

  • Abrasive wear, 234, 234f

  • Absorption, of radiation, 367–368

  • Absorptivity, 366

  • Acids, 395, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Activated state, 283–284

  • Activation, thermal, 302

  • Activation energy

    • for creep, 277–278

    • for self-diffusion, 284

  • Active coatings, 411

  • Actuation

    • ferro-electric, 333–334

    • piezo-electric, 332, 332f

    • thermal, 259

  • Adhesive wear, 234, 234f

  • Ageing, GL2-56–GL2-58

  • Airframes, 299–300

  • Alcohols, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Aldehydes, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Alkalis, 395, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Allotropes, 266

  • Alloy(s)

    • ceramic, GL2-3

    • components, GL2-3

    • concentration, GL2-3–GL2-4

    • constitution of, GL2-5–GL2-6

    • definition of, 120–121

    • ductility of, 134

    • equilibrium of, GL2-5–GL2-6

    • ferrous, 488–493, 489f–490f

    • metallic, GL2-3

    • steel, 491

    • strength of, 134

    • super, 293

  • Amontons, Guillaume, 228

  • Amorphous structure, 60, 61f

  • Ampère, André Marie, 309, 342

  • Amplifiers, 357t

  • Anisotropy, 59, 354

  • Annealing, 132, 482, 483f

  • Anodizing, 393

  • Anti-ferro magnetism, 351, 351f

  • Antioxidants, 389

  • Archard wear constant, 229

  • Arrest points, GL2-36

  • ASM Materials Handbook, 2

  • Asperities, 233f


  • Ball-bearing race, 451–453, 452f, 452t–453t

  • Bar chart, 21–22, 22f

  • Barrier coatings, thermal, 298–299

  • Basquin’s law, 191–192

  • Batch size, economic, 441

  • Beams

    • elastic bending of, 84–87

    • minimizing weight of, 91f, 93–96, 94t, 155t

    • plastic bending of, 144f

    • shape of, 153–155

    • vibrating, 89–90, 90f

    • yielding of, 142–145, 143f

  • Bearing pressure, maximum, 230–231

  • Bearings, 234–237, 236f–237f

  • Bending of beams, 84–87

  • Bendy design, 105–106, 106f

  • Bike frames, 461–463, 462f

  • Bi-metal corrosion cell, 401f

  • Blades, turbine, 296–298, 297f

  • Blend, of polymers, 135, 181

  • Body-centered cubic atom packing, GL1-3–GL1-4, GL1-4f, GL1-4t, 60, 61f

  • Body fluids, 396t–397t, 407t–408t

  • Bohr, Niels Henrik David, 351

  • Boltzmann, Ludwig, 251

  • Boltzmann’s constant, 251

  • Bond coat, 299

  • Bond stiffnesses, 67t

  • Boriding, 239

  • Boundary-layer lubrication, 235–236

  • Bowden, Philip, 232

  • Brakes, 237–238, 489–490, 489f

  • Breakdown, dielectric, 310f, 323–324, 324f

  • Breakdown potential, dielectric, 308, 312, 324

  • Brittle fracture, 177, 178f

  • Bubble chart, 22, 23f

  • Buckling, 89, 89f

  • Buffers, thermal, 265–266

  • Buildings, structural materials for, 102–104, 103f, 103t

  • Bulk modulus, 54


  • Cables, electrical, 328

  • Calorimetry, GL2-35t

  • Cameras, 380

  • Capacitance, 311–312

  • Capacitors, 310–311

  • Capital cost of equipment, 440

  • Capital write-off time, 440

  • Carbon dioxide footprint, GL2-6

  • Carbon steels, GL2-50, GL2-60–GL2-64

  • Carburizing, 239

  • Carnot, Sadi Nicolas, 244

  • Casting, of metals, 480–481, 480f

  • Cast iron, 489–490, 489f–490f

  • Cathodic protection, 410f

  • CD case, 39–40, 446, 447t

  • Ceramic(s)

    • alloys, GL2-3

    • applications of, A-4t–A-5t

    • atom packing in, 62, 63f

    • corrosion resistance in, 404t–405t

    • creep and, 292–293

    • crystals, GL1-12–GL1-15, GL1-12f–GL1-13f

    • defects in, 120–122

    • density of, A-7t–A-8t

    • as family, 15f

    • fracture in, 177, 178f

    • fracture toughness in, A-13t–A-14t

    • glass points of, A-5t–A-6t

    • historic, 3f

    • microstructure of, 464–465, 465f

    • phase diagrams, GL2-28–GL2-33, GL2-29f

    • prehistoric, 3f

    • processing of, 493

    • properties of, 16

    • stress-strain curve for, 113f

    • tensile strength in, A-11t–A-12t

    • thermal conductivity of, A-15t–A-16t

    • thermal expansion of, A-15t–A-16t

    • yield strength in, A-11t–A-12t

    • Young’s modulus in, A-9t–A-10t

  • Ceramic coatings, 412t

  • Change, phase, 265–266

  • Chart(s)

    • bar, 21–22, 22f

    • bubble, 22, 23f

    • creep strength-density, 281–282

    • electrical properties, 314–316

    • embodied energy, GL2-7–GL2-8, GL2-13f–GL2-14f, GL2-17f

    • endurance limit, 197–198

    • fracture toughness-modulus, 174–175, 175f

    • fracture toughness-strength, 175–176, 176f

    • magnetic properties, 348–350

    • maximum service temperature, 280, 281f

    • melting point, 280

    • modulus-density, 57, 58f

    • modulus-relative cost, 57–59, 58f

    • modulus-strength, 118–119

    • optical properties, 371–372

    • reflectivity-refractive index, 371–372, 373f

    • refractive index-dielectric constant, 371, 372f

    • remanence-coercive field, 348–349, 348f

    • saturation-magnetization-susceptability, 349–350, 349f

    • strength-density, 116–118, 117f

    • strength-dielectric loss, 316

    • strength-electrical resistivity, 315

    • thermal conductivity, 248–250, 248f

    • thermal conductivity-electrical resistivity, 315

    • thermal expansion, 248–250, 248f

    • wear rate-hardness, 230–231

  • Chemical properties, 8, 9f

  • Chemical segregation, 180, 180f

  • Classification

    • of materials, 14–17, 15f

    • of processes, 18–20, 18f

  • Cleavage fracture, 177, 178f

  • Climb, dislocation, 288–289, 289f

  • Close packed hexagonal atom packing, GL1-4–GL1-6, GL1-4t–GL1-5t, GL1-5f, 59–60, 60f

