


used, for interactivity 279, 281

actions, used in Tableau

filter actions 281, 283, 284, 285

Go to Sheet actions 288

highlight actions 285, 286

parameter actions 289, 290

set actions 290

types 279

URL actions 287, 288

active fields (in the view fields) 5

addressing 18, 19, 20

working with 22, 23, 24

ad hoc calculations

ad hoc custom territories 21, 22, 23, 24

advanced visualizations 338

aggregare calculations

versus row-level calculations 149, 150, 151, 153

aggregate calculations 130, 143, 144, 146, 147

aggregations 452, 468, 470, 472, 473

Amazon RDS 58


enhancing, with animation 357, 358

animated visualizations 357


analysis, enhancing with 357, 358

data storytelling, enhancing with

approach 253

area charts 117, 118, 119


background images

data, plotting on 28

bar chart 79, 80, 81

variations 81

bar charts 16, 18

iterations, for deeper analysis 18, 20, 21

bar chart, variations

bar-in-bar chart 88, 89, 90, 92, 93

bullet chart 82, 84, 85, 87

calling, out thresholds 87, 88

categories of interest, highlighting 93, 94

bar-in-bar chart 88, 89, 90, 92, 93

box plots 124, 126

brushing 297

BUFFER() function 19, 21

bullet chart 82, 84, 85, 87

bump chart 340


Calculated Field 130

calculations 130

aggregate calculations 130

analysis, enhancing 162, 164

business requirements, meeting

creating 131, 132

editing 132

level of detail calculations 130

performance considerations

practical examples 157

row-level calculations 130

table calculations 130

user experience, enhancing 162, 164

visualizations, enhancing 162, 164

canvas 5

Cartesian product 466

choropleth maps. See  also filled map

circle charts 122, 123


used, for identifying relationships within data 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 333

