
Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations.


AAA model, 434

AAM (Automated Availability Manager), 396397


block zeroing, 320

full copy, 320

VAAI, 652

Acceleration Kits, 2122

accepteula command, 36

access control lists (ACLs), 448

access ports in VLANs, 190, 212

access to hosts, 441448, 445447

accounting in AAA model, 434

ACLs (access control lists), 448

Actions tab for alarms, 674


iSCSI initiators, 332335, 333335

VMs, 508509

active-active storage systems, 292294

Active Directory

integration, 440441

permissions for, 463464

settings, 97

SSO with, 460461

vCO, 740741

on virtual appliances, 462463

Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM), 73

Active LACP mode, 265

active-passive storage systems, 292293


CNAs, 28, 300

Distributed Switches, 252257, 252, 254257

HBAs, 294

LACP, 267, 267

SCSI, 483

virtual, 364367, 365

adaptive schemes in storage design, 376377

Add And Manage Hosts wizard

adapters, 252254, 254

Distributed Switches, 237239, 237

Add-DeployRule cmdlet, 44

Add-EsxSoftwareDepot command, 43

Add Features Wizard, 392

Add Host Wizard, 104105, 105, 112

Add Networking wizard, 203, 252253

Add New Role dialog box, 451, 452

Add New User dialog box, 435436

Add Physical Adapters To the Switch dialog box, 219, 219

Add Send Target Server dialog box, 334

Add Storage dialog box, 656

Add Storage Adapter dialog box, 332335, 333335

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), 382

--addvmportgroup parameter, 36

administration, vSphere Client, 62

Administration settings, 123124


description, 451

passwords, 535

vCenter Server, 467

Admission Control and Admission Control Policy settings, 401404, 403

Advanced IP Allocation dialog box, 557, 558

Advanced layout in performance graphs, 681683, 682683

Advanced Runtime Info dialog box, 414

Advanced settings

NFS datastores, 353, 353

vApps, 557, 558

vCenter Server, 111, 123


CPU, 583, 586587


creating, 645

host, 646649, 647649

Agent VM settings, 109


HA, 397398

host, 470

vCenter Server, 109

VM, 109

aggregate capacity, 11

AHCI adapters, 365

Alarm Settings dialog box, 672


creating, 671677, 673, 675, 677

managing, 677679, 678679

overview, 669670

range and frequency, 674677, 675, 677

resource consumption, 671674, 673

scopes, 670

SDRS, 658, 658

vCenter Server, 469

Alarms privilege, 469

alerts, 694


virtual disks, 361

VM filesystems, 524

All Issues section, 108

Allocate Space For Host Cache option, 614

allocation. See resource allocation

Allow Connections From Any IP Address setting, 446

ALUA (Asymmetric Logical Unit Access), 293, 315

anti-affinity rules, 645646


storage devices, 319324, 321322

VADP, 16, 422424

vCenter Server, 63

Append A Numeric Value To Ensure Uniqueness option, 534

Application layer in HA, 380, 380

arbitrated loop (FC-AL) Fibre Channel, 295

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), 382


architectures, 284286

auto-tiering, 604

data protection, 424425

midrange and enterprise, 292294

RAID, 286290, 287288, 290

thin provisioning, 371372

Assign A New Signature option, 346

Assign Permissions dialog box, 452453, 453, 464


storage I/O shares, 607608, 607608

VMFS datastore capability, 343344, 343

Asymmetric Logical Unit Access (ALUA), 293, 315

asymmetric storage systems, 293

asynchronous replication, 426

atomic test and set (ATS), 320

Attach Baseline Or Group dialog box, 154155

attaching baselines, 153156, 154156


in AAA model, 434

Active Directory integration, 440441

CHAP, 302303

local users and groups, 435439, 437438

overview, 434

in security model, 450

vCenter Server, 5760, 110, 460464

vCO, 739741

vSphere Client, 61

VUM, 136

Authentication Proxy tool, 185

Authentication Services setting, 110

authorization in AAA model, 434

Auto Deploy, 3940, 40, 185

image profiles, 43

privileges, 469

rules, 4445, 45

server installation, 4042, 42

Stateful mode, 47

Stateless Caching mode, 46, 46

TFTP and DHCP configuration, 42

auto-tiering arrays, 604

Automated Availability Manager (AAM), 396397

automatic rollbacks, 243

Automatically Log On As The Administrator option, 535

Automatically Select Datastores Accessible From The Host option, 412

automation, 709

benefits, 709710

DRS behavior, 641642, 641642

options, 710711, 710

Perl, 733736

PowerCLI. See PowerCLI

SDRS settings, 657658, 657658

vCenter, 732733

vCLI, 729731

VM restart, 395, 396

workflows. See vCenter Orchestrator (vCO)

AutoPlay dialog box, 511

AutoRun dialog box, 511

availability. See High Availability (HA)

Average Bandwidth value, 229230


backend databases in vCenter Server, 68, 75

ODBC DSN, 7980

Oracle, 7577

SQL Server, 7778, 78

vApp, 96


before upgrades, 168

VMs, 422424, 422

ballooning, memory, 570571


array storage, 286

NFS datastores, 354

traffic shaping, 229230, 230

bare-metal hypervisors, 4


upgrade, 167171, 170

VUM, 144

attaching, 153156, 154156

creating, 149153, 150152

Baselines And Groups settings, 143, 144

beacon-probing failover-detection, 225, 226

Bind With VMkernel Network Adapter dialog box, 333, 334

bitmaps in vMotion, 618621, 619, 621

block sizes in VMFS, 311312

block zeroing, 320

blue screen of death (BSOD), 176

boot options for unattended installation, 3738

--bootproto parameter, 36

boundaries in vMotion, 629

Browse option, VMs, 498

BSOD (blue screen of death), 176

built-in alarms, 677

built-in roles, 468

Burst Size value, 229230

business continuity, 421

data protection, 421425, 422

disaster recovery, 425426

BusLogic controllers, 365366


Cache Configuration setting, 110111

cache memory, 285286


PowerCLI, 717718, 725729

storage devices, 279, 343344, 343

capacity of storage devices, 308, 372, 375376

Capacity Planner, 500501

capturing performance data, 698

CBT (Changed Block Tracking), 423

CD/DVD drives, 483

CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), 259260

CEE (Converged Enhanced Ethernet), 300


FT, 415

replacing, 459

vCenter Server, 98

vCO, 743

Challenge Authentication Protocol (CHAP), 302303

Change EVC Mode dialog box, 632634, 632633

Changed Block Tracking (CBT), 423

CHAP (Challenge Authentication Protocol), 302303

Chart Options dialog box, 683684, 683684

CPU usage, 684, 700703

disk usage, 706707

memory, 685, 702703

network usage, 704705

settings, 691

charts. See graphs, performance

Check Imbalances Every setting, 659

CIM (Common Information Management), 40

Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP), 259260

Cisco Nexus 1000V switch, 269

Cisco switches, 229

CLI access control, 441444

Client, 78

authentication, 61

mapping to optical disks, 506

post-installation, 4750, 48

Clone Existing Virtual Machine Wizard, 538540

Clone To Template option, 541

Clone vApp Wizard, 561

Clone Virtual Machine wizard, 538, 539


vApps, 561562


overview, 531532

steps, 538541, 539540

to templates, 542544, 544

cluster across boxes, 384

failover clusters, 392393

first cluster nodes, 388391, 389391

overview, 386388, 387

second cluster nodes, 391392

cluster in a box, 384386, 385

Cluster Issues area, 414

clusters, 381

CPU affinity, 586

datastore, 652656, 653655

DRS. See Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)

EVC, 631632, 631633

FT, 415

HA, 414

NLB, 382, 382

retrieving hosts in, 733735

unbalanced, 404

vCenter Server, 105106

WFC. See Windows Failover Clustering (WFC)

cmdlets, 712, 718719

CNAs (converged network adapters), 28, 300

command-line options, 205

Common Information Management (CIM), 40

community VLANs, 262


PowerCLI, 718

vMotion, 629634, 630633

Compatibility Guide, 2628, 27

compression, memory, 571

Configuration tab for VUM, 145147, 145146

Configure Management Network menu, 51, 200, 200

Configure Network screen, 536

Configure Replication dialog box, 429430, 429

Configure With Default Settings options, 96

congestion threshold setting, 606

Connect At Power On option, 507

Connect-VIServer cmdlet, 43, 717, 719720


iSCSI, 303

PowerCLI, 719720

consolidated communities of VMs, 282

constraints, replication, 428

Content Area in Web Client, 98

contention, resource, 609

continuity, business, 421

data protection, 421425, 422

disaster recovery, 425426

continuous availability. See Fault Tolerance (FT)

