

abs, 15, 395

acos, 15, 395

acot, 15, 395

all, 182, 399

and, 181, 399

anonymous function, 231

ans, 19, 394

any, 182, 399

arithmetic operations with scalars, 11


addition, subtraction, 64

addressing, matrix, 43

addressing, vector, 42

creating, 35

division, 68

element-by-element operations, 72

multiplication, 65

one-dimensional (vector), 35

two-dimensional (matrix), 39

Array Editor Window, 97

arrow key, 10

asin, 15, 395

assignment operator, 16

atan, 15, 395

axis, 147, 398


BackgroundColor, 147

bar, 152, 397

bar3, 331, 397

barh, 152, 397

break, 202, 399


case, 189, 399

cd, 24, 394

ceil, 16, 395

clc, 10, 394

clear, 19, 394

close, 158, 394

collect, 354, 399

colon symbol, 44

Color, 137, 147

colormap, 328, 398

Command History Window, 6, 10

Command Window, 6, 9

comment, 10

conditional statement

if-else-end, 186

if-elseif-else-end, 187

if-end, 184

continue, 202, 399

contour, 330, 397

contour3, 330, 397

conv, 265, 399

cos, 15, 395

cosh, 15, 395

cot, 15, 395

coth, 15, 395

cross, 77, 396

Current Directory Window, 23

current directory, 22

curve fitting

exponential function, 271

logarithmic function, 271

power function, 271

reciprocal function, 271

curve fitting interface, 278

curve fitting, 261, 267

cylinder, 331, 397


deconv, 265, 399

det, 70, 77, 396

determinant, 70

diag, 50, 396

diff, 363, 400

differential equation, 303, 366

differentiation, symbolic, 363

disp, 101, 396

display formats, 12

dot, 66, 77, 396

double, 352, 400

dsolve, 367, 400


EdgeColor, 147

Editor Window, 7

Editor/Debugger Window, 21

element-by-element operations, 72

ellipsis, 10

else, 186, 399

elseif, 187, 399

end, 184, 189, 193, 197, 399

eps, 19, 394

equation, solving, 295, 348, 358

equations, set of linear, 71

error bars, 150

errorbar, 151, 397

escape character, 104

exp, 14, 395

expand, 355, 400

exporting data, 114

eye, 40, 68, 396

ezplot, 369, 400


factor, 355, 400

factorial, 15, 395

fclose, 109, 394

feval, 238, 398

fid (file identifier), 108

Figure Window, 7

Figure Windows (multiple), 157

figure, 158, 394

find, 182, 399

findsym, 353, 400

fix, 15, 395

floor, 16, 395

fminbnd, 298, 398

FontAngle, 147

FontName, 147

FontSize, 147

FontWeight, 147

fopen, 108, 394

for, 193, 399

format, 13, 394

formatting text, 145, 146

fplot, 140, 397

fprintf, 103110, 396


anonymous, 231

function functions, 234

function handle, 235

nested functions, 242

subfunctions, 240

user-defined, 221

function file

creating, 222

function definition line, 224, 225

H1 line, 226

help text lines, 226

input/output arguments, 224

saving, 227

structure, 223

using, 228

function, built-in, 14

fzero, 296, 398


global variables, 227

global, 227, 394

Greek characters, 146

grid, 148, 328, 398

gtext, 145, 398


handle (function), 235

Help Window, 7

help, 226

help, 226, 394

hist, 154156, 397

histograms, 153156

hold off, 142, 397

hold on, 142, 397


i, 19, 394

identity matrix, 68

if, 184, 399

Import Wizard, 116

importing a function, 237

importing data, 114

indefinite loop, 198

inf, 19, 394

input a string, 100

input, 99, 396

int, 365, 400

integration, numerical, 300

integration, symbolic, 365

interp1, 276, 399


cubic spline, 276

linear, 276

nearest, 276

interpolation, 274

inv, 69, 77, 396

inverse, matrix, 69

iskeyword, 19, 394


j, 19, 394


least squares, 268

left division, 70

legend, 145, 398

length, 49, 396

line, 143, 397

linestyle, 137

LineWidth, 147

linewidth, 137

linspace, 38, 396

load, 112, 396

log, 15, 395

log10, 15, 395

logical array, 176

logical operator, 179

logical vectors, 178

loglog, 149, 397

lookfor, 226, 394


for-end, 192

nested, 200

while, 197


marker, 137

markeredgecolor, 137

markerfacecolor, 137

markersize, 137


adding elements, 47

deleting elements, 48

determinant, 70

identity, 68

inverse, 69

size of, 39

max, 76, 396

mean, 76, 396

median, 76, 396

mesh, 327, 328, 397

