Page references followed by fig indicate an illustrated figure.

actions, 136–138, 144, 147, 151–154. See also choice, connection, and competence actions

Adam’s story, 95–97

advocating for justice, 146–149

agentic tendency, 127

airport security story, 152–154

aliens in Mall of America story, 47

aligned motivational outlook, 49fig–50, 59–63, 69–70

aneurysm story, 79–81

Anya’s story, 51

“Art of Persuasion, The” program, 107

authentic life, 135–138

bad habit story, 70–71

Barry’s story, 56–57

beliefs, 74–75, 158. See also credo

(“I believe”) belonging, 33, 36

blaming others, 25, 27

blaming Sam story, 76–78

Blanchard, Ken, 98, 159–162

blouse story, 54–55

Brenda’s story, 85–87

Brett’s story, 38–39

Buford, Bob, 161

busyness fatal distraction, 135–138

Calla’s story, 104–105

change, 150, 151–158


concerns, questions, and ways to create, 24–29, 60–71, 75–76, 155

stories on making, 70–77, 79–81

choice, connection, and competence actions

eroding, 19fig, 20

stories on, 11–14, 82–90, 98–104

strategies for creating, 8–10, 15–16, 19fig, 22, 68–70, 81–82, 142

three scientific truths on, 8–9 See also actions

collaborative spontaneous moments, 109–111

competence, 37–42, 69–71, 156

connection, 30–36, 69–71, 145–146, 156

credo (“I believe”), 80–85. See also beliefs

death and renewal cycle, 157–158

Deborah’s story, 72–73

Deci, Edward, 2, 58, 66, 127

developed values, 61–63, 72, 74

dieting motivation, 98–102, 120–124

discipline as red flag, 22

disconnecting from busyness, 135–138

disinterested motivational outlook, 49fig, 52–53, 69–70

Dobie’s story, 37–38

Drea (author’s husband), 92, 98–102

Eileen’s story, 106–108

espoused values, 71–72

external motivational outlook, 49fig–50, 53–55, 69–70, 161–162. See also rewards/incentives

extrinsic motivation, 2, 3, 19

fatal distractions, 126–138, 161. See also work hazards

fears, 115

feedback, 39, 142–146, 148–149

feelings and mindfulness, 92–97

flipping the feedback, 142–146, 160

Forest, Jacques, 134

Frankl, Viktor, 25–26

freedom vs. choice, 25–26

Gandhi, 25, 62–63

Gina’s story, 116–117


creating choice, connection, and competence to achieve, 22, 39, 75–76, 104–105, 146

