The effect of the number of shards on the accuracy of aggregations

Similar to the execution of the search query, an aggregation query is also coordinated by a coordinating node. Let's say that the client has requested terms aggregation on a field that can take a large number of unique values. By default, the terms aggregation returns the top 10 terms to the client.

To coordinate the execution of terms aggregation, the coordinator node does not request all the buckets from all shards. All shards are requested to give their top n buckets. By default, this number, n, is equal to the size parameter of the terms aggregation, that is, the number of top buckets that the client has requested. So, if the client requested the top 10 terms, the coordinating node in turn requests the top 10 buckets from each shard.

Since the data can be skewed across the shards to a certain extent, some of the shards may not even have certain buckets, even though those buckets might be one of the top buckets in some shards. If a particular bucket is in the top n buckets returned by one of the shards and that bucket is not one of the top n buckets by one of the other shards, the final count aggregated by the coordinating node will be off for that bucket. A large number of shards, just to ensure future scalability, does not help the accuracy of aggregations.

We have understood why the number of shards is important and how deciding the number of shards upfront is difficult. Next, we will see how changing the mapping of indexes becomes difficult over a period of time.

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