Tips Credits

The following handymen and -women were the source for many of the tips in this book. Some of the tips came from project videos or instructional articles that they posted online, some were submitted to me directly, and some came from conversations I had with them.

All of these people are amazing makers and almost all of them have websites and YouTube channels. Do a search. Having all of these people on your radar will yield an ongoing and inspired feed of great shop tips, techniques, and project ideas.

AA = Antron Argaiv

AB = Andy Birkey

AL = Andrew Lewis

AW = April Wilkerson

BD = Bobby Duke

BC = Bob Clagett

BH = Ben Heck

BK = Bob Knetzger

BL = Brad Libby

BL2 = Bill Livolsi

BN = Barb Noren

BS = Becky Stern

CAW= Chris Akiba Wang

CL= Caroline Lewis

CP = Charles Platt

CS = Craig Smith

DB = Donald Bell

DFJ = Dirt Farmer Jay

DN = Dug North

DP = Dave Picciuto

DR = Dustin Roberts

DW = Dale Wheat

FI = Frank Ippolito

GM = Geoff Meston

JB = Jordan Bunker

JB2 = Jay Bates

JD = Jimmy DiResta

JEP = John Edgar Park

JFK = James Floyd Kelly

JN = Jim Newton

JvS = Jake von Slatt

JW = James Wright

KB = Kent Barnes

LB = Lee Bolden

HitD = Hurr it’s the Durr

IS = Izzy Swan

LDO = Linn Darbin Orvar

MC = Michael Colombo

MG = Matt Griffin

MG2 = Matthew Gryczan

MO = Michael Overstreet

MSK = Meredith Scheff-King

MV = Miguel Valenzuela

NDB = Niall De Buitlear

NF = Nick Ferry

RH = Ross Hershberger

RS = Reid Schlegel

SH = Scott Haun

SH2 = Steve Hobley

SMR = Sean Michael Ragan

SR = Steve Roberts

SW = Scott Wadsworth

TA = Tim Anderson

TH = Taylor Hill

TS = Tim Slagle

TS2 = Tim Sway

TW = Tyler Winegarner

TW2 = Tilly Walnes

WO = Windell Oskay

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