Questions and Answers

Q: One of the difficulties with pointers is that often when we misuse them, our errors are not caught by the compiler at compile time; they occur at runtime. Which of the following result in compile-time errors? Which of the following result in runtime errors? Why?


char *sptr = "abc",*tptr;
*tptr = sptr;


char *sptr = "abc",*tptr;
tptr = sptr;


char *sptr = "abc",*tptr;
*tptr = *sptr;


int *iptr = (int *)10;
*iptr = 11;


int *iptr = 10;
*iptr = 11;

f )

int *iptr = (int *)10;
iptr = NULL;

A: a) A compile-time error occurs because when we dereference tptr, we get a character, whereas sptr is a pointer to a character. Thus, the code is trying to assign a character pointer to a character, which is a type conflict. b) No error occurs because both tptr and sptr are character pointers. c) A runtime error is likely to occur because no storage has been allocated for tptr. When we dereference tptr, we cannot be sure where it points. d) A runtime error is likely to occur because assigning an integer pointer a fixed address is dangerous. When dereferencing iptr, we try to write 11 at address 10, which is probably invalid. e) A compile-time error or warning occurs because the code is trying to initialize an integer pointer to an integer, which is a type conflict. f ) No error occurs because although the code first performs the dangerous step of initializing iptr to a fixed address, it is then immediately reset to NULL, which is valid.

Q: Recall that calculations with pointers are performed using pointer arithmetic. If p contains the address 0x10000000, what address does the following expression access? How many bytes are accessed at this address?

*(p + 5)

A: The answer to this question depends on the type of p. Recall that when we add an integer i to a pointer p, the result is not the address stored in p plus i bytes, but the address in p, plus i times the number of bytes in the datatype p references. Since the question does not state p ’s type, it is not possible to determine the address accessed as a result of the expression. The type of p is also required to determine how many bytes p accesses. Therefore, it is also impossible to determine the number of bytes accessed.

Q: The operation list_rem_next removes an element from a linked list (see Chapter 5). If iptr is an integer pointer we would like set to an integer removed from a list, how might we call list_rem_next as an alternative to the approach presented in the chapter? A prototype for the function is shown here, where list is the list, element references the element preceding the one to remove, and upon return, data references the data removed.

int list_rem_next(List *list, ListElmt *element, void **data);

A: An alternative way to call list_rem_next is shown here. In this approach, iptr is cast to a void pointer instead of a pointer to a void pointer. This method is acceptable because void pointers are compatible with all others. However, our original approach is clearer because it is consistent with the prototype of list_rem_next.

retval = list_rem_next(&list, element, (void *)&iptr);
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