controllers for virtual SCSI adapters, 366

Converged Enhanced Ethernet (CEE), 300

Converged Network Adapters (CNAs), 28, 300

Convert To Template option, 541542

copies of VMFS datastore, 346

Copy-VMGuestFile cmdlet, 716

core dump redirects, 179180, 180

cores, CPU, 492

counters, performance

CPUs, 684685

datastores, 689

disks, 686687

issues, 673

memory, 685686, 702

networks, 687

selection, 683684

Storage Path, 690

system, 687688

CPU Fairness counter, 690

CPU Identification Mask dialog box, 630, 631

CPU Ready counter, 700

CPU Usage In MHz (Average) counter, 700

CPU Used (%USED) counter, 697


affinity, 583, 586587

cores, 67, 492

hot-adding, 522

limits, 584585

masking, 629630, 630631

performance graphs, 684685

reservations, 584, 584, 595596

shares, 585587

sockets, 522, 523

storage processors, 284, 292293, 295, 299

summary, 587588

usage, 581582

default allocation, 582

monitoring, 697701

resource pools for, 590597, 590, 592595

vMotion, 625

VMs, 483, 492

Create A New Data Source Wizard, 136

Create A New Virtual Disk option, 495

Create A New VM Storage Policy dialog box, 326

Create Cluster Wizard, 392393

Create New Data Source To SQL Server dialog box, 80

Create New Group dialog box, 436

Create New Virtual Machine option, 489

Create Resource Pool dialog box, 590

CREATE USER statement, 76

criteria, baselines, 150, 150

Critical Host Patches baseline, 158

custom roles, 451452

Customization Specification Manager, 533534, 534

customization specifications in vCenter Server, 533537, 534536

Customize Using An Existing Customization Specification option, 545

Customize Using The Customization Wizard option, 545


Data Center Bridging (DCB) effort, 299

Data Path Module (DPM), 269270

data protection, 421

arrays, 424425

VM backups, 422424, 422

VMware Data Protection, 424

data source name (DSN), 75, 7981, 132, 136137

Database page, 122

databases and database servers

vCenter Server, 72, 72

configuring, 75

ODBC DSN, 7980

Oracle, 7577

selecting, 6870

settings, 122

size estimates, 121

SQL Server, 7778, 78

VUM, 133134, 135

Datacenter Ethernet (DCE), 300

Datacenter privilege, 470

datacenters in vCenter Server, 103104

Datastore Browser for virtual disks, 487

Datastore Capabilities dialog box, 604

DataStore Cluster dialog box, 658660, 659

Datastore Cluster privilege, 470

datastore clusters, 604, 652656, 653655

Datastore Consumer role, 468, 472

DataStore Edit Cluster dialog box

overrides, 662, 663

schedule evaluation, 663, 663

schedules, 660661, 661

datastore heartbeating, 411412, 412

Datastore ISO File option, 506

Datastore privilege, 470

Datastore Storage Reports settings, 362


vs. datastore clusters, 604

NFS. See Network File System (NFS) datastores

performance graphs, 689

VMFS. See Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) datastores

Datastores And Datastore Clusters inventory view, 610

DCB (Data Center Bridging) effort, 299

DCE (Datacenter Ethernet), 300

DCUI (Direct Console User Interface), 199, 335, 441443

dedicated vs. shared uplinks, 331

Default VM Compatibility setting, 109


CPU allocation, 582

gateways, 204

roles, 450451

vApp power settings, 559

VUM port settings, 138

defense in depth, 448

Define Failover Capacity By Reserving A Percentage Of The Cluster Resources option, 402403

Define Failover Capacity By Static Number Of Hosts option, 402

deflating process, 570


alarms, 677

local users and groups, 439

snapshots, 527

VMkernel ports, 206

VMs, 519

delta disks, 527

demilitarized zones (DMZs), 260261

Deploy From Template Wizard, 544, 544

Deploy OVF Template dialog box, 92, 92, 546549, 546550

Deploy Virtual Machine From This Template option, 544


with Auto Deploy, 3947, 40, 45

interactive installation, 3135, 3134

planning, 2530, 27

post-installation configuration, 4754, 48, 5051, 53

unattended installation, 3539

vCenter Operations Manager, 692693

vCenter Server virtual appliance, 9197

VMs from templates

OVF, 546548, 546550

steps, 544545, 544


customization specifications, 534

snapshots, 525, 525

Destination Folder screen, 139140, 139140

Detach Baseline dialog box, 155156, 156

detaching baselines, 155156, 155156

deterministic events, 415

Device Manager, 511

DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

configuring, 42

IP addresses, 34, 39, 557

differencing disks, 527

Direct Console User Interface (DCUI), 199, 335, 441443

dirty memory, 620, 621

disabling SDRS, 656, 657

disaster recovery, 425426

Disconnect-VIServer cmdlet, 720

discovery in iSCSI, 303

Disk Node option, 498, 498

Disk Provisioning options, 496, 496

Disk Read Rate counter, 706

Disk Usage (Average, Rate) counter, 706

Disk Write Rate counter, 706


array storage, 285286

performance graphs, 686687

resxtop statistics, 698

usage monitoring, 705707

virtual. See virtual disks

Distributed Power Management (DPM), 110, 130, 147

Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)

FT with, 420421

Fully Automated behavior, 642643, 643

Manual behavior, 641642, 641642

overview, 1011, 640641

Partially Automated behavior, 642

resource utilization, 618

rules, 644645, 644

host affinity, 646649, 647649

per-VM DRS, 649651, 650

VM affinity, 645

VM anti-affinity, 645646

Storage. See Storage DRS (SDRS)

with VUM, 130

Distributed Switch privilege, 470

Distributed Switches, 234

adapters, 252257, 252, 254257

Cisco Nexus 1000V, 269

creating, 234239, 235238

ESXi Dump Collector, 179

Health Check, 241242, 243

importing and exporting configurations, 243244

LACP, 263268, 264268

managing, 240241

NetFlow, 257259, 258259

port groups, 244251, 245, 247251

private VLANs, 260263, 261263

removing, 240

removing hosts from, 239240, 239

security, 270276, 271274

switch discovery protocols, 259260, 260

third-party, 268270

virtual networks, 189

Distributed Virtual Port (dvPort) Group privilege, 471

DMZs (demilitarized zones), 260261

Do Not Customize option, 545

Domain Naming System (DNS), 103

Download Schedule settings, 145146

Download Settings section, 145, 145

downstream VLANs, 261

downtime, planning for, 172

DPM (Data Path Module), 269270

DPM (Distributed Power Management), 110, 130, 147


balloon, 570571

paravirtualized, 191

DRS. See Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)

DSN (data source name), 75, 77, 7981, 132, 136137

DTP (Dynamic Trunking Protocol), 193, 229

dvSwitches. See Distributed Switches

dynamic baselines, 144

dynamic discovery, 303

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

configuring, 42

IP addresses, 34, 39, 557

Dynamic Trunking Protocol (DTP), 193, 229


e1000 virtual adapters, 191, 192, 494

eagerly zeroed disks, 361, 361, 418, 418419, 543

Edge Virtual Bridging (EVB), 270

Edit Cluster dialog box

HA, 412, 412

SDRS, 657658, 657658

Edit Cluster Settings dialog box, 409410, 410

Edit Congestion Threshold dialog box, 606

Edit Health Check Settings dialog box, 243

Edit Multipathing Policies dialog box, 345, 345

Edit NetFlow Settings dialog box, 258, 258

Edit Network dialog box, 536, 536

Edit Role dialog box, 457

Edit SDRS Rule dialog box, 662

Edit Settings dialog box

LACP, 264, 264, 268, 268

load balancing, 224

port groups, 248250, 249251

resource pools, 601, 601

SDRS rules, 661662

storage policies, 367368, 369

uplink groups, 265

vFlash Cache, 612, 613

virtual disks, 363364, 364365

Virtual Switches, 275

Edit Storage DRS Settings Wizard, 656, 657, 660

Edit TCP/IP Stack Configuration dialog box, 208209, 208

Edit User dialog box, 437

Edit vApp Settings dialog box, 555558, 556, 559


alarms, 677

local users and groups, 437439, 438

port groups, 246250, 247251

roles, 457458

vApps, 555559, 556559

VMkernel ports, 206

Editing Multipathing Policies dialog box, 298, 298

editions, 1822


SMTP Server notifications, 146

vCenter Server, 674

Enable CPU Hot Add For This Virtual Machine option, 522

Enable Host Monitoring option, 401, 401

Enable I/O Metric For SDRS Recommendations option, 658

Enable VM Storage Policies dialog box, 343344, 343, 368, 368


HA, 399401, 400401

SDRS, 656, 657

SIOC, 604606, 605

vFlash Cache, 611613, 612613

End User License Agreement (EULA)

ESXi, 32

vCenter Server virtual appliance, 9596

engines, 292

Enhanced vMotion Compatibility (EVC), 415, 630634, 631633

Enter A Name In The Clone/Deploy Wizard option, 534

Enterprise Acceleration Kit, 22

Enterprise Edition, 1921

Enterprise Plus Acceleration Kit, 22

Enterprise Plus Edition, 1921

enterprise storage array design, 292294

EPTs (Extended Page Tables), 570

Essentials Kits, 2122

ESX Agent Manager privilege, 470

ESX Host/Cluster Settings section, 146147

esxcfg-vswitch cmdlet, 729730

esxcli command, 192, 205208, 211, 313, 321322

ESXi Dump Collector, 175176, 176

core dump redirects, 179180, 180

testing, 181

on vCSA, 176177, 177

on Windows server, 178179, 178

ESXi firewall, network access via, 444448, 445447

ESXi hosts. See hosts

ESXi Images section, 148

esxtop utility, 696

esxupdate tool, 175

EtherChannel, 224

EULA (End User License Agreement)

ESXi, 32

vCenter Server virtual appliance, 9596

evaluation schedule in SDRS, 663, 663

EVB (Edge Virtual Bridging), 270

EVC (Enhanced vMotion Compatibility), 415, 630634, 631633

Events in vCenter Server, 108, 113, 113114

Events tab in VUM, 147148, 148

Execute Disable (XD) feature, 625

Execute Workflow option, 747

Existing Hard Disk option, 496

Expandable option, 595596

Export Configuration dialog box, 243244

Export-CSV cmdlet, 721

Export-EsxImageProfile cmdlet, 44

Export OVF Template dialog box, 550


Distributed Switch configurations, 243244

performance graphs, 691692

system logs, 124126, 125126

vCO configuration, 741742

VMs as OVF template, 549550, 550

Extended Page Tables (EPTs), 570

Extended Statistics feature, 321

Extension privilege, 470

extensions, scanning for, 158

extents in VMFS, 311, 311, 338339

external connectivity for storage arrays, 284

external workloads and SOIC, 610611


“Failed to connect to VMware Lookup Service” message, 94


cluster across boxes, 392393

configuring, 225229, 226228

hosts, 403

NFS datastores, 352353

settings, 410411

failover groups, 219

Failure Interval setting, 410411

Failure Window setting, 410411

fan-in ratio, 302

fastpass functionality, 730732

Fault Domain Manager (FDM), 14, 396397

Fault Tolerance (FT)

