Accountability: focusing on less-critical issues can affect, 155; own your decisions, 142; Xerox's customer ownership mentality and, 77

Advisors. See Network of advisors

After-action review, 113

Amazon: “outside-insider” mentality of, 7475, 165166; revolutionary retail approach of, 3; unique performance metrics used by, 75

American Express, 10, 165

Apple Computer: competitor's dismissal of iPhone of, 77; how Jobs's curiosity benefited, 86; Jobs's work to create a strong team at, 148; Macintosh team at, 910; Microsoft's competition with, 53; revitalization under Steve Jobs, 9, 15; Samsung's competition with, 87; seizing on Xerox's failure to act, 26; short-cycle reviews of progress conducted at, 109; Steve Jobs's founding and leadership of, 710; “think different” advertising campaign of, 9. See also Jobs, Steve

Armstrong, Lance, 3537

Arthur Andersen, 108, 154

“Asking the right questions,” 9395

Assessment: developmental tests used for, 104; skip-level interviews of team members, 102103; 360-degree assessments of your leadership, 98100, 114, 137; 360-degree assessments of your team, 103104, 115; tracking your decisions over time, 9798; of your team's effectiveness, 101102

Awareness: actions for increasing, 8789; of customers and markets, 7378, 88; of frontline colleagues, 7883, 88; of high potentials, 8385, 8889; knowledge gained from seeing it for yourself, 90; learning log used to increase, 90; of outsiders, 8587, 89. See also Self-awareness

Awareness actions: examining, 87, 90; knowledge gained from seeing it for yourself, 90; summary of actions moving forward, 8889


BAE Systems, Inc., 127

Bain Capital, 31

Ballmer, Steve, 53, 77, 166

Bank One, 10

Barings Bank, 120

Barron's, 139

Bazerman, Max, 60, 108

The Beatles, 148

Behavioral flags: multiple sources of signals or, 124125; paying attention to, 122125, 130; types of behaviors, 122124; weak signals or, 119120

Beliefs. See Leader beliefs

Bergh, Chip, 8081

Berkshire Hathaway, 107

Bezos, Jeff: insider-outsider mentality, 7475, 165166; revolutionary retail approach by, 3

Bird, Brad, 152

Black, Cathleen, 56

BlackBerry, 77

Blindspot identification: complete the leadership blindspot survey, 3233; review your mistakes, 3031; solicit feedback from those who know you, 3132

Blindspot matrix: four types of leadership awareness in, 18, 2021; illustration of the, 18; known strengths: you know what you know, 18; known weaknesses: you know what you don't know, 18, 19; showing increasing leader awareness, 21; showing increasing leader capacity, 21; unknown strengths: you don't know what you know, 18, 1920

Blindspot situational factors: cognitive dissonance, 6061; emotional bias, 5960; experience gaps, 5758; hierarchical distortions, 6263; information overload, 5859; misaligned incentives, 6162; overconfidence, 6365

Blindspot types: about your company, 38, 39, 4851; about your markets, 38, 39, 5254; about yourself, 38, 39, 4044; about your team, 38, 39, 4448

Blindspots: definition of, 18, 2021; degrees of blindness, 2228; growing self-awareness of your own, 1718; identifying your own, 3033; organizational culture that matches, 169170; overcoming, 6668; recognizing and learning to live with, 16; responses to, 2829; self-confidence and self-doubt mediation by, 56; tenacity of, 5765; willful, 6566. See also Managing blindspots

Blindspots about your company: 13: failing to capture hearts and minds, 39, 4849; 14: losing touch with your shop floor, 39, 49; 15: treating information and opinion as fact, 39, 50; 16: misreading the political landscape, 39, 5051; 17: putting personal ambition before the company, 39, 51

Blindspots about your market: 18: clinging to the status quo, 39, 52; 19: underestimating your competitors, 39, 5253; 20: being overly optimistic, 39, 5354

Blindspots about your team: 7: failing to focus on the vital few issues, 39, 4445; 8: not understanding your team model, 39, 4546; 9: overrating the talent on your team, 39, 46; 10: avoiding the tough conversations, 39, 4647; 11: trusting the wrong individuals, 39, 47