  • Clutches, 237–238

  • Coarsening, precipitate, 474–475

  • Coat, bond, 299

  • Coatings

    • active, 411

    • application of, 413f

    • ceramic, 412t

    • metallic, 411–412, 412t

    • polymeric, 411–412, 412t

    • protective, 403, 411–414

    • self-generated, 411

    • thermal barrier, 298–299

  • Coefficient of friction, 228, 230

  • Coercive field, 327, 346

  • Coffin, Lou, 193–194

  • Cohesive energy, 65–66

  • Cold drawing, 112–114

  • Color, 378–379, 379f

  • Columns

    • buckling of, 89, 89f

    • yielding of, 142

  • Compatibility, material, 424–426, 435

  • Composites, A-4t–A-5t, 70, 498–499

  • Composition gradient, GL2-45–GL2-48

  • Compression, 83–84

  • Compressive crushing strength, 115

  • Compressive surface stress, 200–201, 201f

  • Computer-aided information management, 23

  • Computer-aided material selection, 99–100

  • Computer-aided process selection, 442–443, 443f

  • Concentrations

    • alloy, GL2-3–GL2-4

    • stress, 149–151, 150f

  • Condensers, 310–311

  • Conduction

    • electrons, 319

    • ionic, 317–318

  • Conductivity

    • electrical, 309–310, 316–318

    • thermal, A-15t–A-16t, 247–250, 247f–249f, 254–257, 315

  • Connecting rod, 215–216, 216f, 447–450, 448f–449f, 448t–449t

  • Constitution point, GL2-12, GL2-12f

  • Consumption

    • growth of, GL2-3–GL2-4, GL2-8f

    • of materials, GL2-3

  • Contact stresses, 148–149, 149f

  • Cooling rate, critical, 477–478

  • Corkscrew case study, 101, 101f, 156

  • Corrosion, 395

    • configuration and, 406–411

    • fatigue, 403

    • fighting, 403–416

    • geometry and, 406–411

    • inhibitors, 403, 414, 415t

    • intergranular, 402–403

    • monitoring, 403, 416

    • pitting, 402–403

    • resistance rankings, 404t–405t

    • selective, 402–403

  • Corundum structure, GL1-14–GL1-15, GL1-14f, GL1-15t

  • Cost

    • dedicated, 439–440

    • equipment, 440

    • minimization of, 97, 155

    • model, 438–441, 439t

    • of shaping processes, 438–441

  • Coulomb, Charles Augustin, 310

  • Crack tip plastic zone, 172–174, 172f

  • Crash barriers, GL2-18–GL2-19, GL2-25f

  • Crazing, 126f, 127

  • Creep, 276

  • Creep activation energy, 277–278

  • Creep curves, 276–278, 277f

  • Creep damage, 278–279

  • Creep exponent, 276–277

  • Creep fracture, 278–279, 289–290, 291f

  • Creep mechanism, in polymers, 290–292

  • Creep modulus, 302

  • Creep relaxation, 301–302, 301f

  • Creep resistance, 292–294

  • Creep-rupture diagrams, 278–279, 279f

  • Creep strength, 281–282

  • Creep testing, 276–278, 277f

  • Crevices, corrosion and, 410f

  • Critical configuration, 130

  • Critical cooling rate, 477–478

  • Critical strain energy release rate, 171

  • Cross-linking, 135

  • Crystalline imperfection, 120–122, 121f

  • Crystallography, 59

  • Crystal structures, GL1-2–GL1-6

  • Cumulative damage, 194–195

  • Curie, Pierre, 326

  • Curie temperature, 326–327

  • Cushions, 104–105


  • Damage tolerance, 174, 174t

  • Damping coefficient, 188–189

  • Data, 23

  • Da Vinci, Leonardo, 228

  • Debye, Peter, 251

  • Dedicated cost, 439–440

  • Deformation mechanism diagrams, 289, 290f

  • Deformation processing, 482–484

  • Density, 4, 5f, 49f

    • atomic structure and, 59

    • creep strength and, 281–282

    • dislocation, 131

    • flux, 343

    • manipulation of, 70–73

    • relative, 73

    • of selected materials, A-7t–A-8t

    • units of, 48

  • Dependence, temperature, 274, 275f

  • Design

    • corrosion and, 403–406

    • creep and, 295–302

    • displacement-limited, 209–210, 209f

    • documentation and, 38–39

    • eco-design, GL2-10–GL2-14

    • energy-limited, 208–209, 209f

    • fail-safe, 212–215

    • for fracture, 220–222

    • fracture-safe, 207–211

    • judicious, 403

    • leak-before-break, 213

    • load-limited, 207–208, 209f

    • magnetic, 355–360, 357t–358t

    • materials and, 33–35

    • optical, 380

    • original, 30–31

    • process and, 33–35

    • process selection in, 422–424

    • ranking and, 37–38

    • redesign, 31–32

    • screening and, 37

    • for thermal stress management, 257–259

    • translation and, 36–37, 39–41

  • Design-limiting properties, 8

  • Design process, 30–33

  • Diamond cubic structure, GL1-12–GL1-13, GL1-12f

  • Dielectric

    • permittivity of, 311

    • properties, 310–314

  • Dielectric, definition of, 308

  • Dielectric behavior, 321–322

  • Dielectric breakdown, 310f, 323–324, 324f

  • Dielectric breakdown potential, 308, 312, 324

  • Dielectric constant, 7–8, 7f, A-17t–A-18t, 308, 310f, 311, 371

  • Dielectric loss, 322–323, 331–332

  • Dielectric loss factor, 308, 312–313, 313f, 316

  • Dielectric strength, 312

  • Diesel engines, injectors for, 333–334, 334f

  • Differential thermal expansion, 257