DRS, 420421

with HA, 420

implementing, 415421, 417419

overview, 1516, 15

use cases, 421

VUM, 130, 147

Fault Tolerance (FT) Traffic resource pool, 599, 599

FC-AL (arbitrated loop) Fibre Channel, 295

FC-P2P (point-to-point) Fibre Channel, 295

FC-SW (switched) Fibre Channel, 295, 296

FCoE (Fibre Channel over Ethernet), 28, 296

LUNs via, 329330

overview, 299300, 299

FCoE Initialization Protocol (FIP), 300

FDM (Fault Domain Manager), 14, 396397

feature support for storage devices, 308

Fibre Channel, 28

LUNs via, 327328

overview, 294299, 295296, 298

Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), 28, 296

LUNs via, 329330

overview, 299300, 299

Files screen for VMs, 507

filesystem alignment, 524

FIP (FCoE Initialization Protocol), 300

Firewall Properties dialog box, 445

Firewall Settings dialog box, 445446, 446


network access via, 444448, 445447

VUM, 133

--firstdisk parameter, 36

fixed baselines, 144

Fixed paths, 314315

Flash Read Cache, 1718

flash storage, 611

Swap to Host Cache, 613615, 614

vFlash Cache, 611613, 612613

flat disks, 360, 361

Flexible virtual NICs, 495

FlexMigration, 630

floppy drives, 483, 521

Folder Of Files (OVF) format, 550

Folder privilege, 470

forged transmits, 272276, 272274

frequency setting for alarms, 674677, 675, 677

FT. See Fault Tolerance (FT)

full copies, hardware-accelerated, 320

Full File Clone functionality, 321

Fully Automated mode

DRS, 642643, 643

SDRS, 657660


gateway boot option, 38

--gateway parameter, 36

gateways, default, 204

GbE (Gigabit Ethernet) networks

fan-in ratio, 302

vMotion, 626

General settings for vCenter Server, 120123, 121

Generate New Security ID (SID) option, 537

Get-Cluster cmdlet, 714715, 728

Get-Command cmdlet, 718

Get-Credential cmdlet, 720

Get-DeployRuleSet cmdlet, 44

Get-EsxImageProfile command, 43

Get-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet, 717

Get-Folder cmdlet, 723

Get-Help cmdlet, 717, 719

Get-Log cmdlet, 719

Get-Member cmdlet, 713

Get-NetworkAdapter cmdlet, 723

Get-PolicyCLIHelp cmdlet, 717

Get-ResourcePool cmdlet, 724

Get-Snapshot cmdlet, 723

Get-Variable cmdlet, 714

Get-VICommand cmdlet, 717719

Get-View cmdlet, 725

Get-VIServer cmdlet, 717

Get-VM cmdlet, 712713, 719, 723

Get-VMGuest cmdlet, 719, 724

Get-VMHost cmdlet, 721723

Getting Started tab in vCenter Server, 98

Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) networks

fan-in ratio, 302

vMotion, 626

Global Information column for Web Client, 99

Global privilege, 470

granting permissions, 452454, 452454

granularity of roles and privileges, 450

Graphics setting in vCenter Server, 110

graphs, performance, 679

Advanced layout, 681683, 682683

CPUs, 684685

datastores, 689

disks, 686687

exporting, 691692

intervals, 691

memory, 685686

metrics and counters selection, 683684

networks, 687

Overview layout, 679681, 680681

settings, 691, 691

Storage Path, 690

system, 687688

Group Lookup Base setting, 741


authenticating, 435439, 437438

baseline in VUM, 153156, 154156

creating, 435439, 437

deleting, 439

editing, 437439, 438

permissions, 463464

port, 244

adding, 205206

creating, 245246, 245, 247

editing, 246250, 247251

PVLANs, 262263, 263

removing, 251

Standard Switches, 195, 195

virtual networks, 190

in security model, 450


degradation from, 585

plans for, 566567

Guest Customization page, 532

Guest Customization Spec Wizard, 538, 539

guest operating systems, 504509, 505, 507, 570

Guest Shutdown setting, 559, 560


HA. See High Availability (HA)

hard disks. See disks; virtual disks


upgrades, 157, 171173

vCenter Server, 6668, 67

VMs, 171173, 520524, 520521, 523

hardware acceleration

block zeroing, 320

full copy, 320

VAAI, 652

hardware-assisted locking, 320

Hardware Compatibility Guide (HCG), 2628, 27

Hardware Status section, 108

Hardware Virtualization, 415

hash-based load-balancing, 222224, 223225

HBAs (host bus adapters), 294

HCG (Hardware Compatibility Guide), 2628, 27

header files in VMDK, 487488

heads, 292

Health Check feature, 241242, 243

Heartbeat Datastores area, 414


HA, 398399, 409414, 412

NFS datastores, 353

help in PowerCLI, 719

High Availability (HA), 379

admission control, 401404, 403

capability testing, 400

clustering. See clusters; Windows Failover Clustering (WFC)

datastore heartbeating, 411412, 412

enabling, 399401, 400401

example experience, 396

FT. See Fault Tolerance (FT)

functionality, 396399, 398399

layers, 380381, 380

managing, 413414, 413414

NFS datastores, 349355, 349353

overview, 1315, 14, 395396, 396

storage devices, 280, 376

vCenter Server, 7072, 72

VM options, 405, 405

isolation response, 407409, 408

monitoring, 409411, 410411

VM Restart Priority options, 405407, 406

vMotion, 629

VUM, 130, 147

High Availability Admission Control, 147

high-throughput workloads, 355

history in SDRS, 658, 659

home screen in Web Client, 9899, 99

Host Agent Check tool, 185

host bus adapters (HBAs), 294

Host Cache Configuration feature, 614, 614

Host Device option, 506

Host Isolation Response setting, 408

Host Limit setting, 598

Host privilege, 470

Host Profile privilege, 470

Host Profile setting, vCenter Server, 110

Host Profiles view, 114115, 114

Host Remediation Options page, 162, 162

--hostname parameter, 36

hosts, 103105, 105

Active Directory integration, 440441

affinity rules, 646649, 647649

attaching baselines to, 153154, 154

baseline groups, 151

Distributed Switches, 236240, 239

extension baselines, 144

failover, 403

FT, 415

HA, 398399, 398, 413

logging, 458

migrating VMs on, 722

patches, 175, 449

importance, 163

scanning for, 158

staging, 159160, 160

VUM, 130

permissions. See permissions

PowerCLI connections, 719720

remediating, 160163, 161163

retrieving, 733735

security. See security

upgrades, 175

baseline, 167168

extensions, 166

process, 168171, 170

scanning for, 158159, 158

VM hardware, 171173

vCenter Server

configuring, 108111, 109

Events view, 113, 113114

managing, 106108, 107

number of, 89

profiles, 114116, 114115

scheduled tasks, 111113

tags, 116118, 117, 119

Hosts And Clusters view, 100103

hot-add functionality, 522

hot sparing, 289

HP FlexFabric Virtual Switch 5900v, 270

HTTPS (HTTP over Secure Sockets Layer), 98

hurricanes, 425

Hyper-V, 18


swapping, 570

types, 4


I/O Imbalance Threshold option, 660

I/O Latency option, 659

I/O operations per second (IOPS)

limit, 609

NFS datastores, 355

performance requirements, 281282

iBFT (iSCSI Boot Firmware Table), 304305

IBM Distributed Virtual Switch 5000V, 269270

idle memory tax, 569

IDS (intrusion-detection system), 271272

IEFT standard, 303

images and image profiles, 39

creating, 43

importing, 167171, 170


operating systems, 506

VMware Tools, 510

VMs, 504


Distributed Switch configurations, 243244

images, 167171, 170

machines from other environments, 562

VCenter Server licenses, 743744

vCO configuration, 741742

vCO server certificates, 743

in-guest iSCSI initiators, 370

Incorrect Monitor Mode message, 418

Increase Datastore Capacity wizard, 339, 340

Independent mode option, 498

inflating process, 570571

initiators, iSCSI, 302

activating and configuring, 332335, 333335

in-guest, 370

networking for, 331332, 332

install command, 36

Install ESXi, Overwrite VMFS Datastore option, 34

Install ESXi, Preserve VMFS Datastore option, 34

installing, 30. See also deployment

Inventory Service, 83

OS installation media, 505508, 505, 507

PowerCLI, 715717, 715, 717

scripts for, 35

Sysprep, 532533, 532

UMDS, 140141, 141

vCenter Operations Manager, 692694

vCenter Server, 74, 8387, 86

VMware Tools, 509510

in Linux, 514516, 516

in Windows, 510514, 513

vSphere Web Client, 8788


plug-ins, 141142, 142

steps, 131132, 137140, 138140

Intelligent Operations Group feature, 694

intelligent placement, 12, 640

interactive installation, 3135, 3134

internal-only vSwitch, 196197, 196

Internet Information Services, 86


failure settings, 410411

performance graphs, 691

intrusion-detection system (IDS), 271272

inventory, vCenter Server, 100

clusters, 105106

datacenter objects, 103104

ESXi hosts, 104105, 105

views, 100103, 101102

Inventory Service, 62

installing, 83

protecting, 7071

Inventory Service privilege, 471

Invoke-VMscript cmdlet, 716

IOPS (I/O operations per second)

