Questions and answers

Q1. If I wanted to build an application that included graph visualization, I would have to build that visualization from scratch.

  1. True
  2. False

A. False. While many applications benefit from a customized visualization solution, there are a number of solutions and libraries out there that can help you. At a minimum, these libraries and/or solutions will provide you with a baseline from which you can start.

Q2. The three basic graph visualization forces used in many tools are:

  1. Gravity, Obesity, Charge
  2. Springs, Gravity, Charge
  3. Charge, Gravity, Verbosity

A. Springs, Gravity, Charge.

Q3. The well-know effect of data visualizations containing too much information, so much so that the user gets confused and cannot see the wood for the trees, is often referred to as:

  1. The forest effect
  2. The loading effect
  3. The fireworks effect

A. The fireworks effect.

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