  • Diffuse reflection, 367

  • Diffusion, 282–287

  • Diffusion activation energy, 284

  • Diffusional flow, 287–288, 288f

  • Diffusive jump, 283f

  • Diffusivity, thermal, 6, 247–250, 249f, 261

  • Dilatation, 52

  • Dilatometry, GL2-35t

  • Dipole, magnetic, 350f

  • Dipole moment, 322–323, 323f

  • Direction, in crystal geometry, GL1-10–GL1-11, GL1-11f

  • Dislocation, 121–124, 121f–122f

  • Dislocation climb, 288–289, 289f

  • Dislocation density, 131

  • Dislocation line, 122–123

  • Dislocation strength, 133–134

  • Dispersion, 130–131

  • Displacement-limited design, 209–210, 209f

  • Displacive transformation, GL2-60

  • Dissipation factor, 313

  • Documentation, 35, 38–39, 424

  • Domains, 326–327, 327f, 352–354, 353f

  • Domain walls, 326–327, 352, 354f

  • Drawing, 126–127, 126f, 135

  • Driving force, 474

  • Ductile fracture, 177–179, 178f

  • Ductile-to-brittle transition, 179–180

  • Ductility, 4, 114, 134

  • Durability

    • factors affecting, 386f


  • Eco-design, GL2-10–GL2-14

  • Economic batch size, 441

  • Eddy currents, 355–356

  • Edge dislocation, 122–123

  • Einstein, Albert, 251

  • Elastic bending, 84–87

  • Elastic energy, 55

  • Elastic extension, 83–84

  • Elastic hinges, 156–157

  • Elastic modulus, 5f

    • cohesive energy and, 65–66

    • definition of, 4

    • in elastomers, 17, 68

    • manipulation of, 70–73

    • in metals, 16

    • in polymers, 17

  • Elastic selection modulus, 143–144

  • Elastomers

    • applications of, A-3t–A-4t

    • elastic moduli of, 68

    • as family, 15f

    • microstructure of, 465–466, 466f

    • processing of, 494–495

    • properties of, 17

  • Electrical conductivity, 309–310, 316–318

  • Electrical insulation, 329–330

  • Electrical power transmission, 328

  • Electrical properties, 7–8, 314–316

  • Electrical resistance, 318–321

  • Electrical resistivity, GL2-35t, 309–310, 309f, 315

  • Electric capacitors, 310–311

  • Electric field, 310–311

  • Electro luminescence, 379–380

  • Electromagnetic radiation, 366–371

  • Electromagnetic spectrum, 367f

  • Electromagnetic wave, 373f

  • Electromagnets, 355–356, 357t

  • Electron lenses, 355–356

  • Electroplating, 413f

  • Electrostriction, 313–314

  • Elongation, 114

  • Embodied energy, GL2-6, GL2-35t

  • Embodied energy charts, GL2-7–GL2-8, GL2-13f–GL2-14f, GL2-17f

  • Embrittlement, 180, 180f

  • Enameling, 413f

  • End-of-life potential, GL2-3

  • Endurance limit, 191, 193f, 197–198

  • Energy

    • cohesive, 65–66

    • creep activation, 277–278

    • demands of products, GL2-7–GL2-21

    • elastic, 55

    • embodied, GL2-6–GL2-8, GL2-35t

    • exchange, 351

    • Gibbs free, 468

    • internal, 468

    • life-cycle and, GL2-5

    • processing, GL2-3

    • product, 354

    • release in fracture, 170–172, 171f

    • self-diffusion, 284

    • surface, 170–172, 176–177, 177f

  • Energy-limited design, 208–209, 209f

  • Engines

    • con-rods in, 215–216, 216f

    • fuel injectors in, 333–334, 334f

  • Entropy, 469

  • Equilibrium

    • in alloys, GL2-5–GL2-6

    • solidification, GL2-36–GL2-48

    • thermodynamic, 469

  • Equipment, capital cost of, 440

  • Eutectic point, GL2-9–GL2-10, GL2-25f, GL2-28f

  • Eutectic reaction, GL2-41

  • Eutectic solidification, GL2-41–GL2-43

  • Eutectoid point, GL2-23, GL2-25f, GL2-28f

  • Eutectoid reaction, GL2-50–GL2-52

  • Exchange energy, 351

  • Exchangers, heat, 262–263


  • Face-centered cubic atom packing, GL1-2–GL1-3, GL1-3f, GL1-3t, 59–60, 60f

  • Fail-safe design, 212–215

  • Faraday, Michael, 310

  • Fatigue

    • compressive stress and, 200–201

    • conditions for, 189–190

    • corrosion, 403

    • in cracked components, 195–196

    • crack growth and, 195–196, 196f, 199–200, 219–220

    • damage, 199–200

    • displacement-limited design and, 209–210, 209f

    • energy-limited design and, 208–209, 209f

    • high-cycle, 190–192

    • initiation-controlled, 190

    • limit, 191, 193f, 197–198

    • load-limited design and, 207–208, 209f

    • low-cycle, 190, 193

    • material choice and, 200–201

    • propagation-controlled, 190

    • repetition and, 188

    • resistance to, 200–201, 215–216

    • strength and, 200

  • Fermi, Enrico, 318, 374

  • Fermi level, 318, 374

  • Ferri-magnetism, 351–352, 351f

  • Ferrites, 342, 345

  • Ferro-electric actuation, 333–334

  • Ferro-electric coefficient, 333

  • Ferro-electric materials, 314, 326–327, 326f

  • Ferro-magnetic materials, 345

  • Ferro-magnetism, 351, 351f

  • Ferrous alloys, 488–493, 489f–490f

  • Ferrous metals, A-2t

  • Fibers, optical, 380

  • Field

    • coercive, 327, 346

    • electric, 310–311

    • magnetic, 342–345

  • Field-emission electron gun, 318

  • Field quantity, 287