Blindspots about yourself: 1: overestimating your strategic capabilities, 39, 40; 2: valuing being right over being effective, 39, 4041; 3: failing to balance the what with the how, 39, 4142; 4: not seeing your impact on others, 39, 4243; 5: believing the rules don't apply to you, 39, 4344; 6: thinking the present is the past, 39, 44; description and example of, 38

Blogs: MyStarbucksIdea, 78; Wal-Mart's Lee's Garage, 8283

Bloomberg, Michael, 5557

Blue Ocean Strategy (Kim and Mauborgne), 87

Boeing, 105, 154155

BP oil spill, 112

Broadwell, Pamela, 64

Buffett, Warren, 107


Carlyle, 139

Caterpillar, 72

Catmull, Ed, 15, 109, 148

Central Intelligence Agency, 95

CEOs. See Leaders

Challenger shuttle disaster, 112

Challenging core assumptions, 111112

Charles Schwab, 139

Chenault, Ken, 165

“Chosen” mentality belief, 9

Ciampa, Dan, 132

Citibank, 10

Citicorp, 167

Closed-ended questions, 93

Coach advisors, 138

Coca-Cola, 150

Cockpit door problem, 154155

Cognitive dissonance, 6061

Collins, Jim, 161

Columbia shuttle disaster (2003): blindspots leading to the, 169; failure to ask the right questions contributing to, 94; failure to obtain necessary information contributing to, 65; how faulty assessment contributed to the, 2325, 67; how inability to listen contributed to, 129; inability to see warning signs of the, 120; postmortem following the, 112

Common blindspots: about your company, 38, 39, 4851; about your markets, 38, 39, 5254; about your team, 38, 39, 4448; about yourself, 38, 39, 4044; derailing types of, 3740; Lance Armstrong's example of self-delusion, 3537

Communication: dynamics of communication distortions, 119, 120; learn to listen as part of your, 128129, 130; promoting culture of straight talk, 119. See also Feedback

Company: blindspots about your, 39, 4851; conduct deep dives in targeted areas of your, 108109, 115; having advisors who offer independent views of your, 135136, 145; perform short-cycle reviews of progress at your, 109110, 115; review strategic performance metrics with your team, 105; solicit input from newcomers, outgoers, and outliers, 105108; surface disconfirming data about your, 104110; ten years of unmitigated success to destroy a, 110. See also Organizational culture

Compensating mechanisms: develop peripheral vision, 6667; find trusted advisors, 67; promote productive fights, 6768; see it for yourself, 66; seek out disconfirming data, 66

Competition: between Apple and Microsoft, 53; Sam Walton's study of his, 78; underestimating your, 39, 5253; understanding how they meet customer needs, 7778

Confidence: benefits of having, 4; benefits of having optimal margin of illusion, 5, 6, 165; challenge of balancing doubt and, 67, 165171; how blindspots mediate between self-doubts and, 56; successful leader's ability to act with, 34. See also Overconfidence/hubris

Confidence-doubt balancing: ability of successful leaders to do, 35, 165171; “productive narcissist” example of, 67, 143; surgeon training example of, 6

Confirmation bias, 59, 60, 9596. See also Seeking disconfirming data action

Conflict: efforts to avoid, 149; embrace high-level and shun low-level, 155157, 163; establishing ground rules for, 157161, 164; promoting productive fights and, 6768, 150171

Contrarians: benefits of getting the perspectives of, 125; creating openings for, 125126

Cook, Tim, 10

Correlated errors trap, 158

Crisis management advisors, 136137, 145

Curiosity: as counterforce for rejecting differing opinions, 151; of outsiders, 8687

Customer ownership mentality, 77

Customers: actions for increasing awareness of, 88; Amazon's metrics to assess performance with, 75; Amazon's successful approach to, 7475; increasing awareness and perspective of, 7378; J. Crew's approach to, 7677; Lou Gerstner's approach reaching out to IBM, 74; plan of action for increasing awareness of, 89; Steve Jobs's approach to, 74. See also Markets


Darwin, Charles, 97

Data. See Information

Daytona 500 race tweets, 78

“Deal fever,” 96

Decision making: “filling in the gaps” occurrence in, 25; ground rules promoting productive conflict during, 158160, 164; narrative fallacy affecting, 25; peripheral vision while focused on, 122; promoting culture of straight talk for, 119; response to blindspot and “below the waterline,” 2829; three-strike rule to raise concerns during, 127128

