
First, I would like to thank my amazing husband Shane for all his patience. They say opposites attract, and that is definitely true as far as patience is concerned.

To everyone on the SharePoint911 team, thank you so much for all of your hard work during these busy times for John Ross and me. Thanks especially to Chris Caravajal for all of your help.

To John Ross, it has been a pleasure working with you on this book, even when I was stressed and worried how we would finish this and everything else we had going on.

To the crew at the Ted Pattison Group, thank you for the opportunity to teach and coauthor the course this book was based on, SAB301 Building Enterprise Solutions with SharePoint Server 2007.

And last but certainly not least, thank you to the team at Cengage Learning and our technical editor Paul Galvin. Your efforts to ensure the book was understandable and correct did not go unnoticed. You are probably reading this paragraph now and cringing. Thanks again to everyone.

—Nicola Young

This book was the product of many individuals, both directly and indirectly. I’d like to thank my coauthor, Nicola Young. It has been quite a journey since we first decided to write this book back in the middle of 2008. Thanks for helping to keep me sane with all of the various projects we were juggling, including this book.

A big thanks to Shane Young for giving me a chance to work with the fantastic team at SharePoint911. You guys are the best, and I can’t think of a better group of people to call my coworkers. A special thanks to Jennifer Mason for all of her help. I don’t know how I could have done it without all of your efforts. I am truly grateful.

Thanks to the team at Cengage Learning for giving us the opportunity to write this book. To Jen Blaney and Karen Gill, thanks for putting up with us! To our technical editor Paul Galvin, thanks for keeping us honest. Without all of your hard work, this book wouldn’t have been possible.

I would like to especially thank my wife Vanessa for being so supportive and understanding through the long book-writing process. I promise not to write any more books if you are pregnant. I love you, schmoops!

To my family and friends, thanks for putting up with me in general.

Finally, I’d like to say thanks to Randy Drisgill for helping to keep me sane. If you can track down The Mossman, please thank him as well. Weird how I never see you two together.

—John Ross

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