  • Flame retardants, 394

  • Flame spraying, 413f

  • Flammability, 387–388, 393–394

  • Flashover, 393–394

  • Flexural hinges, 156–157

  • Flexural rigidity, 85, 86f

  • Fluid trapping, 406–411, 409f

  • Fluorescence, 379–380

  • Fluorescent whitening agents, 389

  • Fluorite structure, GL1-15, GL1-15f, GL1-15t

  • Flux density, 343

  • Flux lines, 343f–344f

  • Flywheels, 147–148, 147f

  • Foams, 72, 498

  • Forensic fracture mechanics, 211–212

  • Fourier, Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph, 247

  • Fracture-enabling design, 220–222

  • Fracture mechanics, 167–174, 211–212

  • Fracture-safe design, 207–211

  • Fracture toughness, 5f, A-13t–A-14t, 167–170 See also toughness

    • of ceramics, 16

    • definition of, 4

    • measurement of, 169f

  • Fracture toughness-modulus chart, 174–175, 175f

  • Fracture toughness-strength chart, 175–176, 176f

  • Free energy of oxidation, 389

  • Free-radicals, 394

  • Free volume, 287

  • Fresh water, 399–402

  • Fresnel, Augustin Jean, 370

  • Fresnel’s construction, 370–371, 371f

  • Friction

    • bearings and, 234–235

    • in brakes, 237–238

    • coefficient of, 228, 230

    • lubrication and, 235–236, 235f

    • materials for managing, 234–239

    • physics of, 232–233

  • Fuel injectors, 333–334, 334f

  • Fuels, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Fusion welding, GL2-46–GL2-48


  • Galvanic attack, 402–403, 406–411, 409f

  • Galvanizing, hot dip, 413f

  • Gas phase reaction, 393

  • Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 468

  • Gibbs free energy, 468

  • Glasses

    • applications of, A-4t–A-5t

    • atom packing in, 62–63, 63f

    • corrosion resistance in, 404t–405t

    • as family, 15f

    • fracture in, 177, 178f

    • microstructure of, 464–465, 465f

    • processing of, 493

    • properties of, 16–17

  • Glass temperature, A-5t–A-6t, 244

  • Goodman’s rule, 193–194

  • Graded joint, 258, 259f

  • Gradients, thermal, 259–262

  • Grain boundaries, 121–122

  • Grain boundary hardening, 132–133

  • Grain refinement, GL2-52

  • Grains, 121–122

  • Grain-size hardening, 126

  • Green design, GL2-10–GL2-14

  • Ground state, 283–284

  • Growth, in phase transformation, 476–477, 476f, 480f


  • Halite structure, GL1-13–GL1-14, GL1-14f

  • Hardening

    • grain boundary, 132–133

    • grain-size, 126

    • laser, 488f

    • precipitation, 126, 134t, 484–485

    • solid solution, 126

    • solution, 128–130, 129f, 134t

    • transformation, 488, 488f

    • work, 112, 126, 131–132, 134t, 321

  • Hard magnetic devices, 357–358, 358t

  • Hard magnets, 347–348, 347f

  • Hardness scales, 116f

  • Hardness test, 115, 115f

  • Headlights, 380

  • Heat, specific, 245

  • Heat capacity, 5–6, 245, 245f, 251, 256–257, 264–265

  • Heaters, 264–265, 265f

  • Heat exchangers, 262–263

  • Heating, microwave, 330–331

  • Heat sinks, 40–41, 330f

  • Heat treatment

    • of carbon steels, GL2-60–GL2-64

    • of metals, 484–485, 484f

  • Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph, 148

  • HF transformer cores, 41

  • High-cycle fatigue, 190–192

  • High-temperature pipework, 295–296

  • Hindered amine stabilisers, 394–395

  • Hinge

    • flexural, 156–157

    • plastic, 141f, 143–144

    • torsional, 156–157

  • Homgenisation, 481

  • Hooke, Robert, 52

  • Hooke’s law, 52

  • Hot dip galvanizing, 413f

  • Hot tearing, 428

  • Hybrids

    • classes of, 498f

    • as family, 15f

    • historic, 3f

    • making, 496–499

    • prehistoric, 3f

    • properties of, 17

  • Hydrodynamic lubrication, 235–236

  • Hydrogen standard, 400

  • Hydrolysis reaction, 401

  • Hydrostatic pressure, 51

  • Hypo-eutectoid steels, GL2-4–GL2-5


  • Ideal strength, 119–120, 119f–120f

  • Imaging, pyro-electric, 332–333, 333f

  • Impact test, 168f

  • Impure water, 399–402

  • Index of refraction, 369–370

  • Induction, magnetic, 342–343, 344f

  • Information storage, 358t, 359–360, 359f

  • Initial elastic creep, 276–277

  • Initial magnetization curve, 346

  • Initiation-controlled fatigue, 190

  • Injection molding, 25f

  • Ink-jet printers, 332, 332f

  • Inoculants, 481

  • Insulation, 263–264

    • electrical, 329–330

    • thermal, 264f

  • Intensity, stress, 167–170

  • Intergranular corrosion, 402–403

  • Intermediate phases, GL2-16–GL2-21, GL2-17f

  • Internal energy, 468

  • Internal reflection, 369f, 370, 380

  • Interstitial solid solution, 120–121

  • Interstitial space, GL1-6–GL1-7

  • Ionic conduction, 317–318

  • Ionization, 399f

  • Ions, in solution, 398–399

  • Iron, cast, 489–490, 489f–490f

  • Iron-carbon diagram, GL2-23–GL2-26, GL2-24f


  • Joining

    • of metals, 485–488, 487f

    • physical limits in, 436–437

    • as process, 19f

  • Joint(s)