motivation to pursue, 2, 3, 9, 65–67

Wells Fargo Bank scandal due to unrealistic, 147

gratitude, 80, 152–154

Halftime (Buford), 161

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 125

happiness, 128–135, 161

Heckler, Lou, 66

“How to Write a Business Plan” seminar, 107

I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban (Yousafzai), 10

identifying your outlook

author on mastering her own motivation by, 151

introduction to, 47–48fig, 89fig

Master Your Motivation web page on, 67

as motivation skill action, 44fig

three optimal motivational outlooks, 49fig, 50–51, 59–67

three suboptimal motivational outlooks, 49fig–50, 51–57

what science says about, 58

imposed motivational outlook, 49fig–50, 55–57, 69–70, 113–114

“in the zone,” 65

incentives. See rewards/incentives

inherent motivational outlook, 49fig–51, 65–67, 69–70

Instagram, 30

integrated motivational outlook, 49fig–51, 63–65, 69–70

intrinsic motivation, 2, 3, 19, 65–67

Ivan’s story, 82–85

Josie’s story, 88–90

journaling, 123

“Judge-Your-Neighbor Worksheet, The,” 118

judgments, 117–120

Judith’s story, 76–78

junk food motivation, 15, 21–23, 116–117

justice advocation, 146–149

Katie, Byron, 117–120

Ken Blanchard Companies, The, 162

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 25

know yourself, 125–126

Kondo, Marie, 41

kung fu story, 93–94

Langer, Ellen, 91

Leading at a Higher Level (Blanchard), 162

Lee’s story, 64–65

listening, 136–137, 142–146, 160

loneliness, 34–35

Louise’s story, 113, 115

Major League Baseball players, 130

Mandela, Nelson, 25

Man’s Search for Meaning (Frankl), 25–26

Mark’s story, 102–104

Marty’s story, 113, 114–115

Maslow, Abraham, 2, 79

Master Your Motivation web page on change, 158

on creating choice, 29

on creating competence, 45

on fatal distractions, 138

on identifying your motivational outlook, 67

on reflecting on your outlook, 111

on shifting your motivational outlook, 87, 125

mastering motivation stories, 132, 135, 151–154

materialism, 128–132, 161

#MeToo movement, 25

mindfulness, 91–108, 123, 158

mindlessness, 91–92

minister for loneliness (UK, 2018), 34–35

Missy’s story, 145–146

Mitchell, Stephen, 118


extrinsic, 2, 3, 19

intrinsic, 2, 3, 19, 65–67

junk food, 15, 21–23, 116–117

stories on mastering, 132–135, 151–154

understanding the nature of, 1, 17–21, 43–45

motivation science on fatal distractions, 127

on identifying your motivational outlook, 58

on mindfulness, 97

on motivational outlooks, 44fig, 47–49

on optimal motivation, 20

on pursuit of material wealth, 129–130

on self-determination theory, 14–16

on the Spectrum of Motivation model, 48–49fig, 69–70

three scientific truths of, 5–36

motivation skills

“identify your outlook” action to build, 44fig, 47–67, 48fig, 151

Judith’s story on applying, 76–78

“reflect on your outlook” action to build, 44fig, 47–48fig, 88–108, 153–154

“shift your outlook” action to build, 44fig, 47–48fig, 68–87, 151–153

motivation theories

number of discredited, 1–2

self-determination theory (SDT), 2, 14–16

Spectrum of Motivation model, 49fig, 69–70

motivational outlooks

identifying your, 44fig, 47–67, 48fig, 89fig, 151

reflect on your, 44fig, 47–48fig, 68–87, 88–108, 109–111, 153–154

shift your, 44fig, 47–48fig, 88–108, 89fig, 151–153

National Basketball Association players, 130

New One Minute Manager, The (Blanchard), 162

Nick’s story, 21–22

obsessive passion, 135–136

One Minute Praisings, 159–160

optimal motivation, 19fig–20

optimal motivational outlooks

aligned, 49fig, 50, 59, 60–63

inherent, 49fig, 51, 59–60, 65–67

integrated, 49fig, 50–51, 59, 63–65

looking deeper into, 59–60

stories on, 98–102, 106–108, 120–123

outlooks. See motivational outlooks

Panama City Beach human chain story, 110–111

Patricia’s story, 120–123

Phil’s life credo story, 79–81

physical sensations, 94

Polonius (Hamlet character), 125

Potato Chip Rock photo op (Poway, CA), 31–33

psychological junk food, 15

“psychological vitamins,” 15–16

purpose, 64–65, 80, 137

reshifting stories, 98–102, 106–108, 120–123

reflecting on your outlook

author’s mastering her own motivation using, 153–154

introduction to, 44fig, 47–48fig, 89fig

Master Your Motivation web page on, 111

mindfulness for, 90–92, 98–106

stories on, 88–90, 102–111

reflecting on your outlook,

reframing a task story, 104–105

reticular activation, 9–10

rewards/incentives, 49fig–50, 53–55, 58, 139–142, 161–162. See also external motivational outlook

Rocio’s story, 148–149

Roland’s story, 70–71

Ryan, Richard, 2, 127

Science Says. See motivation science

Second Secret of the One Minute

Manager–One Minute Praisings, 159–160

self-actualization, 78–79

self-awareness, 74–75, 124–125

self-determination theory (SDT), 2, 14–16

shifting barriers, 113–125

shifting your outlook

introduction and strategies on, 44fig, 47–48fig, 68–75, 78–85, 89fig

Master Your Motivation web page on, 87, 125

stories on, 76–87, 151–153

Simmons, Derek, 110

Simmons, Jessica, 110–111

singer’s audition story, 39

Skinner, B. F., 2

smoking stories, 70–71, 115

social media, 30–31

Spectrum of Motivation model, 49fig, 69–70

Spiros’s story, 124–125

Stacy-Diane story, 11–14

“state of flow,” 65

suboptimal motivation, 19fig, 20–22, 127

suboptimal motivational outlooks

disinterested, 49fig, 52–53

external, 49fig–50, 53–55

imposed, 49fig, 50, 55–57, 113–114

rewards as a work hazard and form of, 139–142

swimmers’ human chain rescue story, 110–111

thriving, 8–9, 14–15

tree limb story, 109, 111

unplanned moments, 67

value statements, 71–72


aligned motivational outlook based on, 59

aligning actions and choices with, 70–76, 124, 147

all beliefs are, 75

developed, 61–62, 72, 74

espoused, 71–72

materialistic, 128–132, 161

programmed, 61

stories on, 56–57, 72–73

understanding the source of your, 74–75

used to break through fears, 115

vegetarianism, 43–44, 62–64

video gaming addiction, 33–34

Wells Fargo Bank scandal, 147

“What Do You Value?” exercise, 71–74

Why Motivating People Doesn’t Work … and What Does (Fowler), 4

willpower red flag, 22

work hazards, 49fig–50, 53–55, 58, 139–143. See also fatal distractions

“Work, The” process of inquiry, 117–120

workplace, 142–149, 160

World Health Organization, 33

Yousafzai, Malala, 10, 25

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