limit, 609

NFS datastores, 355

performance requirements, 281282

IP addresses

hash-based load-balancing, 222224, 223225

OVF templates, 548

pools, 557

vApps, 9495, 556557, 557558

VMs, 172

IP Allocation Policy option, 556

ip boot option, 38

--ip parameter, 36

IPSec, 303

IQNs (iSCSI qualified names), 302

Is Above condition, 673


initiators, 302

activating and configuring, 332335, 333335

in-guest, 370

networking for, 331332, 332

LUN via, 330336, 332335

NICs, 29

overview, 300305, 301, 304

support, 2829

iSCSI Boot Firmware Table (iBFT), 304305

iSCSI Naming Service (iSNS), 303

iSCSI qualified names (IQNs), 302

ISO images

operating systems, 506

VMware Tools, 510

isolated VLANs, 262


HA, 399

addresses, 407, 409

response, 407409, 408

VMs, 704

issues in vCenter Server, 108


jumbo frames in iSCSI, 305

jump boxes, 448

JVM Memory screen, 83, 85, 86


Keep Existing Signature option, 346

Keep Virtual Machines Together option, 645

Keep VMDKs Together By Default option, 659

keyboard command, 36

keyboards in VMs, 483

ks boot options, 3738


LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), 193, 224

configuring, 263268, 264268

disabling, 229


private, 260263, 261263

virtual, 190

large bandwidth workloads on NFS, 354

large throughput workloads on NFS, 355


SDRS, 653, 659

storage, 603

layers in HA, 380381, 380

Lazy File Clone feature, 321

LBT (Load-Based Teaming), 250

LDAP, 740741

legends in performance graphs, 683

levels of Server statistics, 121


backup agents, 423

tiers, 1822

vCenter Server, 110, 123, 123

vCO, 743744

VMs, 508509

Web Client administration, 124


CPU, 584585

memory, 577578

resource allocation, 566, 567

storage I/O, 609610

link aggregation

NFS, 351, 351

vs. trunking, 190

Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), 193, 224

configuring, 263268, 264268

disabling, 229

Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP), 259260

link state tracking, 225

link status failover-detection, 225

linked mode groups, 8891, 9091

Linked Mode Options screen, 90, 90

Linux, VMware Tools installation in, 514516, 516

live migration. See vMotion

LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol), 259260


IP hash-based, 222224, 223225

LACP, 267268

MAC-based, 221222, 222

NIC teaming, 220


HA, 381

Notify Switches, 229

overview, 382, 382

virtual switch policies, 274275

port-based, 220221, 221

Load-Based Teaming (LBT), 250

loading PowerCLI functions, 728

local access to hosts, 441

local accounts, SSO with, 461462

local CLI access, 441442

local devices, 3233, 32

local storage vs. shared, 283284

Local Users & Groups tab, 435436

local users and groups

authenticating, 435439, 437438

creating, 435439, 437

deleting, 439

editing, 437439, 438

locking, hardware-assisted, 320

Log Browser section, 108

Log Insight product, 185

Logging Settings area, 122

logical inventory, 490

logical units (LUNs)

FCoE for, 329330

Fibre Channel, 296298, 327328

iSCSI, 301302, 330336, 332335

queues, 317318, 318

RAID, 290

storage arrays, 292

VMFS, 310

logs and logging

hosts, 458

system, 124126, 125126

Syslog Collector, 185

vCenter Server, 122, 476, 477

LSI Logic controllers, 366

LUNs. See logical units (LUNs)


MAC addresses, 271275, 271274

MAC-based load-balancing, 221222, 222

Mail page in vCenter Server, 122

maintenance mode in SDRS, 655656

major versions of VMs, 492

Manage Distributed Port Groups wizard, 258259

Manage Physical Network Adapters dialog box, 219220, 255

Manage tab

Distributed Switches, 241

vCenter Server hosts, 108110, 109

Manage Virtual Adapters option, 252

management, separating workloads from, 73

management networks

reconfiguring, 5052, 5051

Standard Switches, 198202, 199202

manifest files, 550

Manual mode

DRS, 641642, 641642

SDRS, 657, 660


CPU, 629630, 630631

LUN, 297

master/slave architecture in HA, 397398

master SSO passwords, 82

Maximum Failures setting, 410411

Maximum Per-VM Resets setting, 411

Maximum Resets Time Window setting, 411

MBREAD/s statistic, 698

MBWRTN/s statistic, 698

megabytes per second in arrays, 286


cache, 285286

performance graphs, 685686

resource allocation, 568569, 568

advanced technologies, 569572

ballooning, 570571

compression, 571

limits, 577578

overcommitment, 576577

overhead, 580581

overview, 572573

reservations, 573576, 575

shares, 578580, 579

speed, 573574

summary, 581

swapping, 571572

transparent page sharing, 569570

resxtop statistics, 697


monitoring, 701703

resource pools for, 596597

vCenter Server host settings, 110

vMotion bitmaps, 618621, 619, 621

VMs, 483, 493, 493

Memory Fairness counter, 690

Memory Hot Plug option, 522

Memory Swap Used (Average) counter, 702

message of the day (MOTD), 123

metrics selection, 683684

.mf files, 550

Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit, 500501

Microsoft licensing, 508509

midrange array storage, 292294

Migrate Virtual Machine Wizard, 635636, 636

Migrate Virtual Machine Networking wizard, 256257, 256257


virtual adapters, 256257, 256257

virtual disks, 635

vMotion. See vMotion

VMs, 722

Minimum Space Utilization Difference setting, 660

Minimum Uptime setting, 411

mirrored RAID levels, 287288

MMX (Multimedia Extension) instructions, 625

Monitor tab for Distributed Switches, 241


HA, 409411, 410411

performance. See performance

Most Recently Used path, 314

MOTD (message of the day), 123

mounting NFS datastores, 355358, 357

mouse, 483

Move Datastores Into Cluster dialog box, 654656, 655

moving VMs between resource pools, 723724

MPIO (multipath I/O) storage framework, 331

MPP Modules, 316317

MSDB permissions, 79, 134

Multimedia Extension (MMX) instructions, 625

multipath I/O (MPIO) storage framework, 331


overview, 312317, 312, 314, 316, 318

VMFS datastores, 344346, 345

Multiple Connections Per Session, 303

multiple NICs with vMotion, 620

Multisite mode in SSO, 70

Must Not Run On Hosts In Group rule, 648

Must Run On Hosts In Group rule, 648


NAA (Network Address Authority) identifiers, 297


customization specifications, 534

iSCSI Naming Service, 303

resolution configuration, 5354

resolution problems, 103

snapshots, 525, 525

vApps, 554

VMFS datastores, 344

VMs, 501, 502

nameserver boot option, 38

NAS (network attached storage) best practices, 372377

native VLANs, 215

Navigator for Web Client, 98, 100

NetFlow mechanism, 257259, 258259

NetIOC (Network I/O Control)

overview, 1213

working with, 597598, 602

netmask boot option, 38

--netmask parameter, 36

Network Address Authority (NAA) identifiers, 297

Network Administrator role, 468, 472

network attached storage (NAS) best practices, 372377

network command, 36

Network Connectivity settings, 145

Network Data Transmit Rate counter, 704705

Network File System (NFS) datastores, 2829, 349

connectivity troubleshooting, 358

creating and mounting, 355358, 357

HA design, 349355, 349353

large bandwidth workloads, 354

large throughput workloads, 355

overview, 305307, 306

virtual disks, 361, 362

Network I/O Control (NetIOC)

overview, 1213

working with, 597598, 602

network interface card (NIC) teams, 190

constructing, 219

failover detection and failover policy, 225229, 226228

IP hash-based load-balancing policy, 222224, 223225

MAC-based load-balancing policy, 221222, 222

NFS datastores, 350351

overview, 216220, 217219

port-based load-balancing policy, 220221, 221

virtual networks, 191

vSwitch, 197, 199

network interface cards (NICs), 2930

links, 5052, 52

Service Console, 191

vMotion, 620, 626

VMs, 483, 493495, 494

network isolation, 399, 407

Network Load Balancing (NLB)

HA, 381

Notify Switches, 229

overview, 382, 382

virtual switch policies, 274275

Network Packets Transmitted counter, 705

network partitions, 399

network portals, 302

Network privilege, 470

Network Resource Pool option, 245

Network Resource Pool Settings dialog box, 600

Network Restore Options screen, 201, 202

Network Rollback feature, 243

Network Syslog Collector, 182, 182

Network Time Protocol (NTP)

configuring, 514

enabling, 5253, 53


access control to, 444448, 445447

adapters. See network interface cards (NICs)

configuring, 209211, 210

integration with, 2930

interactive installation on, 35

performance graphs, 687

resource pools, 597602, 599600

resxtop statistics, 697698

security policies, 477478

for software iSCSI initiator, 331332, 332

usage monitoring, 703705

utilization control, 597602, 598602

vCenter Server host settings, 111

vCO, 739

virtual. See virtual networks

VM configuration, 723

vMotion security, 624

New Baseline Wizard, 150, 150

New Cluster Wizard, 105106

New Database window, 134, 135

New Datastore Wizard, 336338, 337, 356357, 357

New Datastore Cluster Wizard, 652654, 653

New-DeployRule cmdlet, 44

New Distributed Port Group Wizard, 245, 245, 262263, 263

New Distributed Switch wizard, 235236, 235236

New-EsxImageProfile command, 44

New Hard Disk option, 496

New Link Aggregation Group dialog box, 266267, 266

New Network option, 521

New Network Resource Pool dialog box, 600, 600

New Resource Pool option, 454

New Tag dialog box, 325, 325

New vApp Wizard, 554, 555

New Virtual Machine wizard, 489499, 489491, 493494, 497499

Nexus 1000V switch, 269

NFS. See Network File System (NFS) datastores

NIC teams. See network interface card (NIC) teams

NICs. See network interface cards (NICs)

NLB (Network Load Balancing)