    • geometry of, 435–436, 435f

    • graded, 258, 259f

    • manufacturing constraints and, 436

    • mode of loading for, 435–436, 436f

    • secondary functionalities and, 436

  • Joule, James, 170, 245

  • Judicious design, 403


  • Kelvin, Lord, 244

  • Ketones, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Kinetic constant

    • linear, 390

    • parabolic, 390


  • Laminates, 499

  • Laminating, 355–356

  • Laser hardening, 488f

  • Latent heat, solidification and, GL2-36

  • Lattice resistance, 126

  • Leak-before-break criterion, 213

  • Lenses

    • electron, 355–356

    • optical, 380

  • Life-cycle, material, GL2-5, GL2-9f

  • Light stabilizers, 389

  • Limiting oxygen index, 388, 389t

  • Limits, to size, 427–429

  • Linear kinetic constant, 390

  • Linear temperature dependence, 274

  • Linear thermal expansion coefficient, 245–246, 246f

  • Line tension, 125–126

  • Liquid(s)

    • diffusion in, 287

    • environments, 396t–397t

  • Load-limited design, 207–208, 209f

  • Lord Kelvin, 244

  • Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon, 352

  • Lorentz force, 352–353

  • Loss, dielectric, 322–323

  • Loss coefficient, 188–189

  • Loss factor, dielectric, 308, 312–313, 313f, 316

  • Loss tangent, 312–313

  • Loudspeakers, 357t

  • Low-cycle fatigue, 190, 193

  • Lubrication, 235–236, 235f

  • Luminescence, electro, 379–380


  • Magnetic anisotropy, 354

  • Magnetic dipole, 350f

  • Magnetic fields, 342–345

  • Magnetic induction, 342–343, 344f

  • Magnetic measurement, 345–348

  • Magnetic moment, 343f

  • Magnetic properties, 7–8, 342–350

  • Magnetic susceptibility, 344–345

  • Magnetization, 344–345

  • Magnetization curve, initial, 346

  • Magnets

    • hard, 347–348, 347f

    • soft, 347–348, 347f

  • Maintenance, corrosion and, 416

  • Manhattan Project, 318

  • Martensite, GL2-60

  • Material cost, minimization of, 97, 155

  • Material damping, 198–199

  • Materials

    • classifying, 14–17, 15f–16f

    • compatibility of, 435

    • computer-aided information management for, 23

    • consumption of, GL2-3–GL2-6, GL2-7f

    • for creep resistance, 293–294

    • design and, 33–35

    • ferro-electric, 314, 326–327, 326f

    • ferro-magnetic, 345

    • historical development of, 3f

    • life-cycle of, GL2-5, GL2-9f

    • magnetic fields in, 344–345

    • for managing friction, 234–239

    • microstructure of, 463–466

    • piezo-electric, 314, 324–325, 325f

    • process and, 17

    • properties of, 4–8

    • property charts of, 14, 21–22, 57–59

    • pyro-electric, 314, 325–326

    • radiation and, 366–371

    • shape-memory, 266

    • super-elastic, 266

  • Maximum bearing pressure, 230–231

  • Maximum local stress, 150

  • Maximum service temperature, 4, 6f, 244, 274

  • Maximum service temperature chart, 280, 281f

  • Mean free path, 254–255

  • Mechanical loss coefficient, 188–189, 198–199

  • Mechanical properties, 4, 5f

  • Melting point chart, 280

  • Melting temperature, A-5t–A-6t, GL2-7, 244

  • Memory, shape, 266

  • Metal(s)

    • atom packing in, 59

    • casting of, 480–481, 480f

    • corrosion resistance in, 404t–405t

    • creep and, 292–293

    • defects in, 120–122

    • deformation processing of, 482–484

    • density of, A-7t–A-8t

    • dielectric constant in, A-17t–A-18t

    • as family, 15f

    • ferrous, A-2t

    • fracture toughness in, A-13t–A-14t

    • heat treatment of, 484–485, 484f

    • historic, 3f

    • joining of, 485–488, 487f

    • melting points of, A-5t–A-6t

    • microstructure of, 463–464, 464f

    • nonferrous, A-2t

    • opacity of, 374–375, 375f

    • prehistoric, 3f

    • processing of, 479–493

    • properties of, 16

    • reduction potentials of, 400, 400f

    • resistivity in, A-17t–A-18t

    • rolling of, 159–160, 159f

    • strengthening of, 127–128, 127f

    • strength-toughness tradeoff in, 180–181

    • stress-strain curve for, 113f

    • tensile strength in, A-11t–A-12t

    • thermal conductivity of, A-15t–A-16t

    • thermal expansion of, A-15t–A-16t

    • yield strength in, A-11t–A-12t

    • Young’s modulus in, A-9t–A-10t

  • Metal flame spraying, 413f

  • Metallic coatings, 411–412, 412t

  • Michelson, Albert A, 366

  • Microchip heat sinks, 40–41

  • Microchips, 330

  • Microphones, 357t

  • Microscopes, 380

  • Microstructure, 460

    • of ceramics, 464–465, 465f

    • of elastomers, 465–466, 466f

    • evolution, GL2-34–GL2-35, 466–469

    • of glasses, 464–465, 465f

    • of materials, 463–466

    • of metals, 463–464, 464f

    • phase and, 467–468

    • of polymers, 465–466, 466f

  • Microwave heating, 330–331

  • Miller indices, GL1-8, GL1-9f, GL1-10–GL1-11, GL1-11f

  • Miner’s rule, 194–195

  • Minimum service temperature, 244, 274

  • Mode of loading, 48–50, 49f, 82

  • Mode 1 stress intensity factor, 169

  • Modulus-density chart, 57, 58f

  • Modulus-relative cost chart, 57–59, 58f

  • Modulus-strength chart, 118–119

  • Moment, magnetic, 343f

  • Moment-field interaction, 343f

  • Monkman-Grant constant, 279

  • Monkman-Grant law, 279


  • Net flux model, 254–255

  • Neutral axis, 84–87

  • Nitriding, 239

  • Nominal stress, 150

  • Nonferrous metals, A-2t

  • Nonlinear temperature dependence, 274

  • Nucleation, 476–477, 476f, 480–481, 480f


  • Ohm, George Simon, 309

  • Oils, 395, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Opacity, 366–367