combination charts

used, for visualizing relationship between two measures

Confidence Interval 336

connection 48

context filtering 272

continuous field 12, 15

continuous (green) fields



showing and hiding, automatically

creating and editing calculations interface

features 132, 134

cross-data source filtering

cross join 465

custom date format string options

reference link 237

custom SQL

Custom SQL Filters 76

custom table calculations

lookup and previous value function 27

meta table functions 25

rank functions 31

running functions 28, 30

script functions 32

Total functions 32

window functions 30

writing 24

custom territories

ad hoc custom territories 21, 22, 23, 24

creating 21

field-defined custom territories 24, 25

options 21


dashboard 5


interface 38

multiple visualizations, using 38

using 38

dashboards 252

approaches 253, 254

definition 252

designing, in Tableau 254

displays and devices, designing 275, 277, 278, 279

objectives 252, 253

profitability 259

reference link 253

stories feature, using

dashboards, designing in Tableau

objects 255, 256

objects, manipulating 258, 259

tiled, verus floating 256, 257

dashboards, profitability

actions, implementing to guide story 268, 270, 272

context filtering 272, 273, 274, 275

dashboard framework, creating 264, 265, 266, 267

views, building 259, 260, 262, 264


connecting 48, 49

connecting, in cloud 58, 60, 61, 62

connecting, in file 49, 51, 52, 53

connecting, on server 53, 54, 55

extending 159, 160

extracts, using 56, 58

filtering 76

filtering, in Tableau Prep 40, 41

plotting, on background images 28

shortcuts, for connecting 62, 64

structuring, for Tableau 442, 443

data blending


need for

using 437, 439

data highlighter 340

data highlighters 286

Data Interpreter feature 460

data issues

fixing 158, 159

data model

data problems

advanced fixes

Data Roles 27

data sampling 15

data scaffolding

data source 48

Data Source Filters 76

data source metadata

managing 64, 65, 67

data storytelling

enhancing, with animation

data transformations 451

data types 135

Boolean 135

Date 135

Number (decimal) 135

Number (whole) 135

String 135

data variations

planning for 143

data visualization 15

building, foundations 7

continuous field 11, 12, 15

dimensions field 7, 9, 10

discrete field 11, 12

measures field 7, 9

Show Me, using 34, 36, 37

data visualization types

bar charts 16

geographic visualizations 28

line charts 22, 23, 25

date and time

variations, visualizing 100, 101, 102



dates and times

visualizing 96

dates parts

relating, to whole 107

visualizing 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

dates parts, relating to whole

area charts 117, 118, 119

pie chart 120, 121

stacked bars 107, 108, 109, 110, 112

treemaps 112, 114, 117

date values

visualizing 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

density maps 33, 34

dimensions field

versus measures field 9

dimension tables 450

direction 12, 13, 14

options 12

working with 14

discrete (blue) fields


discrete fields 11, 12

DISTANCE() function 17, 19


analyzing 336


analyzing 333

dual axis

used, for visualizing relationship between two measures

dual-axis map 20

dumbbell chart 348, 350

dynamic set 290, 291


exact dates

visualizing 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

example data 136, 138

exclude level of detail calculations 6


exponential model 318

exporting 527, 528

Extract Filters 76


creating 69, 71, 72, 73

performance 73, 74

portability and security 74

types 73

use cases 75

using 75

working with 68, 69


fact tables 450

field-defined custom territories 24, 25

field-level formatting 232, 234

additional options 246, 248, 249

Annotate option 248

custom date formatting 236, 237, 239

custom number formatting 234, 236

Drop Lines option 248

null formatting 239, 240, 242, 244, 246

Titles and Captions option 248

file-based data sources

Adobe PDF 49

extracts 49

JSON file 49

local cube file 49

Microsoft Access 49

Microsoft Excel 49

spatial file 49

statistical file 49

text file 49

filled map 28, 29, 30

filter actions 281, 283, 284, 285

filtering options

fixed level of detail calculations 5, 6

examples 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19

fixed set 292, 293

forecasting models


foreign key 450


in Tableau 223

formatting levels 224

dashboard level 224

data source level 224

rich-text formatting 224

story level 224

workbook level 224

worksheet level 224

functions 136

Date 134

Logical 134

Number 134

Pass Through 134

Spatial 134

String 134

Table calculation 134

Type Conversion 134

User 134


Gantt charts 103, 105, 106

geographic visualizations 28

density maps 33, 34

filled maps 28, 29, 30

symbol maps 30, 31, 32

types 28

geospatial data

latitude and longitude, including 10, 11

spatial objects, leveraging 11, 13, 14

using 9, 10

Google BigQuery 58

Google Sheets 58

Go to Sheet actions 288

granularity 443


highlight actions 285, 286

histograms 126, 127


include level of detail expressions 6

alternative approaches 22

examples 19, 20, 21

inner joins 451

Interquartile Range (IQR) 125


jittering 123, 124

join calculation 433, 435

join, consideration

cross-database join 435, 436

join calculation, using 433, 435

unintentional duplication, of data 436, 437

join culling 451

joins 452, 464, 465, 466, 467

considerations 433

full-outer 425

inner 422

left 423

need for

right 424

spatial 426, 427

types 422

using 422

using, for joining tables 427, 429, 430, 431, 433

jump lines 344


Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) 254

k-means clustering 327


late filtering. See  also table calculation filtering

level of detail calculations 130

level of detail calculations (LOD calcs) 5

exclude level of detail expressions 6

fixed level of detail 5

fixed level of detail calulations 6

include level of detail expressions 6

syntax 5

types 5

level of detail (LOD)

