Installation and configuration

In the beginning, we need to provide two Azure Active Directory applications that will be used to delegate the correct permissions to the Azure B2B sample portal. To do this, take the following steps:

  1. Navigate to your Azure portal,, and the Azure AD blade.
  1. Click on Properties and copy the directory ID to a notepad, as follows:
Getting directory ID
  1. Click on App registrations and add a new app, like the following:
Configuring app properties
  1. Click on Settings on the newly created app.
  2. Navigate to Required permissions.
  3. Click on Add and select the Microsoft Graph.
  4. Click on Select permissions and enable the following permissions:
    • Application permissions:
      • Read and write directory data
      • Read and write all users' full profiles
    • Delegated permissions:
      • Sign in and read user profile, as follows:

Configuring required permissions
  1. After you have added the Microsoft Graph API and configured the permissions, click on Grant permissions, as follows:

Permission granting procedure
  1. Navigate to the Keys section.
  2. Provide a key description and choose expires in 2 years.
  1. Click on Save and copy the key value to your notepad, as follows:
Key generation
  1. Next, copy the Application ID to your notepad, as follows:

App ID gathering
  1. Now, we can create the second app for the pre-authentication.
  1. Use the following values:

Pre-auth app configuration
  1. Under Settings | Properties, choose Multi-tenanted as Yes, as follows:

Multi-tenant option enabled
  1. Click on Required permissions and add the Microsoft Graph API.
  2. Assign the following permissions:
    • Delegated permissions: Sign in and read user profile

  3. Don't forget to press the Grant permissions button.
  4. Next, we need to generate an app key, like we did for the first app.
  5. Copy the key value to your notepad.
  6. Copy the Application ID to your notepad.
  1. Click on Manifest, as follows:

App manifest configuration options for advanced topics
  1. We need to change the oauth2AllowImplicitFlow value to true, as follows:

OAuth flow option
  1. Now, we can start to deploy our web application to Azure.
  2. Click on Deploy to Azure, as follows:
Example of portal deployment to Azure
  1. Use the values from your notepad and fill, them in as follows:

Azure AD B2B portal deployment options
  1. Wait until the deployment process is done.
  2. Navigate to the App Service section on the Azure portal.
  1. Copy the URL to your B2B Portal application, as follows:

App deployment result
  1. Edit each of your Azure AD apps and change the Homepage and Reply URL.

All done. Now we can start to use the portal and build some example processes.

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