Decisions: ensuring one voice on execution of, 161162, 164; narrative fallacy affecting, 25; own your, 142; productive conflict to make better, 158160, 164; tracking over time, 9798, 114

Deep dives, 108109, 115

Degrees of blindness: failure to act, 2526, 27, 28; faulty assessment, 2325, 27; lack of awareness, 2223, 27

Dell, Michael, 9, 15

Dell Computer, 86, 110

Developing peripheral vision actions: to avoid communication distortions, 120; create openings for contrarians, 125126, 130; establish a three-strike rule, 127128, 130; know your team members, 121122, 130; learn to listen, 128129, 130; overcoming blindspots using, 6667; pay attention to behavioral flags, 122125, 130; scenario for examining need for, 118121. See also Peripheral vision

“Developing Peripheral Vision” (Shaw and Ronald), 117

Developmental tests, 104

Devil's advocate: becoming your own, 9697, 114; description and function of, 96

Dialogue sessions, 129

Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 1516

Dimon, Jamie: blindspots about his team and JPMorgan, 1013, 15, 62, 137; failure to ask the right questions, 93; failure to see for himself, 72

Drew, Ina, 11, 12

Drexler, Mickey, 67, 7677, 81, 166167

Drucker, Peter, 97, 98

Duke Energy, 2223

Dunn, Patty, 133, 136

Dunning, David, 63


Echo chambers, 166

“Ecology of their delusions,” 10

E-mail traffic flag, 124

Emotional bias, 5960

Enron scandal, 154

Experience gaps, 5758

Expert advisors, 138


Facebook, 78

Failure to act: description of, 2526, 27; general examples of, 27; leader examples of, 27; Xerox's experience with, 26

Faulty assessment: Columbia shuttle disaster (2003) as, 2325, 67; description of, 27; general examples of, 27; leader examples of, 27

Fear Your Strengths (Kaplan and Kaiser), 20

Feedback: find trusted advisors to provide, 67; how a strong team become a primary source of, 148; how female gender roles can affect, 169170; not seeing your impact on others and rejecting, 39, 4243; obtaining further blindspot, 54; questions on your leadership blindspots for, 32; seeking “below the waterline” decision making, 2829; seeking out disconfirming, 66, 91115; solicit from those who know you, 3132; on specific challenges, 141142; story on peril of rejecting, 168169; 360-degree assessments, 98100, 103104, 137; on your overall effectiveness, 141. See also Communication

Female gender roles, 169170

Fidelity, 139

Findelstein, Sydney, 59

Finding Nemo (animated film), 148

Ford, Henry, 1314, 15, 151, 166

Ford Motor Company, 13, 14, 92, 105

Ford Pinto case (1970s), 6162

Frontline colleagues: actions for increasing awareness of, 88; increasing leader awareness of, 8083; leadership being out of touch with, 7880; plan of action for increasing awareness of, 89

Fumbling the Future (Smith and Alexander), 26


Gap, 67

Gates, Bill, 9, 14, 63, 166

Gawande, Atul, 6

General Electric (GE), 84, 111112

General Motors (GM), 1314, 120

George, Bill, 152153

Gerstner, Lou, 74

Ghosn, Carlos, 128

Giuliani, Rudy, 56

Gladwell, Malcolm, 64

Goizueta, Roberto C., 150

Goldsmith, Marshall, 168

Good to Great (Collins), 87

Google, 53, 6465, 125

Gore, Bill, 2829

Gore-Tex, 2829

Gould, Andrew, 73, 138

Green book (Pinto production design book), 61

Grove, Andy, 45, 112


Hale, Wayne, 129

Halo effect, 101

Ham, Linda, 2425, 65, 67, 169

Hamel, Gary, 84

Hewlett-Packard (HP), 26, 31, 133, 136

Hierarchical distortions, 6263

High potentials: actions for increasing awareness of, 8889; awareness of, 8385; GE's “Top 25” leaders approach to, 84; using a “get to know” list to reach out to, 84; plan of action for increasing awareness of, 89

