JUnit 5 community

The source code of JUnit 5 is hosted on GitHub (https://github.com/junit-team/junit5). All modules of the JUnit 5 framework have been released under the terms of the open source license EPL v1.0. There is one exception to this rule, since the module called junit-platform-surefire-provider (described later) has been released using Apache License v2.0.

The roadmap of the JUnit development (https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/wiki/Roadmap) and the definition and status of the different releases and milestones (https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/milestones/) are public on GitHub. The following table summarizes this roadmap:

Phase Date Release

0. Crowdfunding

From July 2015 to October 2015

1. Kick off

From October 20 to 22, 2015


2. First prototype

From October 23, 2015 to the end of November 2015


3. Alpha version

February 1, 2016

5.0 Alpha

4. First milestone

July 9, 2016

5.0 M1: Stable, documented IDE-facing APIs (Launcher API and Engine SPI), dynamic tests

5. Additional milestones

July 23, 2016 (5.0 M2)

November 30, 2016 (5.0 M3)

April 1, 2017 (5.0 M4)

July 5, 2017 (5.0 M5)

July 16, 2017 (5.0 M6)

5.0 M2: Bugfix and minor improvement release

5.0 M3: JUnit 4 interoperability, additional discovery selectors

5.0 M4: Test templates, repeated tests, and parameterized tests

5.0 M5: Dynamic containers and minor API changes

5.0 M6: Java 9 compatibility, scenario tests, additional extension APIs for JUnit Jupiter

6. Release candidate (RC)

July 30, 2017

July 30, 2017

August 23, 2017

5.0 RC1: Final bug fixes and documentation improvements

5.0 RC2: Fix Gradle consumption of junit-jupiter-engine

5.0 RC3: Configuration parameters and bug fixes

7. General availability (GA)

September 10, 2017

5.0 GA: First stable release


The JUnit 5 contributors are more than just developers. Contributors are also testers, maintainers, and communicators. At the time of writing, the top JUnit 5 contributors on GitHub are:

  • Sam Brannen (@sam_brannen): Core Spring Framework and JUnit 5 committer. Enterprise Java Consultant at Swiftmind. Spring & JUnit trainer. Conference speaker.
  • Marc Philipp (@marcphilipp): Senior Software Engineer on LogMeIn, active contributor to open source projects such as JUnit or Usus. Conference speaker.
  • Johannes Link (@johanneslink): Programmer and software therapist. JUnit 5 supporter.
  • Matthias Merdes: Lead Developer at Heidelberg Mobil GmbH, Germany.
Top JUnit 5 contributors on GitHub

The following list provides a collection of online JUnit 5 resources:

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