Vulnerability taxonomy

With the increase in the available number of technologies over the past few years, there have been various attempts to introduce the best taxonomy that could categorize all of the common sets of vulnerabilities. However, no single taxonomy has been produced to represent all of the common coding mistakes that may affect the system's security. This is owing to the fact that a single vulnerability might fall into more than one category or class. Additionally, every system platform has its own base for connectivity, complexity, and extensibility, with which it interacts with its environment. Thus, the taxonomy standards presented in the following table will help you identify most of the common security glitches whenever possible. Note that most of these taxonomies have already been implemented in a number of security assessment tools to investigate software security problems in real time:

Security taxonomy

Resource link

Seven pernicious kingdoms

Common weakness enumeration

OWASP Top 10


WASC threat classification


The primary function of each of these taxonomies is to organize sets of security vulnerabilities that can be used by security practitioners and developers to identify the specific errors that may have an impact on the system's security. Thus, no single taxonomy should be considered complete and accurate.

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