HA, 381

Notify Switches, 229

overview, 382, 382

virtual switch policies, 274275

NMP Module, 313

No Access role, 450, 467

No Execute/Execute Disable (NX/XD) bit, 629630, 630

nodes, 292

NoExecute (NX) feature, 625

Non-Critical Host Patches baseline, 158

Notification Check Schedule, 146


SNMP, 674

VUM, 146, 148

Notifications tab, 148

Notify Switches option, 229

NTP (Network Time Protocol)

configuring, 514

enabling, 5253, 53

NTP Daemon (ntpd) Options dialog box, 52, 53

NX (NoExecute) feature, 625

NX/XD (No Execute/Execute Disable) bit, 629630, 630



PowerCLI, 712713

vCenter Server, 103106, 105

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) DSN

configuring, 7980

creating, 136137

vCenter Server, 75, 77, 81, 84

VUM, 132

ODBC Microsoft SQL Server Setup dialog box, 137

online transaction processing (OLTP) databases, 281

Open Virtualization Format (OVA) package, 692

Open Virtualization Format (OVF) templates, 545546

deploying VMs from, 546548, 546550

examining, 550553

exporting VMs as, 549550, 550

operating system specific packages (OSP), 157

operating systems, 504509, 505, 507, 570

Options tab for vApps, 556

Oracle databases, 7577

orchestrated upgrades, 173

OS images, 420

OS layer in HA, 380, 380

OSP (operating system specific packages), 157

out-IP policy, 222

outbound traffic in NIC teaming, 220

.ova files, 552

OVA (Open Virtualization Format) package, 692


HA, 402

memory, 576577

overhead, memory, 580581

overrides, SDRS, 662, 663

Overview layout for performance graphs, 679681, 680681

--overwritevmfs parameter, 36

OVF (Open Virtualization Format) templates, 545546

deploying VMs from, 546548, 546550

examining, 550553

exporting VMs as, 549550, 550

OVF Template Details screen, 547


P2V (physical-to-virtual) conversion tools, 71

page sharing, 569570, 576

PAgP (Port Aggregation Protocol), 224, 229

parallel ports, 483

paravirtualized devices, 483

drivers, 191, 495, 509

kernels, 416

SCSI adapters, 366

parity RAID, 288290, 288, 290

Partially Automated setting, 642

partitions in HA, 399

Passive LACP mode, 265


Administrator, 535

root, 34, 37, 458

users, 436437, 437

vCenter Server virtual appliance, 95

vCO, 738, 741

vCO appliances, 745746

VIRuntime library, 735

VUM, 136, 138, 138

Patch Repository tab, 148


description, 131

hosts, 449

importance, 163

scanning for, 158

staging, 159160, 160

stateless PXE-booted servers, 147

VMs, 478

VUM, 130, 139

alternatives, 174175

baselines, 144

displaying, 148

settings, 145

staging, 159160, 160

paths in VMFS datastores, 344346, 345

PDC Emulator, 513514

Peak Bandwidth value, 229230

per-VM CPU masking, 629630, 630631

per-VM DRS settings, 649651, 650


arrays storage, 286

as design consideration, 374375

monitoring, 667

alarms. See alarms

CPU usage, 698701

disk usage, 705707

graphs. See graphs, performance

issues, 707

memory usage, 701703

network usage, 703705

overview, 667669, 668

resxtop, 695698, 696

storage devices, 279, 281282, 308

vCenter Operations Manager, 692695

Performance privilege, 470

Performance section, vCenter Server hosts, 108

Perl automation, 733736


Active Directory, 463464


custom roles, 451

granting, 452454, 452454

overview, 449451, 449

removing, 455456

resource pools for, 454455, 455

roles, 457458

usage, 456, 457

MSDB, 134

SQL Server, 79

users, 437

vCenter Server, 466

interactions, 475476

privileges, 473476

roles, 466469, 466, 473476

Permissions privilege, 470

Physical Adapter Shares setting, 599

Physical Adapters setting, 111

Physical Compatibility Mode RDMs (pRDM), 347348

physical inventory, 490

Physical layer in HA, 380, 380

physical machines, provisioning, 503

physical switches vs. virtual, 193194

physical-to-virtual clustering, 384, 393394, 393394

physical-to-virtual (P2V) conversion tools, 71

ping command, 622

pipelines, 714715

planning deployment, 2526

network infrastructure integration, 2930

server platform, 2628, 27

storage architecture, 2829

plans for growth, 566567

playing back performance data, 698


vCO, 744

VUM, 141142, 142

Pluggable Storage Architecture (PSA), 312313, 312

point-to-point (FC-P2P) Fibre Channel, 295

policies, VM storage, 367370, 367369, 490, 491


array, 371

IP, 557

resource. See resource pools

Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP), 224, 229

Port Allocation settings, 245

port-based load-balancing policy, 220221, 221

Port Binding settings, 245

ports and port groups, 198, 244

adding, 203205, 206

creating, 245246, 245, 247

editing, 246250, 247251

iSCSI, 301

managing, 601602, 601602

PVLANs, 262263, 263

removing, 251

Service Console, 190

Standard Switches, 194196, 195

TCP/IP stacks, 209, 209

vCenter Server, 122

virtual networks, 190

virtual switches, 194, 231, 231

VLANs, 212, 214215

VMs, 483

VUM settings, 138

Ports page, 122

post-installation, 47

management network reconfiguration, 5052, 5051

name resolution, 5354

time synchronization, 5253, 53

vSphere Client, 4750, 48

Power Management setting, 110

Power Off command, 518, 522

Power On command, 518, 559

power settings

FT, 416

vApps, 558559, 560

power states

vApps, 559561, 560

VMs, 518519, 518

PowerCLI, 711712

building scripts, 722725

capabilities, 717718, 725729

cmdlets, 712, 718719

compatibility, 718

configuration change script, 721722

execution policy, 717

function loading, 728

help, 719

installing and configuring, 715717, 715, 717

objects, 712713

pipelines, 714715

profile tasks, 44

reporting script, 720721

variables, 713714

vCenter Server and host connections, 719720

VUM, 173174, 174

powered-on VMs, cloning, 540

PowerShell. See PowerCLI

pRDM (Physical Compatibility Mode) RDMs, 347348

preCopy, vMotion, 618

predictive schemes in storage design, 376

--preservevmfs parameter, 36

previous major VM versions, 492


DRS, 642643

restart, 405407, 406

VMotion migration, 628

private VLANs (PVLANs), 260263, 261263

privileges, 450, 469476

proactive hot sparing, 289

Proactive Smart Alerts, 694

processors. See CPUs

Processors setting in vCenter Server, 110

products and features overview, 13

Client and Web Client, 78

DRS, 1011

editions, 1822

Flash Read Cache, 1718

FT, 1516, 15

HA, 1315, 14

profile-driven storage, 13

scenarios, 2223

SDRS, 12

storage and network I/O control, 1213

VADP and VDR, 16

vCenter Orchestrator, 8

vCenter Server, 67

vMotion and Storage vMotion, 910

VMware ESXi, 36, 5

vSANs, 1617

vSphere Replication, 17

vSphere Virtual Symmetric Multi-Processing, 89, 9

VUM, 7

profile-driven storage, 13, 324326, 325327

Profile-Driven Storage privilege, 470


images. See images and image profiles

vCenter Server hosts, 114116, 114115

Promiscuous mode for Standard Switches, 271272, 272

promiscuous ports for PVLANs, 262

Prompt The User For An Address When The Specification Is Used option, 537

Propagate To Child Objects option, 453

proprietary VAAI, 321

protocols for storage devices, 294

choices, 307309

Fibre Channel, 294299, 295296, 298

Fibre Channel over Ethernet, 299300, 299

iSCSI, 300305, 301, 304

NFS, 305307, 306

provisioned size of virtual disks, 362, 362

provisioning virtual machines, 503

.ps1 files, 723

PSA (Pluggable Storage Architecture), 312313, 312

PSOD (purpose screen of death), 176177

PSP modules, 313314, 314

purpose screen of death (PSOD), 176177

PVLANs (private VLANs), 260263, 261263

PXE-booted servers, 147


QoS Tag setting, 598

queues, LUN, 317318, 318

Quiesce Guest File System (Needs VMware Tools Installed) option, 526

quiesced VMs, 620


RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks), 286290, 287288, 290

RAM. See memory

range setting for alarms, 674677, 675, 677

Rapid Virtualization Indexing (RVI), 570

RARP (Reverse Address Resolution Protocol), 229, 621

Raw Device Mappings (RDMs), 347348

clusters, 386393, 389

SCSI nodes for, 390

Storage vMotion, 635

virtual disks, 359, 359

VMs, 496

RBO (Retail and Branch Offices) kits, 22

RDM Disk option, 496

RDMs. See Raw Device Mappings (RDMs)

%RDY counter, 697

Read-Only role, 450451, 467

Read Rate counter, 706

READS/s statistic, 698

Ready Time (%RDY) counter, 697

Real-Time option for performance graphs, 691

reboot command, 37

recovery, disaster, 425426

recovery model in vCenter Server, 85

recovery point objectives (RPOs), 285

Recovery Settings screen, 430, 430


core dumps, 179180, 180

Syslog Collector, 183184, 183184

Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID), 286290, 287288, 290

Register Virtual Machine Wizard, 517, 517


vCenter Operations Manager, 693694

VMs, 516518, 517

Related Objects tab

Distributed Switches, 240241

performance monitoring, 668, 668

relaxed co-scheduling algorithm, 582

Remediate dialog box

hosts, 161163, 161163, 169, 170

VMware Tools, 164165, 165

Remediate Wizard, 169


description, 153

hosts, 160163, 161163, 169, 170

VMware Tools, 164165, 165

remote CLI access, 443444

remote devices, 3233, 32

RemoteSigned script execution, 717

Remove Hosts option, 239


Distributed Switches, 240

hosts from Distributed Switches, 239240, 239

permissions, 455456

port groups, 251

roles, 457458

VMFS datastores, 347

VMs, 519

renaming VMFS datastores, 344

replacing certificates, 459

replication, 425426

installing, 428429, 428

working with, 427431, 427430

reporting script, 720721


vCenter Server, 6668, 67

vMotion, 622626

VUM, 132133


CPU, 584, 584, 595596

HA, 404

memory, 573576, 575

resource allocation, 566, 567

Reserve Space functionality, 320

Reset command, 519


alarms, 678679

VMs, 519

resource allocation, 565

CPU utilization. See CPUs

memory. See memory

network I/O utilization, 597602, 598602

pools. See resource pools

reviewing, 565567

storage I/O utilization. See storage I/O utilization

vs. utilization, 617618

vApp settings, 553555, 555556

Resource Allocation tab

performance monitoring, 668

resource pools, 593594, 593, 596, 598601

resource consumption alarms, 671674, 673

resource contention, 609

Resource Pool Administrator role, 468, 472

resource pools

configuring, 590591, 590

CPU usage, 590597, 590, 592595

memory usage, 596597

moving VMs between, 723724

networks, 597602, 599600

overview, 588589, 589590

for permissions, 454455, 455

Resource privilege, 470

resource utilization, 617

vs. allocation, 617618

DRS. See Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS)

