SLAs (Service Level Agreements) are a feature in ServiceNow that allows you to set and track a set of expectations surrounding the delivery of a given service. For example, if the user submits a given Service Request or an Incident, the SLA engine in ServiceNow can fire based on a set of conditions, and alert the assignee, their manager, or any specified user or group.

SLA Definitions can be found under Service Level Management | SLA | SLA Definitions:


Let's start by creating an SLA for our Virtual War Rooms, so we can ensure that they're addressed as quickly as possible.

  1. Start by navigating to the SLA Definitions module of the application navigator as defined above.
  2. At the top of the list of SLA Definitions, click on New.
  3. For the Name field, enter Virtual War Room Work Start.
  4. Make sure that the Type field, if it is on your SLA Definition form, is set to SLA.
  5. Set the Table field to Virtual War Room [u_virtual_war_room] so that the SLA will only trigger on records in our Virtual War Rooms table.


    Pro Tip

    If you have a record that operates on a particular table which is extended by others, it will operate on all tables that extend it as well. Be aware of this fact, when creating records like SLAs and Business Rules on tables that extend, or may be extended by, other tables.

  6. The workflow that's selected by default, will be Default SLA workflow. This is fine for now. However, you can modify SLA workflows just like any other workflow!
  7. Check the Enable logging toggle.
  8. Set Duration to 3 hours, and set Schedule to 8-5 weekdays excluding holidays.
  9. On the Start condition tab, you can set Start condition to State is Open, and set Cancel condition to State is Closed Skipped.
  10. On the Stop condition tab, set Stop condition to State is Work in Progress.
  11. Right-click on the header, then click Save.

Now, if you create a new Virtual War Room record, the default state (Open) will trigger the SLA to fire. The SLA workflow will run, and fire off notifications or other events according to how you've configured it. By default, it just sends out a few notifications after 50%, 75%, and 100% of the duration has elapsed.

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