
In this chapter, we illustrated that graph databases such as Neo4j are extremely well placed at playing a role in many enterprise architectures where impact analysis and simulation would be important. There are many different fields where this may be useful, but we chose two specific domains to illustrate this use case. First, we took a look at a Business Process Management use case, where analyzing and understanding the potential impact of a change in a network would be of primary interest to the user. Then, we took a look at an impact simulation use case, where we wanted to set up a use case in which we would want to iteratively simulate different impact scenarios and see what would be the result of those changes on the network, using a product hierarchy as an example to do so.

We hope to have given you a good overview of the use cases and its potential. We will now continue to the next chapter of this book, which deals with graphical visualizations for Neo4j.

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