Standard tests in JUnit 4

In JUnit 4, the @Test annotation (contained in package org.junit) represents a test. Any public method can be annotated with @Test to make it a test method.

In order to set up the test fixture, JUnit 4 provides the @Before annotation. This annotation can be used in any public method. Similarly, any public method annotated with @After gets executed after each test method execution. JUnit 4 provides two more annotations to enhance the test life cycle: @BeforeClass and @AfterClass. They are executed only once per test class, before and after all tests, respectively. The following picture depicts the life cycle of a JUnit 4 test case:

JUnit 4 test life cycle
@Before and @After can be applied to any public void methods. @AfterClass and @BeforeClass can be applied to only public static void methods.

The following table summarizes the main differences between JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 seen so far:

Feature JUnit 3 JUnit 4
Test definition testXXX pattern @Test annotation
Run before the first test Not supported @BeforeClass annotation
Run after all the tests Not supported @AfterClass annotation
Run before each test Override setUp() method @Before annotation
Run after each test Override tearDown() method @After annotation
Ignore tests Not supported @Ignore annotation

The org.junit.Assert class provides static methods to carry out assertions (predicates). The following are the most useful assertion methods:

  • assertTrue: If the condition becomes false, the assertion fails and AssertionError is thrown.
  • assertFalse: If the condition becomes true, the assertion fails and AssertionError is thrown.
  • assertNull: This checks whether the argument is null, otherwise throws AssertionError if the argument is not null.
  • assertNotNull: This checks whether the argument is not null; otherwise, it throws AssertionError
  • assertEquals: This compares two objects or primitive types. Moreover, if the actual value doesn't match the expected value, AssertionError is thrown.
  • assertSame: This supports only objects and checks the object reference using the == operator.
  • assertNotSame: This is the opposite of assertSame.

The following snippets provide a simple example of a JUnit 4 test case. As we can see, it is the equivalent test case as seen in the previous section, this time using the JUnit 4 programming model, that is, using @Test annotation to identify tests and other annotations (@AfterAll, @After, @BeforeAll, @Before) to implement the test life cycle (setup and teardown test fixture):

package io.github.bonigarcia;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;

import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;

public class TestSimple {

// Phase 1.1: Setup (for all tests)
public static void setupAll() {
System.out.println("<Setup Class>");

// Phase 1.2: Setup (for each test)
public void setupTest() {
System.out.println("<Setup Test>");

// Test 1: This test is going to succeed
public void testSuccess() {
// Phase 2: Simulation of exercise
int expected = 60;
int real = 60;
System.out.println("** Test 1 **");

// Phase 3: Verify
assertEquals(expected + " should be equals to "
+ real, expected, real);

// Test 2: This test is going to fail
public void testFailure() {
// Phase 2: Simulation of exercise
int expected = 60;
int real = 20;
System.out.println("** Test 2 **");

// Phase 3: Verify
assertEquals(expected + " should be equals to "
+ real, expected, real);

// Phase 4.1: Teardown (for each test)
public void teardownTest() {
System.out.println("</Ending Test>");

// Phase 4.2: Teardown (for all test)
public static void teardownClass() {
System.out.println("</Ending Class>");

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