Nodes tab

Clicking on the Nodes tab displays the summary details of each node present in the cluster, as shown in the following screenshot:

For each node, information is provided, such as the Name of the node, Status of the node, CPU Usage (average, min, and max usage), Load Average (average, min, and max usage), JVM Memory (average, min, and max usage), Disk Free Space (average, min, and max usage), and total number of assigned Shards. It also provides information such as whether a node is a Master node or not (indicated by a star next to the node name) and details about the transport host and port. 

Clicking on the Node name provides detailed information about the node. This detailed information is displayed in two tabs, namely Overview and Advanced. The node Overview tab looks like this:

The node Overview tab provides information in the top pane, such as the status of the node, transport IP address of the node, JVM Heap Utilization in percent, free disk space available, total number of documents present on the node (this number includes documents present in both replica and primary shards), total disk space used, total number of indices in the node, total number of shards, and type of node (master, data, ingest, or coordinating node).

The node Overview tab also provides visualizations for JVM Heap usage, Index MemoryCPU Utilization in percent, System Load average, Latency (ms), and Segment Count. The statuses of shards of various indices are provided under the Shard Legend section.

If the Show system indices checkbox is checked, then the shard status of all the indexes created by X-Pack can be seen.

The node Advanced tab provides visualizations of other metrics, such as garbage collection (GC) count and duration, detailed Index Memory usage at Lucene and Elasticsearch levels, Indexing Time (in ms), Request rate, Indexing, Read Threads, and Cgroup stats. 

The following is a screenshot of the Node Advanced tab:

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