  • Optical design, 380

  • Optical fibers, 380

  • Optical microscopy, GL2-35t

  • Optical profilometry, 432–433

  • Optical properties, 7–8, 371–372

  • Organic solvents, 395, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Original design, 30–31

  • Orowan, Egon, 122

  • Oven, microwave, 330–331

  • Oxidation

    • definition of, 387

    • flammability and, 387–388

    • free energy of, 389

    • measurement of, 387, 388f

    • mechanisms, 389–392

    • resistance to, 393–395

  • Oxygen index, 388, 389t


  • Padding, 104–105

  • Paint spraying, 413f

  • Panel

    • design of, 91f, 92–93, 93t, 152–153, 153t

    • sandwich, 499

    • yielding of, 142–145

  • Parabolic kinetic constant, 390

  • Paramagnetism, 351, 351f

  • Pauli, Wolfgang Joseph, 317

  • Pauli exclusion principle, 317–318

  • Pearlite, GL2-51–GL2-52

  • Peritectic point, GL2-24–GL2-25, GL2-28f

  • Peritectoid point, GL2-27–GL2-28, GL2-28f

  • Permeability of vacuum, 343

  • Permittivity of dielectric, 311

  • PH, 398–399, 399f

  • Phase boundary, GL2-7

  • Phase change, 265–266

  • Phase compositions, GL2-10–GL2-14

  • Phase diagrams, GL2-6–GL2-21, 467–473, 470f–471f

  • Phase intermediates, GL2-16–GL2-21, GL2-17f

  • Phase proportions, GL2-14–GL2-16

  • Phase quantification, GL2-35t

  • Phase reaction, GL2-39

  • Phases, GL2-4–GL2-5

  • Phase thermodynamics, 468–469

  • Phase transformations, GL2-34–GL2-35, 467–468, 473–476, 473f

  • Phonons, 254–255, 254f

  • Phosphorescence, 379–380

  • Photo-conductivity, 380

  • Photodegradation, 389, 394–395

  • Photons, 373–374

  • Piezo-electric actuation, 332, 332f

  • Piezo-electric materials, 314, 324–325, 325f

  • Pinning force, 128

  • Pipework, high-temperature, 295–296

  • Pitting corrosion, 402–403

  • Planck, Max Karl Ernst, 374

  • Planck’s constant, 374

  • Plane bearings, 236–237

  • Planes, in crystal geometry, GL1-8–GL1-9

  • Plastic flow, 122–124, 126–127

  • Plastic hinge, 141f, 143–144

  • Plastic section modulus, 145f

  • Plastic strain, 114

  • Plastic zone, crack tip, 172–174, 172f

  • Plate

    • buckling of, 89, 89f

    • vibrating, 89–90, 90f

  • POH, 399f

  • Point defects, 120–121

  • Poisson, Siméon Denis, 54

  • Poisson’s ratio, 54

  • Polarization, 311, 326

  • Polar second moment of area, 145–147

  • Polycrystallinity, 287–288

  • Polymer(s)

    • applications of, A-3t–A-4t

    • atom packing in, 63–64, 64f–65f

    • blending of, 135, 181

    • burning of, 393–394

    • corrosion resistance in, 404t–405t

    • creep in, 290–292

    • for creep resistance, 293

    • cross-linking of, 135

    • crystals, GL1-16–GL1-19, GL1-16f–GL1-17f, GL1-16t

    • density of, A-7t–A-8t

    • dielectric constant in, A-17t–A-18t

    • drawing of, 135

    • as family, 15f

    • fibers, 495–496

    • fracture toughness in, A-13t–A-14t

    • historic, 3f

    • microstructure of, 465–466, 466f

    • molding of, 495, 496f

    • plastic flow in, 126–127

    • prehistoric, 3f

    • processing of, 494–495, 496f

    • properties of, 17

    • reinforcement of, 181

    • resistivity in, A-17t–A-18t

    • rheology, 292

    • strengthening of, 134–135

    • strength-toughness tradeoff in, 181–182

    • stress-strain curve for, 113f

    • tensile strength in, A-11t–A-12t

    • thermal conductivity of, A-15t–A-16t

    • thermal expansion of, A-15t–A-16t

    • thermoplastic, A-3t–A-4t

    • thermoset, A-4t–A-5t

    • yield strength in, A-11t–A-12t, 112–114

    • Young’s modulus in, A-9t–A-10t

  • Polymeric coatings, 411–412, 412t

  • Polymer powder spraying, 413f

  • Powder processing, 494, 494f

  • Powder spraying, 413f

  • Power factor, 313

  • Power-law creep, 276–277, 288–289, 296–298

  • Power transmission, electrical, 328

  • Precipitate coarsening, 474–475

  • Precipitate strengthening, 130–131

  • Precipitation hardening, 126, 134t, 484–485

  • Precipitation reactions, GL2-48–GL2-55

  • Preferred material choices, 387, 407t–408t

  • Prehistoric materials, 3f

  • Pressure vessels, 211–212

  • Primary creep, 276–277

  • Printers, ink-jet, 332, 332f

  • Process(es)