Hubris/overconfidence, 6365, 165, 170

Hume, David, 67

Hurricane Sandy aftermath, 5557


IBM: Lou Gerstner's reaching out to customers of, 74; strategic planning process at, 26, 28; successful transformation of, 28; Wang Laboratories' emotional bias against, 5960

Immelt, Jeff, 84

Inattentional blindness, 59

Information: ability to see weak signals, 119120; asking the right questions the right way for, 9395; Charles Darwin's habit of writing down all, 97; confirmation bias of seeking, 59, 60; correlated errors trap of converged, 158; dependence of leaders on others for, 7273; gained from seeing it for yourself, 90; learning to listen to gather, 128129, 130; productive fights to reveal “truthful,” 6768; seeking out disconfirming, 66, 91115; “tunnel blind” to disconfirming, 92

Information overload, 5859

Insider-outsider mentality, 7475, 165166

Intel, 5, 112

iPhone, 77

Isaacson, Walter, 87


J. Crew, 7677, 81, 166167

Japanese automobile industry, 120

JetBlue Airways, 125

Jimenez, Joseph, 138

Jobs, Steve: Apple's revitalization under, 9, 15; creating a strong time at Apple, 148; deep dives by, 109; examining blindspots of, 710, 1415; failure to understand how his behavior affected others, 1415; how his curiosity benefited Apple, 86; Isaacson's biography of, 87; Mickey Drexler's advice to, 67; personality characteristics of, 171; on pushing the human race forward, 13; reality distortion field exhibited by, 78, 10; short-cycle reviews of progress conducted by, 109; string of successes achieved by, 7; strong Lucasfilm team inherited by, 148; telling the customer what they want, 74. See also Apple Computer

Johari Window, 20

Johnson, Bill, 22, 23

Johnson, Kevin, 81

Johnson, Lyndon, 92

Johnson & Johnson, 122, 136

JPMorgan Chase: Dimon's blindspot regarding problems at, 1013, 15, 62, 137; failure to ask the right questions at, 93; London Whale incident at, 11, 12, 13, 62, 72, 93; scale and organizational complexity of, 72

Juniper Networks, 81


Kahneman, Daniel, 25, 158, 170

Kaiser, Robert, 20

Kanzler, Ernest, 14

Kaplan, Robert, 20, 132

Kass, Doug, 107

Kelleher, Herb, 79

Kennedy, John, 92

Klein, Gary, 113, 151

Kmart, 78

Known strengths: you know what you know, 18

Known weaknesses: you know what you don't know, 18, 19

KPMG, 139

Kun-hee, Lee, 87


Lack of awareness: description of, 27; Duke Energy and Progress Energy merger, 2223; general examples of, 27; leader examples of, 27

Lafley, A. G., 7576

Lasseter, John, 86, 110, 148

Late ship rate (Amazon), 75

Leader beliefs: avoiding the tough conversations, 46; being overly optimistic, 53; believing the rules don't apply to you, 43; clinging to the status quo, 52; confirmation bias to support existing, 59; failing to balance the what with the how, 41; failing to capture hearts and minds, 48; failing to focus on the vital few, 44; losing touch with your shop floor, 49; misreading the political landscape, 50; not developing real successors, 48; not seeing your impact on others, 42; not understanding your team model, 45; overestimating strategic capabilities, 40; overrating the talent on your team, 46; putting personal ambition before the company, 51; seeking out that which disconfirms, 91115; thinking the present is the past, 44; treating information and opinion as fact, 50; trusting the wrong individuals, 47; underestimating your competitors, 52; valuing being right over being effective, 40. See also Situational factors

Leader needs: to act with confidence, 34; to be aware of their own limitations, 45; matching type of advisor to specific, 138139

Leaders: ability to see weak signals, 119120; balancing confidence and self-awareness of limitations by, 37, 165171; building a network of trusted advisors, 132145; challenged to balance confidence and doubt, 67; compensating mechanisms used by successful, 6668; defining reality and giving hope roles of, 165; dependence on others for information, 7273; gender roles assigned to, 169170; isolation felt by, 131132; optimal margin of illusion held by, 5, 6, 165; potential for great self-delusion by great achievers, 3537; promoting culture of straight talk, 119; unique set of attributes and blindspots by, 56

