Legacy tests with Maven

The following is the image we want to run the  legacy test (JUnit 4 in this case) inside the JUnit Plaform:

package io.github.bonigarcia;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.junit.Test;

public class LegacyJUnit4Test {

public void myFirstTest() {
String message = "1+1 should be equal to 2";
assertEquals(message, 2, 1 + 1);


To that aim, in Maven, we first need to include the old JUnit 4 dependency in our pom.xml, as follows:


Then, we need to include maven-surefire-plugin, using the following dependencies for the plugin: the Test Engine (junit-vintage-engine) and the Test Launcher (junit-platform-surefire-provider):


The execution from the command line will also be using the command mvn test:

Running Legacy tests with Maven
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