Learning how to use the NOT, IN, and BETWEEN operators

Some additional logical operators are NOT, IN, and BETWEEN:

  • IN allows you to list the values that you want to return in your query results. For instance, if you want to return any values in g_all (all games played) that are in 40, 50, or 60, you could run the following query: 
USE lahmansbaseballdb;
SELECT playerid, g_all, g_batting, g_defense FROM appearances
WHERE g_all IN (40, 50, 60);
  • BETWEEN allows you to list two values, and your query will return all the values between and including those values. For instance, if you want to return any values in g_all that are between 40 and 60, you could run the following query: 
USE lahmansbaseballdb;
SELECT playerid, g_all, g_batting, g_defense FROM appearances
WHERE g_all BETWEEN 40 and 60;
  • NOT allows you to exclude values from your query. For instance, if you want to return any values in g_all that are NOT between 40 and 60, you can execute the following query:  
USE lahmansbaseballdb;
SELECT playerid, g_all, g_batting, g_defense FROM appearances
WHERE g_all NOT BETWEEN 40 and 60;

The previous query will give you the results shown in the following screenshot: 

You can also use NOT with IN. For instance, if you want to return any values in g_all that are NOT IN 40, 50, or 60, you can execute the following query: 

USE lahmansbaseballdb;
SELECT playerid, g_all, g_batting, g_defense FROM appearances
WHERE g_all NOT IN (40, 50, 60);

You can also use NOT in multiple clauses of the WHERE clause, as shown in the following query: 

USE lahmansbaseballdb;
SELECT playerid, g_all, g_batting, g_defense FROM appearances
WHERE g_all NOT IN (40, 50, 60)
OR g_batting NOT BETWEEN 30 and 40;

You can also combine it with AND, as shown in the following query: 

USE lahmansbaseballdb;
SELECT playerid, g_all, g_batting, g_defense FROM appearances
WHERE g_all NOT IN (40, 50, 60)
AND g_batting NOT BETWEEN 30 and 40;

As you can see, there are many ways to use IN, BETWEEN, and NOT

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