the target organization. Next, we described how to use tools to collect domain registration information. Then, we described tools that can be used to get DNS information. Later on, we explored tools for collecting routing information. In the final part of the chapter, we described automated tools, including the impressive search engine for hackers, Shodan.

In the next chapter, we will discuss how to discover a target via scanning, as well as how to evade detection.

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