Related Topics


Graphs similar to undirected graphs but which contain hyperedges. Hyperedges are edges that connect an arbitrary number of vertices. In general, most operations and algorithms for graphs, such as the ones described in this chapter, can be adapted to work with hypergraphs as well.


Graphs similar to undirected graphs but which allow multiple edges between the same two vertices. As with hypergraphs, in general, most operations and algorithms for graphs can be adapted to work with multigraphs as well.

Adjacency-matrix representation

A graph representation that consists of a V × V matrix, where V is the number of vertices in the graph. If an edge exists between two vertices u and v, we set a flag in position [u, v ] in the matrix. An adjacency-matrix representation is typically used for dense graphs, in which the number of edges is close to the number of vertices squared. Although the interface presented in this chapter may appear to reflect the specifics of an adjacency-list representation, there are things we could do to support this interface for an adjacency-matrix representation as well, thus keeping the details of the actual implementation hidden.

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