Spring modules

The Spring framework is modular, allowing developers to use only the needed modules provided by the framework. The complete list of this modules can be found on https://spring.io/projects. The following table summarizes some of the most important ones:

Spring project



Spring Framework

Provides core support for DI, transaction management, web applications (Spring MCV), data access, messaging, and so on.

Spring IO Platform

Brings together the core Spring APIs into a cohesive and versioned foundational platform for modern applications.

Spring Boot

Simplifies the creation of standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications with the minimal configuration. It follows the convention-over-configuration approach.

Spring Data

Simplifies data access by means of comprehensive APIs to work with the relational databases, NoSQL, map-reduce algorithms, and so on.

Spring Cloud

Provides a set of libraries and common patterns for building and deploying distributed systems and microservices.

Spring Security

Provides customizable authentication and authorization capabilities for Spring-based applications.

Spring Integration

Provides a lightweight, POJO-based messaging for Spring-based applications to integrate with external systems.

Spring Batch

Provides a lightweight framework designed to enable the development of robust batch applications for operations of enterprise systems.

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