SDRS. See Storage DRS (SDRS)

Storage vMotion

with vMotion, 637640, 637639

working with, 634636, 636

vMotion. See vMotion

Resources pane in performance monitoring, 668


automatic, 395, 396

priority, 405407, 406

Restart Guest command, 519

Restart Management Network option, 200, 201

Restore Configuration dialog box, 244

Restricted script execution, 717

resxtop utility, 668, 695698, 696

Retail and Branch Offices (RBO) kits, 22

return on investment (ROI), 22

Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP), 229, 621

reverting to snapshots, 528529, 528529

right-sizing VMs, 565566

ROI (return on investment), 22


custom, 451452

editing and removing, 457458

security model, 450451

vCenter Server

privileges, 471476

reviewing, 466469, 466

working with, 468469

Web Client administration, 124

Roles settings, 124


Distributed Switch configuration, 243

in remediation, 165, 165

root passwords, 34

ESXi hosts, 458

setting, 36

vCO appliance, 745746

root users, 436

rootpw parameter, 37

Round Robin paths, 314315, 346

RPOs (recovery point objectives), 285


Auto Deploy, 4445, 45

DRS, 644645, 644

host affinity, 646649, 647649

per-VM DRS, 649651, 650

VM affinity, 645

VM anti-affinity, 645646

SDRS, 661662, 662

runtime behavior of SDRS, 658660

Runtime Settings area in vCenter Server, 122

RVI (Rapid Virtualization Indexing), 570


Same Format As Source option, 543

SANs (storage area networks)

best practices, 372377

Fibre Channel, 294, 295

flash storage for, 611

replication, 425426

SATA controllers, 483

SATA storage adapters, 364367, 365

SATP modules, 313315, 314, 316

Save Options As option, 691

saving performance graphs, 691

scale of midrange storage, 293294

scans, 156159, 157159

Schedule Storage DRS Task Wizard, 661

Schedule Update Download Wizard, 145

Scheduled Task privilege, 470


patches, 146

remediation, 161, 162, 164165, 165

SDRS, 660661, 661, 663, 663

scopes of alarms, 670


building, 722725

installation, 35


adapters, 364367, 365, 483

clusters, 390, 390

nodes for RDMs, 390

VM controllers, 495

SCSI-3 dependency, 311

SDRS. See Storage DRS (SDRS)

SDRS Maintenance Mode Migration Recommendations dialog box, 655, 655

Search bar in Web Client, 99

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates

vCenter Server, 98, 123

vCO, 743

security, 433

hosts, 434

access, 4411079, 445447

authentication, 434441, 437438

logging, 458

patched, 449

permissions. See permissions

overview, 433434

recommended practices, 458

vCenter Server, 9798

authentication, 460464

logging, 476, 477

overview, 459460

permissions. See permissions

privileges, 469476

roles, 468469, 473476

virtual switches, 270276, 271274

vMotion, 624

VMs, 478

vpxuser, 464465

Security IDs (SIDs), 537

Security Profile settings, 110

segmentation of VLANs, 212, 212

Select An Existing Standard Switch option, 203

Select an Object dialog box, 124125, 125

Select Member Hosts dialog box, 239

Select New Host dialog box, 237

Select-Object cmdlet, 713

Select Switch dialog box, 203

Select Users And Groups dialog box, 452453

Separate Virtual Machines rule, 646

serial ports, 483

server certificates, 743


Auto Deploy, 4042, 42

platform selection, 2628, 27

size and number, 12

vCenter Server. See vCenter Server

vCO, 737

virtual Mac, 505

Service Console, 190

service time, 317

Services Properties dialog box, 442443

Sessions privilege, 470

Set Custom Configuration option, 96

Set-ExecutionPolicy cmdlet, 716

Set-NetworkAdapter cmdlet, 723

Set-VMHostSyslogServer cmdlet, 721722

Settings tab for vCenter Server, 109111, 109

Setup a Reoccurring Schedule For This Action option, 660

shared nothing vMotion, 637

shared storage

fundamentals, 280283, 281

vs. local, 283284

shared uplinks vs. dedicated, 331


CPU, 585587

memory, 578580, 579

resource allocation, 566, 567

storage I/O, 607608, 607608

Should Not Run On Hosts In Group rule, 648

Should Run On Hosts In Group rule, 648

Shut Down Guest OS command, 519, 522

Shutdown Action, 559

SIDs (Security IDs), 537

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 4

alarms, 669

configuration, 122

notifications, 674

Single File (OVA) format, 550

Single Sign-On (SSO)

configuring, 460464, 740

installing, 8283

protecting, 70

setting up, 9697

steps, 6061, 61

SIOC (Storage I/O Control), 12, 603606, 605

Site Recovery Manager (SRM), 17, 426


burst, 229230

databases, 121

servers, 12

vCenter Operations Manager, 693

virtual disks, 362, 362, 483, 502, 503

VMs, 499501

slave hosts, 398399

slots in HA, 403404

SMTP Server for email notifications, 146

Snapshot Manager, 528529

Snapshot The Virtual Machine's Memory option, 525

snapshots, 524529, 525526, 528529, 723

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol), 4

alarms, 669

configuration, 122

notifications, 674

SnS (Support and Subscription), 21

sockets, 522, 523

software depots, 43

software for storage arrays, 285

software iSCSI initiators

activating and configuring, 332335, 333335

networking for, 331332, 332

sp_changedbowner stored procedure, 78

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), 194, 229

sparse files, 360

speed of memory, 573574

spindles, 286

SQL Server

permissions, 79

vCenter Server databases, 7778, 78

VUM, 134

SQL Server 2008 Express Edition, 69

SRM (Site Recovery Manager), 17, 426


SAN storage, 291

uses, 615

vFlash Cache, 612

SSE2 (Streaming SIMD Extensions 2), 625


certificate replacement, 459

remote CLI access via, 443444

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates

vCenter Server, 98, 123

vCO, 743

SSL Settings page, 123

SSO (Single Sign-On)

configuring, 460464, 740

installing, 8283

protecting, 70

setting up, 9697

steps, 6061, 61

stacked views, 706

Stage Wizard, 160

staging patches, 159160, 160

Standard Acceleration Kit, 21

Standard Edition, 1921

Standard Switches, 192193

connecting, 50, 50

creating and configuring, 194

management networking, 198202, 199202

NIC teaming. See network interface card (NIC) teams

vs. physical switches, 193194

ports and port groups, 194196, 195

scenario, 230234, 231233

security, 270276, 271274

traffic shaping, 229230, 230

uplinks, 196199, 196199

virtual networks, 189

VLANs, 212216, 212214

VMkernel networking, 202206, 203204, 206207

standby adapters, 226228, 227

standby vCenter Servers, 71

Start Order tab for vApps, 558559, 560

Stateful mode, 47

Stateless Caching mode, 46, 46

stateless ESXi hosts, 45

stateless PXE-booted servers, patching, 147

static discovery in iSCSI, 303

static IP addresses, 537, 556


resxtop, 697698

vCenter Server, 120123, 121

Storage Adapters setting, 111

storage and storage devices, 279

APIs, 319324, 321322

architecture determination, 2829

arrays. See arrays

core concepts, 309310

design, 279280

disks. See disks

fundamentals, 280283, 281

in-guest iSCSI initiators, 370

local vs. shared, 283284

midrange and enterprise, 292294

multipathing, 312317, 312, 314, 316, 318

NFS datastores. See Network File System (NFS) datastores

performance, 279, 281282

profile-driven, 324326, 325327

protocols, 294

choices, 307309

Fibre Channel, 294299, 295296, 298

Fibre Channel over Ethernet, 299300, 299

iSCSI, 300305, 301, 304

NFS, 305307, 306

RAID, 286290, 287288, 290

raw device mappings, 347348

SAN and NAS best practices, 372377

virtual adapters, 364, 365

Virtual Machine File System, 310312, 311

VM storage policies, 367370, 367369

VMFS datastores. See Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) datastores