    • with ceramics, 493

    • classification of, 18–20, 18f

    • computer-aided information management, 23

    • cost estimates in, 438–441

    • definition of, 17

    • design and, 33–35

    • documentation and, 424

    • with elastomers, 494–495

    • with glasses, 493

    • joining and, 434–437

    • joining as, 19f

    • material compatibility and, 424–426

    • materials and, 17

    • with metals, 479–493

    • with polymers, 494–495, 496f

    • properties and, 20–21, 461–463

    • screening and, 424

    • selection of, in design, 422–424

    • shape and, 430–432

    • shaping as, 19f

    • surface treatment as, 19f, 437–438

    • translation and, 422–423

    • tree, 17–20

  • Processing energy, GL2-3

  • Product, energy, 354

  • Profile of properties, 14

  • Proof stress, 112

  • Propagation-controlled fatigue, 190

  • Properties

    • of ceramics, 16

    • chemical, 8, 9f

    • in classification, 16

    • design-limiting, 8

    • dielectric, 310–314

    • of elastomers, 17

    • electrical, 7–8, 314–316

    • of glasses, 16–17

    • of hybrids, 17

    • magnetic, 7–8, 342–350

    • of materials, 4–8

    • mechanical, 4

    • of metals, 16

    • optical, 7–8, 371–372

    • of polymers, 17

    • processes and, 20–21, 461–463

    • profile of, 14

    • thermal, 4–7, 244–248

    • transport, 302

    • tribological, 228–229

  • Protective coatings, 403, 411–414

  • Pyro-electric materials, 314, 325–326

  • Pyro-electric thermal imaging, 332–333, 333f

  • Pyrolyzation, 393


  • Quench cracking, GL2-61–GL2-62

  • Quenching, GL2-56


  • Radiation, electromagnetic, 366–371

  • Radiator, 450–451, 450f, 451t

  • Radomes, 331–332, 331f

  • Rails, 218–219, 218f

  • Random substitutional solid solution, 128

  • Ranking, 35, 37–38, 98–99, 98f, 424

  • Read/write head, 359f

  • Recovery, in annealing, 482, 483f

  • Recrystallization, in annealing, 482, 483f

  • Recycling, GL2-6, GL2-11f, GL2-35t

  • Redesign, 31–32

  • Reduction potential, 400, 400f

  • Redundant work, 159–160

  • Reflection, 367, 368f–369f, 380

  • Reflectivity, 366

  • Reflectivity-refractive index chart, 371–372, 373f

  • Refraction, 369f, 380

  • Refractive index-dielectric constant chart, 371, 372f

  • Reinforcement, 135, 181

  • Relative density, 73

  • Relative permittivity, 308

  • Relaxation, creep, 301–302, 301f

  • Remanence, 8, 346

  • Remanence-coercive field chart, 348–349, 348f

  • Remanent polarization, 327

  • Repetition, fatigue and, 188

  • Replacement, corrosion and, 416

  • Residual stress, 260–261

  • Resistance, electrical, 318–321

  • Resistivity, A-17t–A-18t

  • Resistivity, electrical, 309–310, 309f, 315

  • Resonance, 105, 188–189

  • Reynolds, Osborne, 235

  • Rheology, polymer, 292

  • Rigidity

    • flexural, 85, 86f

    • torsional, 88–89

  • Rocksalt structure, GL1-13–GL1-14, GL1-14f

  • Rolling, 159–160, 159f, 429–430

  • Rolling bearings, 237, 237f

  • Roughness, 432–434, 432t

  • Rule of cumulative damage, 194–195

  • Rule of mixtures, 69


  • Salt water, 415t

  • Sandwich panels, 499

  • Saturation magnetization, 8, 345f, 346

  • Saturation magnetization-susceptability chart, 349–350, 349f

  • Saturation polarization, 326, 327f

  • Scanning electron microscopy, GL2-35t

  • Scattering, of light, 377–378, 378f

  • Scattering centers, 319

  • Screening, 35, 37, 97, 424

  • Screw dislocation, 123, 124f

  • Secondary creep, 276–277

  • Section thickness, 426–429

  • Segregation, chemical, GL2-45–GL2-48, 180, 180f

  • Selective corrosion, 402–403

  • Self-diffusion, 284

  • Self-generated coatings, 411

  • Sensing, thermal, 259

  • Service temperature

    • maximum, 4, 6f, 244, 274

    • minimum, 244, 274

  • Shafts

    • torsion of, 88–89, 88f, 146f

    • yielding of, 145–147

  • Shape factor, 95, 96t, 430–432

  • Shape-memory, 266

  • Shaping

    • costs, 438–441

    • as process, 19f

  • Shear banding, 126f, 127

  • Shear modulus, 54

  • Shock resistance, thermal, 262

  • Shot peening, 200–201, 201f

  • Size, limits to, 427–429

  • Sliding bearings, 235–236, 236f

  • Slip directions, 124

  • Slip planes, 124, 125f

  • S-N curve, 190–192

  • Snell, Willebrord, 369

  • Snell’s law, 369–370

  • Soft magnetic devices, 355–356, 357t

  • Soft magnets, 347–348, 347f

  • Soils, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Solenoid, 343f

  • Solidification

    • equilibrium, GL2-36–GL2-48

    • eutectic, GL2-41–GL2-43

    • latent heat release on, GL2-36

  • Solid lubricants, 236

  • Solid solution, GL2-4, 69

  • Solid solution hardening, 126

  • Solubility limits, GL2-8–GL2-9, GL2-9f, GL2-11f

  • Solution hardening, 128–130, 129f, 134t

  • Solvents, organic, 395, 396t–397t, 407t–408t, 415t

  • Space, interstitial, GL1-6–GL1-7

  • Spark plug insulator, 445–446, 445f, 446t

  • Specific heat, 245

  • Specific stiffness, 92

  • Specific strength, 152

  • Specific wear rate, 229

  • Spectrum, electromagnetic, 367f

  • Specular reflection, 367, 368f

  • Spinning disks, 147–148, 147f

  • Springs, 158–159, 158f, 158t

  • Stainless steel, 491–492

  • Standard reduction potential, 400, 400f

  • Steady-state creep, 276–277

  • Stealth technology, 331

  • Steel, GL2-50, 490–492