Leadership Blindspot Survey, 3233

Leadership impact: become your own devil's advocate regarding your, 9697; conduct in-depth 360 assessments on your, 98100; extract leadership lessons learned, 100101; secure trusted advisors on your, 137, 145; surface disconfirming data about your, 95101, 114; track your decisions over time to assess your, 9798

Leadership lessons learned, 100101

Learning logs, 90

Learning to listen, 128129, 130

Lee Kun-hee, 87

Lee's Garage blog (Wal-Mart), 8283

Lenovo, 28

Leonard, Dorothy, 90

Levi Strauss & Co., 8081

The Life of Pi (Martel), 16

Listening, 128129, 130

Livestrong Foundation, 36

London Whale incident (2012), 11, 12, 13, 62, 72, 93

Loyalty, 151

Lungren, Terry, 81

Lyons, Jenna, 166167


M&M (morbidity and mortality) conference, 112113

Maccoby, Michael, 63, 143

Macintosh team (Apple), 910

MacMillan, Steve, 122

Macy's, 81

Mad Money (TV show), 139

Madoff, Bernie, 60

Managing blindspots: build network of trusted advisors, 131, 145; develop peripheral vision, 6667, 118130; promote productive fights, 6768, 147171; see for yourself to increase awareness, 66, 7390; seek out what disconfirms your beliefs, 66, 91115. See also Blindspots

Markets: actions for increasing awareness of, 88; Amazon's metrics to assess performance with, 75; being overly optimistic about your, 39, 5354; building a network of advisors on, 134135, 145; challenge your core assumptions about, 111112; clinging to the status quo, 39, 52; conduct pre- and postmortems, 112114; identify and engage sentinels, 110111; increasing awareness of and perspective on, 7378; Procter & Gamble's monitoring of the, 7576; underestimating your competitors, 39, 5253. See also Customers

Martel, Yann, 16

Mayer, Marissa, 6465

McKinsey & Company, 154

McLaughlin, John, 95

McNamara, Robert, 92, 105, 152

Medtronics, 152

Mentor advisors, 139

Merrill Lynch, 4344

Metrics review, 105, 115

Microsoft, 53, 86, 106, 166

Microsoft Office, 166

Microsoft Windows, 166

Misaligned incentives, 6162

Mistakes: as the road to understanding blindspots, 31; value of reviewing your, 3031

Model T, 13

Moore, Gordon, 112

Moral blindness, 60

Mount Kilimanjaro hike, 4

Mulally, Alan, 105

Mulcahy, Anne, 77, 162

Mullen, Mike, 80

Mylan, 6061

MyStarbucksIdea blog, 78


Nadler, David, 156

Narrative fallacy, 25

NASA: Challenger shuttle disaster, 112; Columbia shuttle disaster (2003) at, 2325, 65, 67, 94, 112, 120, 129, 169; narrative fallacy experienced at, 25; “safety first” stated value of, 24

NASCAR Fan and Media Engagement Center, 78

Neeleman, David, 124125

Network of advisors, actions of: benefits to leaders of, 132134; list your network of advisors, 145; match the type of advisor to your need, 138139, 144; maximize the advice you receive, 139143, 144; target areas where you need advice, 134137, 143. See also Teams

Network of advisors, maximizing: ask for feedback on specific challenges, 141142; ask for feedback on your overall effectiveness, 141; assess the breadth and quality of your network, 140; determine your criteria for selecting advisors, 140; importance to taking steps for, 139140; invest in building your network, 140141; own the decision, 142; test your advisors, 141

New York City Marathon, 56

NeXT, 8

9/11 terrorist attacks: damage to airline industry by the, 154155; Guiliani's decision to hold NYC Marathon after, 56

Nissan, 128

Nonanswers, 123

Nonverbal behavior flags, 122124

Novartis, 108, 134, 138

Nuclear power plants, 111112


Off-line input flag, 124

Olson, Ken, 1516

Omissions, 123

Open-ended questions, 93

Optimal margin of illusion, 5, 6, 165

Optimism: blindspot related to unrealistic, 39, 5354; as both strength and liability, 4

Oracle, 135

Order defect rate (ODR) [Amazon], 75

Organizational culture: creating a functional team culture within your, 153; creating openings for contrarians within norms of your, 125126; leader blindspots that match the, 169170; promoting straight talk as part of your, 119. See also Companies

