JUnit 4

JUnit 4 is still an open source framework, though the license changed with respect to JUnit 3, from CPL to Eclipse Public License (EPL) Version 1.0. The source code of JUnit 4 is hosted on GitHub (https://github.com/junit-team/junit4/).

On February 18, 2006, JUnit 4.0 was released. It follows the same high-level guidelines than JUnit 3, that is, easily define test, the framework run tests independently, and the framework detects and report errors by the test.

One of the main differences of JUnit 4 with respect to JUnit 3 is the way that JUnit 4 allows to define tests. In JUnit 4, Java annotations are used to mark methods as tests. For this reason, JUnit 4 can only be used for Java 5 or later. As the documentation of JUnit 4.0 stated back in 2006:

The architecture of JUnit 4.0 is a substantial departure from that of earlier releases. Instead of tagging test classes by subclassing junit.framework.TestCase and tagging test methods by starting their name with 'test', you now tag test methods with the @Test annotation.
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