Third-party extensions

In the real world, extensions typically implement several of the previously explained extension points. For example, SpringExtension (explained in detail in chapter 5, Integration of JUnit 5 with external frameworks) implements the extensions points BeforeAllCallback, TestInstancePostProcessor, ParameterResolver, among others. The following snippet provides the structure of SpringExtension:

package org.springframework.test.context.junit.jupiter;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.*;

public class SpringExtension implements BeforeAllCallback,
TestInstancePostProcessor, BeforeEachCallback, AfterEachCallback,
BeforeTestExecutionCallback, AfterTestExecutionCallback,
ParameterResolver {

public void afterTestExecution(TestExtensionContext context)
throws Exception {
// implementation

// Rest of methods
A list of existing JUnit 5 extensions (for example, Spring, Selenium, Docker, and others) is maintained by the community in the wiki located in the GitHub site of the JUnit 5 team: Some of them are also detailed in chapter 5, Integration of JUnit 5 with external frameworks.
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