Ortega, Amancio, 82

Outsiders: actions for increasing awareness of, 89; awareness of, 8587; benefits of having curiosity about, 8687; plan of action for increasing awareness of, 89; solicit input about your organization from, 107108; types of, 8586

Overcoming blindspots: compensating mechanisms for, 6668; factors related to tenacity of blindspots, 5765; how willful blindness is barrier to, 6566

Overconfidence/hubris, 6365, 165, 170. See also Confidence


Palmisano, Sam, 28, 73, 74, 128

Paraphrasing, 9495

Passive-aggressive team members, 152

Pepsi-Cola: John Scully brought to Apple from, 8; tampering incident facing, 136, 142

Perfect order percentage (POP) [Amazon], 75

Peripheral vision: description of, 119120; overcoming blindspots with, 6667. See also Developing peripheral vision actions

Personal impact. See Leadership impact

Petraeus, David, 6364

Pinto case (1970s), 6162

Pixar Animation Studios: curiosity driving innovation at, 86; Ed Catmull's successful leadership at, 15; short-cycle reviews of progress conducted at, 109110; Steve Jobs's successful leadership at, 8, 10; strong Lucasfilm team forming the nucleus of, 148

Political dynamics advisors, 136, 145

Postmortem reviews, 112113, 115

Premortem reviews, 113114, 115

PricewaterhouseCoopers, 28

Procter & Gamble (P&G), 7576, 80

Productive narcissists, 67, 143

Progress Energy, 2223

Promoting productive fights: embrace high-level conflicts, 155157, 163; ensure one voice on execution, 161162, 164; establish ground rules for conflict, 157161, 164; focus the team on the vital few priorities, 153155, 163; hire a group of smart and passionate people, 150153, 163; overcoming blindspots through, 6768; shun low-level conflicts, 155157, 163


Questions: areas on which to focus your, 95; ask for alternatives, 95; ask for supporting data or examples, 94; ask open-ended, 93; asking the right, 9395; avoid closed-ended yes or no, 93; beware of evasive, 94; don't lead the witness when asking, 94; give an opening for additional input, 95; paraphrase to surface next-level details, 9495


Reality distortion field, 78, 10

Refund percentage (Amazon), 75

Renault, 128

Responses to blindspots: Bill Gore's approach to, 2829; examples of different, 29

Roberto, Michael, 161

Rockefeller, John, 8

Rogers, Jim, 22

Ronald, Mark H., 117, 127

Rutgers University coaching scandal (2013), 6566


Samsung, 53, 87

SAS, 135

Scenario planning, 112

Schlumberger, 73, 138

Schmidt, Eric, 125

Schultz, Howard, 78, 166

Schultz, Kathryn, 92

Scott, Lee, 8283

Scully, John, 8, 10

Seeing it for yourself: customers and markets, 7378, 88; example of increasing awareness plan of action, 89; frontline colleagues, 7883, 88; high potentials, 8385, 8889; knowledge gained from, 90; learning log used to record, 90; outsiders and, 8587, 89; overcoming blindspots by, 66

Seeking disconfirming data: about your leadership impact, 95101, 114; about your markets, 110114, 115; about your organization, 104110, 115; about your team, 101104, 115; asking the right questions in the right way, 9395; Charles Darwin's habit of seeking disconfirming data, 97; overcoming blindspots by, 66; value and need for, 66, 9192. See also Confirmation bias

Self-awareness: blindspot matrix for types of, 1821; blindspots: you don't know what you don't know, 2021; degrees of blindness and, 2228; identifying your own blindspots, 3033; known strengths: you know what you know, 18; known weaknesses: you know what you don't know, 19; one sign of growing, 1718; unknown strengths: you don't know what you know, 1920. See also Awareness

Self-delusion: Lance Armstrong's example of, 3537; leader potential for, 37

Self-doubt: being self-aware of limitations, 45; challenge of balancing between confidence and, 37, 165171; how blindspots mediate between confidence and, 56

Sense of entitlement, 165

Sentinels, identify and engage, 110111

Sharer, Kevin, 128

Shifting position flags, 124

Short-cycle reviews, 109110, 115

Silence, 123

Situational factors: cognitive dissonance, 6061; emotional bias, 5960; experience gaps, 5758; hierarchical distortions, 6263; information overload, 5859; misaligned incentives, 6162. See also Leader beliefs

