Praise for
Tips and Tales from the Workshop

“Gareth Branwyn is the Tip Master. He scours the workshops of the world for practical, time-saving, life-altering tips to help you make stuff better, faster, and cheaper. This book rounds up the best ones he knows.”

Kevin Kelly, creator of Cool Tools and Wired Senior Maverick

“Gareth has essentially created a magic book for makers.”

—Donald Bell, Maker Project Labs

Tips and Tales from the Workshop is sure to inspire anyone to get making with newfound ease and satisfaction. This book embodies the spirit of great mentors, across every medium, and imparts a wizard-like cleverness to its readers. I thought I was clever, and this book has already prevented at least a dozen new mistakes in my studio. It’s ‘ah-ha’ moment overload!”

Becky Stern, DIY guru and Instructables content creator

“It must be hard to write a book like this with such uncommon clarity and in so entertaining a fashion as Gareth Branwyn has done here. Gareth clearly has a deep understanding of making and those who make because he is a maker himself. Tips and Tales from the Workshop is jam packed with invaluable information; it is both a fun read and a reliable shop reference for any do-it-yourselfer.”

—Andy Birkey, YouTube maker

Tips and Tales from the Workshop is so darned good, I’m kind of mad that Gareth Branwyn didn’t write it decades ago. How could I have been ignorant all of these years of such tremendously clever and useful tips? One of the best ways to learn is by watching others ply their craft. With its wonderful illustrations, stories, and connections to the past, this book is a bit like being invited to peek over the collective shoulders of generations worth of makers doing what they know and love. This book will have a special place in my workshop, where I’m certain I’ll be flipping through it for years to come.”

John Park, maker at Adafruit Industries, and former host of Make: TV

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