Filebeat general/global options

This section contains configuration options and some general/global settings to control the behavior of Filebeat. 

Some of these configuration options are as follows:

  • registry_file: It is used to specify the location of the registry file, which is used to maintain information about files, such as the last offset read and whether the read lines are acknowledged by the configured outputs or not. The default location of the registry is ${}/registry:
filebeat.registry_file: /etc/filebeat/registry
You can specify a relative path or an absolute path as a value for this setting. If a relative path is specified, it is considered relative to the ${} setting.
  • shutdown_timeout: This setting specifies how long Filebeat waits on shutdown for the publisher to finish. This ensures that if there is a sudden shutdown while filebeat is in the middle of sending events, it won't wait for the output to acknowledge all events before it shuts down. Hence, the filebeat waits for a certain time before it actually shuts down:
filebeat.shutdown_timeout: 10s
  • registry_flush: This setting specifies the time interval when registry entries are to be flushed to the disk:
filebeat.registry_flush: 5s
  • name: The name of the shipper that publishes the network data. By default, hostname is used for this field:
name: "dc1-host1"
  • tags: The list of tags that will be included in the tags field of every event Filebeat ships. Tags make it easy to group servers by different logical properties and aids filtering of events in Kibana and Logstash:
tags: ["staging", "web-tier","dc1"]
  • max_procs: The maximum number of CPUs that can be executed simultaneously. The default is the number of logical CPUs available in the system:
max_procs: 2
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