Skip-level interviews, 102103

Smith, Roger, 120

Sony, 10

Southwest Airlines, 79

Specific language flags, 123

Sponsor advisors, 139

Stanford University, 64

Staples, 81

Star Trek (TV show), 7

Starbucks, 78, 166; MyStarbucksIdea blog, 78

Status quo: blindspot of clinging to the, 39, 52; illustrative case on, 52

Strategic advisors, 134135, 145

Stryker, 122

Surgeon training, 6

Sutton, Bob, 5

Swann, William, 167


T. Rowe Price, 139

Taleb, Nassim, 25

Talent: awareness of high potentials, 8385, 8889; biased perceptions of female, 169170; failing to focus on vital few on your team, 39, 4445; hire smart and passionate, 150153, 163; overrating your team, 46

Taylor, Bob, 157158

Team culture, 153

Team dynamics, 156

Team members: biased perceptions of female, 169170; conduct skip-level interviews of, 102103; create developmental tests for, 104; ground rules promoting productive fights among, 158160, 164; hire smart and passionate people as, 150153, 163; how interpersonal dynamics influence outcomes, 156; obtain in-depth assessments of, 103104; passive-aggressive, 152; peripheral vision by knowing your, 121122, 130; risk of miscommunication to, 120; short-cycle reviews, 109110, 115; solicit input from newcomers, outgoers, and outliers, 105108

Team model, 39, 4546

Team roundtable discussions, 125

Teams: assess effectiveness of your, 101102; becoming a primary source of good feedback, 148; blindspots about your, 39, 4447; ensuring one voice on execution of decisions by, 161162, 164; establishing ground rules promoting productive fights for, 158160, 164; focusing them on the vital few priorities, 153155, 163; halo effect in, 101; interpersonal dynamics influencing effectiveness of, 156; review strategic performance metrics with your, 105, 115; surface disconfirming data about your, 101104, 114115; value of building strong, 147148. See also Network of advisors actions

Technological advisors, 135

Tenbrunsel, Ann, 60, 108

Thain, John, 4344

“Think different” advertising campaign (Apple), 9

Three Mile Island disaster, 111

360-degree assessments: discussing results of with spouse, 137; of team members, 103104, 115; of your leadership, 98100, 114

Three-strike rule, 127128, 130

Tough conversations, 39, 4647

Toy Story (animated film), 86, 148

Trust: blindspot on trusting the wrong individuals, 39, 47; find advisors you can, 67

Trusted advisors: benefits to leaders, 132134; list your network of, 145; match your need to the type of, 138139, 144; maximize the advice you receive from, 139143, 144; target areas where you need advice from, 134137, 143

“Tunnel blind,” 92

Twitter, 78

Tylenol tampering incident, 136


Undercover Boss (TV show), 66

Underestimating competition, 39, 5253

Unknown strengths: you don't know what you know, 18, 1920

US Army's after-action review, 113

US Central Intelligence Agency, 63

US Joint Chiefs of Staff, 80


Vasella, Dan, 108, 134

Vietnam War, 152

Vital few issues: description and importance of, 68; productive fights that reveal truth of, 6768


Wall Street Journal, 60

Wal-Mart: innovative retail approach by, 3; Lee's Garage blog by, 8283; Sam Walton's leadership of, 78, 79, 82

Walt Disney Company, 86

Walton, Sam, 78, 79, 82

Wang, An, 5960

Wang Laboratories, 5960

Weak signals, 119120

Weatherup, Craig, 136

Weill, Sanford, 167

Welch, Jack, 111112, 135

Whitehead, Alfred North, 18

Whitman, Meg, 31

Why Great Leaders Don't Take Yes for an Answer (Roberto), 161

Willful blindness, 6566

Women and gender roles, 169170

Wozniak, Steve, 9


Xerox: Ann Mulcahy on creating strong teams at, 162; contrasting IBM's action with failure to act by, 26, 28; customer ownership mentality at, 77; PARC's innovations and failure to act by, 26, 166; steps for promoting productive conflicts at, 157158


Yahoo website, 139


Zara, 82

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