VSAN, 290291, 291

storage area networks (SANs)

best practices, 372377

Fibre Channel, 294, 295

flash storage for, 611

replication, 425426

Storage Devices setting, 111

Storage DRS (SDRS)

automation settings, 657658, 657658

configuring, 656

datastore clusters, 652656, 653655

enabling and disabling, 656, 657

evaluation schedule, 663, 663

latency, 653, 659

overrides, 662, 663

overview, 12, 651652

resource utilization, 618

rules, 661662, 662

runtime behavior, 658660

schedules, 660661, 661

Storage DRS tab, 658, 659

Storage DRS Thresholds settings, 659

Storage I/O Control (SIOC), 12, 603606, 605

storage I/O utilization

enabling, 604606, 605

external workloads, 610611

flash, 611615, 612614

limits, 609610

overview, 602604

settings, 610, 610

shares, 607608, 607608

Storage Path counters, 690

storage policies, 367370, 367369, 490, 491

storage processors, 285, 292293, 295, 299

Storage Reports section, 108

Storage settings for vCenter Server hosts, 111

Storage view, 100

Storage Views privilege, 470

Storage vMotion

overview, 910

with RDMs, 635

resource utilization, 618

and SDRS, 12

with vMotion, 637640, 637639

working with, 634636, 636

Store With The Virtual Machine option, 497

STP (Spanning Tree Protocol), 194, 229

Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 (SSE2), 625

stripes, RAID, 287288, 287

Summary tab

clusters, 644

CPU performance, 701

disk performance, 705706

FT, 415, 419

HA, 413414, 414

memory performance, 702703

network performance, 704

Resources pane, 667

roles, 398, 398

SDRS, 654, 654

vApps, 558, 559

vCenter Server hosts, 107108

virtual disks, 363, 363

VM storage profiles, 367

VMware Tools, 516, 516

Support and Subscription (SnS), 21

Support Information screen, 137

Suspend command, 518

Swap File Location setting, 110

Swap to Host Cache feature, 613615, 614

swapping memory, 571572

switched (FC-SW) Fibre Channel, 295, 296


discovery protocols, 259260, 260

distributed. See Distributed Switches

standard. See Standard Switches

switchport trunk allowed vlan command, 216, 218

switchport trunk native vlan command, 215


configuration, 5253, 53

VMware Tools, 513514

synchronous replication, 426

Syslog Collector, 181

core dump redirects, 183184, 183184

log reviews, 185

on vCSA, 181

on Windows Server, 181182, 182

Syslog Collector Install Wizard, 182 setting, 183

Sysprep tool, 532533, 532

System Configuration menu, 200, 200

system logs, 124126, 125126

system performance counters, 687688

System Resource Allocation settings, 110

System Swap setting, 110


T10 UNMAP command, 321


profile-driven storage, 325, 325

vCenter Server hosts, 116118, 117, 119

VLANs, 212

TAR files, 515

Target location screen, 430

targets in iSCSI, 302

Tasks privilege, 470

Tasks section for vCenter Server hosts, 108

TCO (total cost of ownership), 22

TCO calculator, 22

TCP/IP Configuration setting, 111

TCP/IP routing, 351

TCP/IP stacks, 207

configuring, 208209, 208209

creating, 207208

ports, 209, 209

Teaming And Failover option, 249, 250


cloning VMs to, 542544, 544

deploying VMs from, 544, 545553, 546550

examining, 550553

exporting VMs as, 549550, 550

overview, 541542, 542

Test-vMotion function, 725728

testing ESXi Dump Collector, 181

TFTP configuration, 42

Thick Provision Eager Zeroed disks

in cloning, 543

creating, 497

description, 361, 361

FT, 418, 418419

Thick Provision Lazy Zeroed disks

in cloning, 543

creating, 497

description, 360, 361

Thin Provision disks

arrays, 371372

in cloning, 543

creating, 497

description, 320, 360, 360

third-party products

Distributed Switches, 268270

MPP Modules, 316317

Time Configuration dialog box, 5253

Time Configuration setting, 110

time synchronization

configuration, 5253, 53

VMware Tools, 513514


NFS datastores, 353, 353

vCenter Server, 122

Topology view for port groups, 246, 248, 249

total cost of ownership (TCO), 22

TPS (transparent page sharing), 569570, 576

traffic flows, 257259, 258259

traffic segmentation of VLANs, 212, 212

traffic shaping, 229230, 230, 249, 249

Transient option in IP allocation, 556

transparent page sharing (TPS), 569570, 576

Trigger If menu, 677

Triggered Alarms view, 677679, 678

Triggers tab for alarms, 672, 673, 676, 677


iSCSI LUNs, 335336

NFS connectivity, 358

trunk ports

virtual networks, 190

VLANs, 212, 214215

trunking, 190

Turn On Fault Tolerance option, 418, 418

Turn On vSphere Storage DRS option, 656

Type 1 and Type 2 Hypervisors, 4


UMDS (Update Manager Download Services), 132, 140141, 141

unattended installation, 3539

unbalanced clusters, 404

Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs), 272, 346

Unrestricted script execution, 717

Update Manager. See vSphere Update Manager (VUM)

Update Manager Download Services (UMDS), 132, 140141, 141

updates and upgrades

description, 131

hosts, 175

baseline, 167168

extensions, 166

process, 168171, 170

scanning for, 158159, 158

VM hardware, 171173

orchestrated, 173

vApps and host extensions, 166

VMFS datastores, 341343, 341342

VMware Tools, 164166, 165

VUM. See vSphere Update Manager (VUM)

upgrade command, 37

Upgrade ESXi, Preserve VMFS Datastore option, 34

Upgrade From Previous Versions option, 96

upgrading VUM, 143


groups, 265

ports, 236, 236

shared vs. dedicated, 331

Standard Switches, 196199, 196199, 216218, 217

Upload Configuration File option, 96

upstream VLANs, 261

USB devices

interactive installation on, 35

VMs, 483

Use Datastores From The Specified List And Complement Automatically If Needed option, 412

Use Datastores Only From The Specified List option, 412

Use Dedicated Failover Hosts option, 404

Use Explicit Failover Order option, 226

Use The Virtual Machine Name option, 534535

%USED counter, 697

User Directory page in vCenter Server, 122

User Lookup Base setting, 741

user-role-privilege combinations, 450


vCenter Server virtual appliance, 95

vCO, 741

VIRuntime library, 735

VUM, 138, 138


authenticating, 5759, 437438

creating, 435439, 437

deleting, 439

editing, 437439, 438

permissions, 463464

in security model, 450

Utilized Space setting, 659

UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers), 272, 346


VA Upgrades tab, 149

VAAI (vSphere Storage APIs for Array Integration), 144, 319323, 321322, 652

VADP (vSphere Storage APIs for Data Protection), 16, 144, 422424

vApp privilege, 471

vApps. See virtual appliances (vApps)

variables in PowerCLI, 713714

VASA (vSphere Storage APIs for Storage Awareness), 323326, 324

vCAT (vCloud Director Architecture Toolkit), 73

vCenter automation, 732733

vCenter Converter plug-in, 562

vCenter Operations Manager (vC Ops)

components, 692

features, 694695

installing, 692694

tags, 118

vCenter Orchestrator (vCO), 711, 736

accessing, 746

appliance, 744746

authentication, 739741

configuration export/import, 741742

configuring, 737738

features, 736737

networks, 739

overview, 8

plug-ins, 744

prerequisites, 737

server certificates, 743

starting, 738, 739, 742743

vCenter Server, 746747, 747

VCenter Server licenses, 743744

workflow, 747748, 748

vCenter Server, 57

administration, 62

authentication, 5759, 460464

availability, 7072, 72

backend database servers, 68, 75

ODBC DSN, 7980

Oracle, 7577

SQL Server, 7778, 78

business continuity, 75

component installation, 8088, 81, 86

customization specifications, 533537, 534536

database, 72, 72

database servers, 6870

editions, 19

email and SNMP notifications, 674

ESXi dump collector, 175181, 176178, 180

exporting system logs, 124126, 125126

framework, 63, 64

General settings, 120123, 121

hardware, 6668, 67


adding, 104105, 105

configuring, 108111, 109

Events view, 113, 113114

managing, 106108, 107

number of, 89

profiles, 114116, 114115

scheduled tasks, 111113

tags, 116118, 117, 119

installing, 74, 8387, 86

inventory, 100

clusters, 105106

datacenter objects, 103104

hosts, 104105, 105

views, 100103, 101102

Inventory Service, 62, 7071

Licensing settings, 123, 123

in linked mode groups, 8891, 9091

message of the day, 123

overview, 67, 5759, 58

performance monitoring. See performance

PowerCLI connections, 719720

protecting, 71

recovery model, 85

security. See security

settings overview, 120

SSO, 70

starting, 97

Syslog Collector, 181185, 182184

Sysprep installation on, 532533, 532

vApps, 65, 9197, 9293

vCO, 746747, 747

vCO licenses, 743744

versions, 6465, 80

in VMs, 7274, 73

vCenter Server Heartbeat, 71

vCenter Solutions Area settings, 124

vCenter Virtual Server (vCSA), 132

ESXi Dump Collector on, 176177, 177

Syslog Collector on, 181

vCLI (vSphere CLI), 729731

vCloud Director Architecture Toolkit (vCAT), 73

vCO. See vCenter Orchestrator (vCO)

vCSA (vCenter Virtual Server), 132

ESXi Dump Collector on, 176177, 177

Syslog Collector on, 181

VDI (virtual desktop infrastructure), 504

VDP (Virtual Station Interface Discovery and Configuration Protocol), 270

VDP (VMware Data Protection), 16, 424

VDR (VMware Data Recovery), 16

VEM (Virtual Ethernet Module), 269

vendor code in MAC addresses, 296

VEPA (Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregation), 270


vCenter Server, 6465, 80

VMs, 492

vFlash Cache (vFC), 611613, 612613

vFlash Resource Management setting, 110

VGT (virtual guest tagging), 212

vi-admin cmdlet, 730731, 735

VIB files, 40, 4344

vicfg-user command, 436439, 437

vicfg-users command, 441

vicfg-vmknic command, 205

vicfg-vswitch command, 194, 205, 730

video cards, 483


performance graphs, 679681, 680681

stacked, 706

vCenter Server inventory, 100103, 101102

vifp cmdlet, 730731

vifptarget cmdlet, 731

vihostupdate tool, 175

Virtual Adapters setting, 111

virtual appliances (vApps), 553

cloning, 561562

creating, 553555, 555

deploying, 9197, 9293, 462464

editing, 555559, 556559

IP addresses, 9495

IP allocation, 556557, 557558

power settings, 558559, 560

power state, 559561, 560

scanning, 157

upgrading, 166

VUM, 147

virtual CPUs

hot-adding, 522

sockets, 522, 523

VMs, 492

virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI), 504

Virtual Device Node option, 498, 498

virtual disks

aligning, 361

migrating, 635

overview and types, 359364, 359360

VMs, 496497, 497

Virtual Ethernet Module (VEM), 269

Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregation (VEPA), 270

virtual guest tagging (VGT), 212

Virtual Infrastructure Client Wizard, 49

virtual LANs, 190

configuring, 212216, 212214

port groups, 246

private, 260263, 261263

virtual Mac servers, 505

Virtual Machine File System (VMFS), 310312, 311, 385

Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) datastores, 327

assigning storage capability to, 343344, 343

copies, 346

creating, 336338, 337

expanding, 338341, 340341


via FCoE, 329330

via Fibre Channel, 327328

via iSCSI, 330336, 332335

multipathing policy, 344346, 345

removing, 347

renaming, 344

upgrading, 341343, 341342

virtual disks, 361, 362

VMFS-5, 311312, 341343, 341342

Virtual Machine Power User role, 467, 471

Virtual Machine privilege, 471

Virtual Machine Properties dialog box, 572

Virtual Machine User role, 467468, 471

virtual machines (VMs)

