To Kristine: Without your love and support, this book never would have happened. To my father and mother, for not killing me when I deserved it and loving me when I didn’t.


Stephanie, thank you for your effort and sacrifice, which made this book possible. You remind me every day how strong our love is by the things you do. Sarah and Shannon, thanks for being such sweet daughters and understanding when daddy had so much homework. Mom and Dad, thanks for buying me that Vic 20 back in high school to get me started.


Bonnie, my love, thank you for your understanding, sacrifice, and “word-smith” brilliance without which I would still be sitting under that tree in the back yard trying to figure out how to make task_struct flow into a discussion of threads. Steve, Robert, and Greg, you guys are the best. Mom and Dad, thanks for the love you’ve shown and the incredible work ethic that you have instilled.


Kristen, thank you for giving up so many weekends in order to make this effort successful. I also wish to thank my parents and brothers Robert Jr., Steve, and Chris, for being understanding as I missed several family outings in 2005 while working on this endeavor.


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