Quotation marks

The term quotation marks, used without modifiers, refers to double curly quotation marks (“ ”). In printed content, use quotation marks except in user input and code samples, which call for straight quotation marks (” “). If your project style sheet requires straight quotation marks with sans serif fonts, such as in headings, follow the project style sheet.

In online content, use straight quotation marks.

Refer to quotation marks as quotation marks, not as quote marks or quotes. Use the terms opening quotation marks or closing quotation marks, not open quotation marks, close quotation marks, beginning quotation marks, or ending quotation marks.

Placement of quotation marks

Place closing quotation marks outside commas and periods. For other closing punctuation, placement of the closing quotation mark depends on whether the punctuation is part of the material being quoted.

Quotation marks have specialized uses in many computer languages. Follow the conventions of the language in code examples.

Microsoft style

One Internet dictionary calls an electronic magazine a “hyperzine.”

One Internet dictionary calls an electronic magazine a “hyperzine,” but webzine is a common synonym.

What is a “smart device”?

A reader asks, “How scalable is .NET?”

/*Declare the string to have length of "constant+1".*/

Not Microsoft style

One Internet dictionary calls an electronic magazine a “hyperzine”.

One Internet dictionary calls an electronic magazine a “hyperzine”, but webzine is a common synonym.

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