Automated scanning with Striker

Striker is an automated scanning and deep information-gathering tool built into Python, which performs port/service and vulnerability scanning. Much like the automated tools we used in the previous chapter (Red_Hawk and Devploit), Striker is simple to install and use.

We must first download Striker. To do so, open a Terminal and change to the Desktop (or directory of your choice) by typing the following:

cd Desktop

Enter the following to clone Striker to your desktop or (or directory of your choice):

git clone

Once the download has completed successfully (with objects and deltas at 100%, as seen in the previous screenshot), change to the Striker directory by typing cd Striker and then using the ls command to list the files within the Striker folder. You should see five files listed, including requirements.txt and

For Striker to run without errors, we must first use the package management installer (pip) to ensure that all of the requirements necessary to run Striker are met, including the Whois module (which is necessary for information gathering).

To do so, we run the following two commands, pip install -r requirements.txt followed by pip install whois:

Once all requirements have been installed successfully, type pip install whois (even though the requirement may have already been installed):

Finally, to run Striker, we type python

The Striker GUI will now run. As a fully automated tool, all that is required from this point onward is the target IP or URL.

For this example, we have used the website that is used in the Nmap scanning section. Compare the results of the scan with those found by Nmap earlier:

Note that Striker also found DNS record information as well as two email addresses, as seen in the following screenshot:

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