meshc, 329, 397

meshgrid, 325, 397

meshz, 329, 397

M-file, 21, 231

min, 76, 396

modifiers, text, 146

multiple Figure Windows, 157


NaN, 19, 394

nested functions, 242

nested loops, 200

not, 181, 399

nthroot, 14, 395

number format, 105


ode113, 304, 398

ode15s, 305, 398

ode23, 304, 398

ode23s, 305, 398

ode23t, 305, 398

ode23tb, 305, 398

ode45, 304, 398

ones, 40, 396

or, 181, 399

order of precedence, 11, 178, 180

otherwise, 189, 399

output commands, 100

output to a file, 108


passing a function, 237

percent symbol, 10

pi, 19, 394

pie, 153, 397

pie3, 332, 397


axis label, 144

axis range, 147

bar plot (3-D), 331

bar plot, 152

color specifiers, 136

contour plot (2-D), 330

contour plot (3-D), 330

cylinder, 331

error bars, 150

formatting, 144148

grid for 3-D plot, 325

grid, 148

histograms, 153156

legend, 145

line (3-D), 323

line specifiers, 135, 137

logarithmic axes, 149

marker specifiers, 136

mesh (3-D), 327

mesh and contour plot (3-D), 329

mesh curtain plot (3-D), 329

mesh plot (3-D), 328

multiple graphs in a plot, 141144

multiple plots on a page, 157, 159

pie charts, 153

pie plot (3-D), 332

Plot Editor, 148

plot viewing direction (3-D), 333

polar grid, 332

polar plot, 156

properties, 136

scatter plot (3-D), 332

special graphics, 152

specifiers, 136

stair plot, 152

stem plot (3-D), 332

stem plot, 152

surface plot (3-D), 327, 329

surface with lighting plot (3-D), 330

symbolic expression, 369

text, 145

three-dimensional, 323

title, 144

waterfall plot (3-D), 330

plot, 134, 397

plot3, 323, 397

Plots Toolstrip, 159

plotting a function, 139141

pol2cart, 333, 397

polar plot, 156

polar, 156, 397

poly, 264, 399

polyder, 266, 399

polyfit, 269, 399


addition, 264

derivative, 266

division, 265

MATLAB representation, 261

multiplication, 265

roots, 263

value of, 262

polyval, 262, 399

pretty, 357, 400

property name, 137, 146

property value, 137, 146


quad, 300, 398

quadl, 301, 398


rand, 77, 78, 396

randi, 78, 79, 396

randn, 79, 396

random numbers, 77

randperm, 78, 396

relational operator, 176

rem, 16, 395

reshape, 49, 396

right division, 71

roots, 263, 399

Rotation, 147

round, 15, 395


save, 111, 396

saving the workspace, 111

scatter3, 332, 397

script file

creating, 21, 222

input to, 97100

output from, 100110

running, 22

saving, 22

script file, 20

semicolon, 10, 17

semilogx, 149, 397

semilogy, 149, 397

sign, 16, 395

simple, 357, 400

simplify, 356, 400

sin, 15, 395

sinh, 15, 395

size, 49, 396

solve, 358, 400

sort, 76, 396

sphere, 331, 397

sqrt, 14, 395

stairs, 153, 397

std, 77, 396

stem, 153, 397

stem3, 332, 397

stopping indefinite loop, 198

string, input, 100

strings, 5355

subfunctions, 240

subplot, 157, 398

subs, 372, 400

subscript, 146

sum, 76, 396

superscript, 146

surf, 327, 329, 397

surfc, 329, 397

surfl, 330, 398

switch, 189, 399

switch-case statement, 189

sym, 348, 400

symbolic math

default variable, 353

differential equation solution, 367

differentiation, 363

equation solving, 358

expression, 350

integration, 365

numerical calculations with, 372

object, 348

plotting expression, 369

variable, 349, 350

syms, 350, 400


table, display, 86, 102

tan, 15, 395

tanh, 15, 395

text modifiers, 146

text, 145, 398

title, 144, 398

Toolstrip, 5, 159

transpose operator, 41

trapz, 302, 398

truth table, 183


uiimport, 116, 396



defining, matrix, 3941

defining, scalar, 16

defining, vector, 3638

global, 227

local, 226

name, 18

predefined, 19


adding elements, 46

constant spacing, 37, 38

creating, 36

deleting elements, 48

vectorization, 75

view, 333, 398


waterfall, 330, 398

while, 197, 399

who, 20, 96, 394

whos, 20, 96, 394

Workspace Window, 97

workspace, 96


xlabel, 144, 398

xlsread, 114, 396

xlswrite, 115, 397

xor, 182, 399


ylabel, 144, 398


zeros, 40, 396

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