  • Storage heaters, 264–265, 265f

  • Strain, 52

  • Strength

    • ideal, 119–120, 119f–120f

    • manipulation of, 127–135

    • specific, 152

    • toughness tradeoff, 180–182

  • Strength-density chart, 116–118, 117f, 153f

  • Stress, 50

    • concentration factor, 150

    • concentrations, 149–151, 150f

    • contact, 148–149, 149f

    • corrosion cracking, 403

    • intensity, 167–170, 208f

    • intensity factor, 206–207

    • maximum local, 150

    • nominal, 150

    • residual, 260–261

    • thermal, 257–259, 258f

  • Stress relaxation, 301f

  • Stress-strain curves, 52, 53f, 119f

  • Structural materials cost, 102–104, 103f, 103t

  • Structured data, 23

  • Stuart, James, 1f, 2

  • Substitutional solid solution, 120–121

  • Super-alloys, 293

  • Supercapacitor, 312

  • Super-elastic materials, 266

  • Surface energy, 170–172, 176–177, 177f

  • Surfaces

    • diffuse, 367

    • at magnification, 233f

    • in physics of friction, 232–234

    • specular, 367, 368f

    • treatment processes for, 437–438

    • tribological properties of, 228–229

  • Surface stress, compressive, 200–201, 201f

  • Surface treatment, as process, 19f

  • Susceptibility, magnetic, 344–345


  • Tabor, David, 232

  • Taylor, G.I, 122

  • Tear test, 168f

  • Telescopes, 380

  • Temperature

    • creep and, 276

    • Curie, 326–327

    • dependence, 274, 275f

    • glass, A-5t–A-6t, 244

    • gradient, 262

    • maximum service, 4, 6f, 244, 274

    • melting, A-5t–A-6t, GL2-7, 244

    • minimum service, 244, 274

  • Tensile strength, 4, A-11t–A-12t

  • Tensile stress intensity, 206

  • Tesla, 343

  • Texture, crystal, 484

  • Theophrastus, 325

  • Thermal activation, 302

  • Thermal actuation, 259

  • Thermal barrier coatings, 298–299

  • Thermal buffers, 265–266

  • Thermal conductivity, 5–6, 6f, A-15t–A-16t, 247–250, 247f–249f, 254–257, 315

  • Thermal diffusivity, 6, 247–250, 249f, 261

  • Thermal exchange, 262–263

  • Thermal expansion, 5, 6f, A-15t–A-16t, 248–257, 248f, 253f

  • Thermal expansion coefficient, 245–246, 246f, 258f

  • Thermal gradients, 259–262

  • Thermal history, 461–463

  • Thermal imaging, 332–333, 333f

  • Thermal insulation, 263–264, 264f

  • Thermal properties, 4–7, 244–248

  • Thermal property manipulation, 255–257

  • Thermal sensing, 259

  • Thermal shock resistance, 262

  • Thermal stress management, 257–259, 258f

  • Thermal walls, 263–264, 264f

  • Thermoplastic polymers, A-3t–A-4t

  • Thermoset polymers, A-4t–A-5t

  • Thompson, Benjamin, 244

  • Thompson, William, 244

  • Tie-rod, 91–92, 91f, 91t, 151–152, 152t

  • Ties, yielding of, 142

  • Time-temparature-transformation diagrams, 477–478, 478f–479f

  • Tolerance

    • for cracks, 219–220

    • damage, 174, 174t

    • process and, 432–434

  • Torsion, of shafts, 88–89, 88f, 146f

  • Torsional hinge, 156–157

  • Torsional rigidity, 88–89

  • Total internal reflection, 369f, 370, 380

  • Tough fracture, 177–179, 178f

  • Toughness See also fracture toughness

    • definition of, 166

    • material property charts for, 174–176

    • origins of, 176–180

    • strength tradeoff, 180–182

    • tests for, 167, 168f

  • Trains, 218–219, 218f

  • Transformation hardening, 488, 488f

  • Transformer cores, 41

  • Transformers, 355–356, 357t

  • Transient heat flow, 261–262

  • Translation, 35–37, 39–41, 422–423

  • Translucence, 366–367

  • Transmission

    • of electrical power, 328

    • of light, 368

  • Transmission electron microscopy, GL2-35t

  • Transmittability, 366

  • Transparency, 367

  • Transport properties, 302

  • Trapped fluids, 406–411, 409f

  • Tribological properties, 228–229

  • Turbine blades, 296–298, 297f


  • Ultraviolet absorbers, 394–395

  • Uniform attack, 406–411

  • Unit cell, 60–62, 61f

  • Unstructured data, 23


  • Vacuum, permeability of, 343

  • Vibrating beams and plates, 89–90, 90f

  • Vibration, resonance and, 105, 188–189

  • Vickers test, 115, 115f

  • Visco-elastic solids, 291

  • Viscous flow, 274–276

  • Volta, Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio, 309

  • Volume

    • free, 287

    • minimization of, 155


  • Walls

    • domain, 326–327, 352

    • thermal, 263–264, 264f

  • Water

    • corrosion and, 395

    • environments, 396t–397t

    • fresh, 399–402, 415t

    • impure, 399–402

    • preferred materials in, 407t–408t

    • salt, 415t

  • Watt, James, 247

  • Wear

    • abrasive, 234, 234f

    • adhesive, 234, 234f

    • bearings and, 234–235

    • materials for managing, 234–239

    • physics of, 232–233

    • reduction of, 238–239

  • Wear constant, 229

  • Wear rate, 229

  • Wear rate-hardness chart, 230–231

  • Welding, fusion, GL2-46–GL2-48

  • Wöhler, August, 188

  • Work, redundant, 159–160

  • Work function, 318

  • Work hardening, 112, 126, 131–132, 134t, 321


  • X-ray diffraction, GL2-35t


  • Yielding

    • of beams, 142–145, 143f

    • of columns, 142

    • of panels, 142–145

    • of shafts, 145–147

    • of ties, 142

  • Yield strain, 118–119

  • Yield strength, 4, 5f, A-11t–A-12t, 112, 133–134

  • York Minster, 308

  • Young, Thomas, 52

  • Young’s modulus, A-9t–A-10t, 52, 56

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