adding and registering, 516518, 517

affinity rules, 645

anti-affinity rules, 645646

automatic restart, 395, 396

backups, 422424, 422


overview, 531532

steps, 538541, 539540

to templates, 542544, 544

clustering. See clusters

console, 508

CPUs. See CPUs

creating, 488499, 489491, 493494, 497499

deleting, 519

deploying from templates, 544, 545553, 546550

exporting as templates, 549550, 550

filesystem alignment, 524

graphics, 504

guest operating systems, 504509, 505, 507

HA options, 405, 405

isolation response, 407409, 408

monitoring, 409411, 410411

VM Restart Priority options, 405407, 406

hardware, 171173, 520524, 520521, 523

inside view, 481483, 482

IP addresses, 172

isolation, 704

memory. See memory

Microsoft licensing and Windows activation, 508509

migrating, 722

moving between resource pools, 723724

names, 501, 502

network configuration, 723

outside view, 484488, 486487

overview, 481

patching, 478

port groups

adding, 205206

Standard Switches, 195, 195

virtual networks, 190

power states, 518519, 518

provisioning, 503

quiesced, 620

removing, 519

resource allocation. See resource allocation

running ESXi as, 32

scanning, 157158, 157

security, 478

size, 499501

snapshots, 524529, 525526, 528529, 723

storage policies, 367370, 367369

upgrading, 175

values selection, 499503, 502

vCenter Server in, 7274, 73

per vCenter Server instance, 8990

vFlash Cache for, 611613, 612613

virtual disks. See virtual disks

VMware Tools installation, 509516, 513, 516

Virtual Machines settings, 413

Virtual Machines tab, 668, 668

Virtual Mode RDMs (vRDM), 348

virtual networks, 189

designing, 189192, 192

distributed switches. See Distributed Switches

Nexus 1000V, 269

security, 270276, 271274

standard switches. See Standard Switches

virtual NICs, 493495, 494

virtual port storage systems, 292

virtual SANs (vSANs), 1617, 290291, 291, 297

virtual SCSI controllers, 495

Virtual Shared Graphics Acceleration, 504

Virtual Station Interface Discovery and Configuration Protocol (VDP), 270

virtual storage adapters, 364367, 365

Virtual Supervisor Module (VSM), 269

virtual switches. See Standard Switches

Virtual Symmetric Multi-Processing (vSMP) product, 89, 9

Virtualization layer in HA, 380, 380

virtualization-optimized devices, 483, 509

Virtualization Technology (VT), 625

VIRuntime library, 735

VLAN ID 4095, 212

vlance adapters, 191

vlanid boot option, 38

--vlanid parameter, 36

VLANs (virtual LANs), 190

configuring, 212216, 212214

port groups, 246

private, 260263, 261263

VM Hardware Upgrade To Match Host baseline, 171

VM Overrides option, 662

VM Properties dialog box, 521

VM Restart Priority options, 405407, 406

VM Settings section in VUM, 146, 146

VM Startup/Shutdown setting, 109

VM Storage Policies dialog box, 368, 368

VM Storage Policies settings, 326, 326327

vMA (vSphere Management Assistant)

Perl, 733736

vCenter, 732733

vCLI, 729731

vmaccepteula command, 36

.vmdk files, 385, 486488, 486487

VMDKs. See virtual disks

VMFS (Virtual Machine File System), 310312, 311, 385

VMFS datastores. See Virtual Machine File System (VMFS) datastores

VMkernel, 4, 5

network configuration, 202206, 203204, 206207, 209211, 210

ports, 198

adding, 203205, 206

iSCSI, 301

Standard Switches, 195, 195

virtual networks, 190

swaps, 574577, 575

TCP/IP stacks, 207209, 208209

vmkernel log files, 634

vmknic ports. See VMkernel

.vmoconfig files, 741


boundaries, 629

compatibility, 629634, 630633

HA, 629

migration steps, 626629, 627628

overview, 910

per-virtual machine CPU masking, 629630, 630631

requirements, 622626

resource utilization, 618622, 619622

security, 624

Storage vMotion. See Storage vMotion

and vSwitch, 196

VMs. See virtual machines (VMs)

VMs And Templates view in vCenter Server, 101103

VMware Consolidated Backup User role, 468, 472

VMware Data Protection (VDP), 16, 424

VMware Data Recovery (VDR), 16

VMware ESXi overview, 36, 5

VMware EVC, 630634, 631633

VMware Horizon View, 504

VMware Paravirtualized SCSI adapters, 366

VMware Tools

installing, 509510

in Linux, 514516, 516

in Windows, 510514, 513

upgrades, 157, 164166, 165

VMware Tools Upgrade To Match Host baseline, 155, 164

VMware vCenter Installer, 81, 81

VMware vCenter Orchestrator. See vCenter Orchestrator (vCO)

VMware vSphere PowerCLI Installation Wizard, 716

.vmx files, 484486

vmxnet adapters, 191, 495

Volume Shadow Copy Service, 422, 430

vpxuser account security, 464465

vRAM entitlements, 19

vRDM (Virtual Mode RDMs), 348

VRMPolicy privilege, 470

vSANs (virtual SANs), 1617, 290291, 291, 297

vService privilege, 471

vSGA, 504

VSM (Virtual Supervisor Module), 269

vSMP (Virtual Symmetric Multi-Processing) product, 89, 9

vSphere APIs for Data Protection (VADP), 144

vSphere CLI (vCLI), 729731

vSphere Client, 78

administration, 62

authentication, 61

customization specifications, 533537

post-installation, 4750, 48

vSphere Compatibility Matrixes, 68, 133

vSphere Fault Tolerance. See Fault Tolerance (FT)

vSphere Flash Read Cache, 1718

vSphere Health Monitoring feature, 694695, 695

vSphere high availability. See High Availability (HA)

vSphere Management Assistant (vMA)

Perl, 733736

vCenter, 732733

vCLI, 729731

vSphere overview. See products and features overview

vSphere Replication, 17

vSphere Standard Switches. See Standard Switches

vSphere Storage APIs for Array Integration (VAAI), 144, 319323, 321322, 652

vSphere Storage APIs for Data Protection (VADP), 16, 144, 422424

vSphere Storage APIs for Storage Awareness (VASA), 323326, 324

vSphere Update Manager (VUM), 7, 129

alternatives to, 173175, 174

baselines, 144

attaching, 153156, 154156

creating, 149153, 150152

Baselines And Groups settings, 143, 144

configuring, 143, 143, 145147, 145146

databases, 133134, 135

Events settings, 147, 148

hosts, 166173, 167170

installing, 131132, 137140, 138140

Notifications settings, 148

ODBC DSN, 136137

orchestrated upgrades, 173

overview, 129131

Patch Repository settings, 148

patches, 139, 449

alternatives, 174175

baselines, 144

displaying, 148

host, 130

settings, 145

staging, 159160, 160

plug-in installation, 141142, 142

remediating hosts, 160163, 161163

requirements, 132133

scans, 156159, 157159

UMDS installation, 140141, 141

Update Manager Utility, 142143

upgrading, 143

VA Upgrades settings, 149

vApps and host extensions, 166

VM hardware, 171173

VMware Tools, 164166, 165

Web Client, 130

vSphere vMotion. See vMotion

vSphere Web Client, 78

administration, 123126, 125126

home screen, 9899, 99

installing, 8788

mapping to optical disks, 506

VUM, 130

vSphere Web Client Guest Customization Wizard, 534, 535

vSwitches. See Standard Switches

.vswp files, 614

VT (Virtualization Technology), 625

VUM. See vSphere Update Manager (VUM)


W32Time service, 514

Web Client, 78

administration, 123126

home administration, 125126

home screen, 9899, 99

installing, 8788

VUM, 130

WFC. See Windows Failover Clustering (WFC)

Where-Object cmdlet, 715, 724

Windows, VMware Tools installation in, 510514, 513

Windows activation, 508509

Windows Failover Clustering (WFC), 348, 381

cluster across boxes, 384

failover clusters, 392393

first cluster nodes, 388391, 389391

overview, 386388, 387

second cluster nodes, 391392

cluster in a box, 384386, 385

configurations, 384386

overview, 383384, 383

physical to virtual clustering, 393394, 393394

Windows Integrated authentication, 136

Windows Server

clusters, 388393, 389391

ESXi Dump Collector on, 178179, 178

SSO Sign-On with, 460462

Syslog Collector on, 181182, 182

as time server, 53

workflows. See vCenter Orchestrator (vCO)

workloads, separating from management, 73

worldwide names (WWNs), 296297

Write Rate (Average/Rate) counter, 706

write same functionality, 320

WRITES/s statistic, 698

WWNs (worldwide names), 296297


XD (Execute Disable) feature, 625

XenServer, 18


zones, Fibre Channel, 296297

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