illustration 7, 8, 9

overview 2, 3, 4

Level of Detail (LOD) 15, 421

Level of Detail (LOD) calculations 473

linear 344

linear model 315

line charts 22, 23, 25, 26

iterations, for deeper analysis 26, 27, 28

time series 22

linking fields 439

live connections 451

logarithmic model 317

lookup and previous value function 27, 28


MAKELINE() function 16, 17

MAKEPOINT() function 16, 17

Marimekko chart 353, 355, 356

reference link 357

Mark Animation 357

measures field

versus dimensions field 9

Mekko chart 353

metadata 64

meta table functions 25

First 25

Index 25

Last 25

Size 25

Microsoft SQL Azure 58

multiple axes

visualizing, to compare different measures


nested calculations 142

nesting 142

non-Cartesian 117


ODBC connection 48

OnLine Analytical Processing (OLAP) 2

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) 442

operators 136


parameter actions 289, 290

partitioning 18, 20

working with 22, 23, 24

Performance Recorder 44

pie charts 120, 121

pivots 452, 453, 454, 455, 458

polynomial model 320

PowerPoint 524

power trend model 319

Presentation mode 524

presenting 524

printing 524, 525, 526, 527

proportional brushing 297


statistics model, integrating with 326, 327


quick table calculations 6, 8



reference link 326

statistics model, integrating with 326, 327

rank functions 31

regional scorecard dashboard 297, 299, 300, 301


versus fixed 8, 12

REST API 529, 539

running functions 28, 30


Salesforce 58


used, for visualizing relationship between two measures

scope 12, 13, 14

of table calculations 13

options 12

working with 14, 15, 16, 18

script functions 32

set actions 290

dynamic set 290, 291

example 293, 294, 295, 297

fixed set 292, 293

types 290

sheet 5

sheet selection 366

sheet swapping 366

basic principles 366

using, to modify views on dashboard 367, 369, 371, 373, 374

Show/Hide buttons 359, 360, 362, 363, 365, 366

Show Me

using 34, 37

slope chart 338, 339

Snowflake 58

Sparklines 346, 348

spatial functions

BUFFER() function 19, 21

DISTANCE() function 17, 19

leveraging 14, 15, 16

MAKELINE() function 16, 17

MAKEPOINT() function 16, 17

spatial objects

leveraging 11, 13, 14

stacked bars 107, 108, 109, 110, 112

star schemas 448, 450, 451

statistical model

exporting 324, 325, 326

integrating, with R 326, 327

statistics model

integrating, with Python 326, 327

status bar 5

step lines 344

stories feature


story 5

superstore 2

surrogate key 450

symbol maps 30, 31, 32


tabcmd utility 529, 539


dashboards , designing in 254

data, structuring for 442, 443

formatting, using 223

mapping, tips and tricks 25, 26, 27

used, for connecting to data 2, 4, 5, 7

well-structured data 444

Tableau Data Interpreter 454

Tableau data model

behaviors 417, 419, 420, 421, 422

creating 407, 409, 411, 413

data pane interface 416, 417

exploring 407

layer 414, 415

layers 413

need for

using 415

Tableau data model, layers

logical layer 413

physical layer 413

Tableau Desktop users

used, for sharing workbook 529, 530

Tableau Hyper API 48

reference link 69

Tableau maps

layers, customizing 5, 6, 7

options, customizing 8, 9

overview 2

rendering 2, 4

Tableau Mobile app 537

Tableau Online 531, 532

distribution options 539

publishing to 534, 535, 536

Tableau Online Sync Client 533

Tableau paradigm 42

example 43, 44, 46, 48

Tableau Prep

aggregate step 8

aggregations 31, 36, 37, 38, 39

calculations 31

cleaning options 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31

clean step 7

data, cleaning 20

data, connecting 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19

data, filtering 40, 41

data, transforming for analysis 43, 46, 48

fundamental paradigm 6, 7, 10

grouping options 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31

input step 7

join step 8

level of detail (LOD) calculations 32, 33, 34, 35

mismatched fields, merging 22

options, for automating flows

output step 8

pivot step 8

row-level calculations 31, 32

Union pane 20

union step 8

unnecessary fields, removing 22, 23

Tableau Prep Builder 2

download link 2

interfaces 3, 5, 6

Tableau Prep Conductor

Tableau Public 531, 532

publishing to 533, 534

Tableau Query Language (TQL) 42

Tableau Reader

using 530, 531

Tableau Server 531, 532

distribution options 539

interacting with 537, 538, 539

publishing to 535, 536

Tableau�s geographic database

definitions, importing into 11

Tableau workbook 5

table calculation

filtering 3

fixed 10

performance 3

relative 8

table calculation examples

dynamic titles with totals

year over year growth, analyzing 33

table calculation filtering 3

table calculations

aggregation 3

computing 8

creating 4

editing 4

examples 32

overview 2

performing 3

tall data 444, 445

versus wide data 445, 446, 447, 448

time series 22

title 5


Viz in Tooltip

Total function 32

transformations 451

treemaps 112, 114, 117

trend lines

customizing 309, 311, 313, 315

trend models 315

analyzing 321, 322, 323

exponential model 318

linear model 315

logarithmic model 317

polynomial model 320

power trend model 319

statistical model, exporting 324, 325, 326

statistics model, integrating with Python 326, 327

statistics model, integrating with R 326, 327

trends 304, 305, 306, 307, 309

elements 306

two-pass total technique 473


unions 452, 458, 459, 460, 462, 463

creating 460, 461

unit chart 351, 352, 353

URL actions 287, 288



comparing 78

view 5

View Level of Detail 20

visible fields 72

visualization considerations 222

audience 222

consistency 223

goal 222

mode 222

mood 222

setting 222



value, adding to 249

visualize a distribution

circle charts 122, 123

jittering 123, 124

visualizing distributions 121

box plots 124, 126

histograms 126, 127

whisker plots 124, 126

Visual Query Language (VizQL) 42

Viz in Tooltip


waterfall chart 342, 343

web data connector 48

well-structured data

in Tableau 444

whisker plots 124, 126

wide data 444

versus tall data 445, 446, 447, 448

Window functions 30

workbook-level formatting 224, 225

worksheet level

additional formatting 224

field-level formatting 224

sheet formatting 224

worksheet-level formatting 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232


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