Explaining the question

You need to begin your presentation by explaining the question you are trying to answer. It's essential to keep your focus on one question and not get distracted by other questions. If you decide to answer too many questions in a presentation (that is, telling too many stories), the story will become lost in too much data and explanations.

For example, let's say you were trying to determine why individual players or types of players make more than other players; you would want to keep the focus on that question only. You don't want to suddenly throw in statistics about manager salaries or details about why a team moved to another city. Even if you are providing a big picture of this and narrowing down the focus, you still don't want your big picture to include everything and anything. Your big picture needs to focus on the specific question you are trying to answer.

An example question could be: Why do certain baseball player positions make more than others? 

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