Java, JScript, JavaScript

Java is an object-oriented programming language developed by the Sun Corporation.

JScript is the Microsoft implementation of the ECMAScript scripting language specification, an open standard. Do not refer to it as JavaScript, which is the corresponding implementation by Time Warner.

jewel case

Do not use. Use CD case or DVD case instead.


All right to use as an adjective, as a noun, or as a verb. Do not use to mean embed. Join, in database terminology, refers to a relationship or association between fields in different tables and should be reserved for that meaning in documentation for database and related products.

Microsoft style

If you join numeric fields that do not have matching FieldSize property settings, Microsoft Access may not find all the matching records when you run the query.

When you add fields from both tables to the query design grid, the default, or inner, join tells the query to check for matching values in the join fields.

To embed one object into another, click Paste on the Edit menu.

Not Microsoft style

To join one object with another, click Paste on the Edit menu.


One word. Joysticks have controls (not options) for controlling movement on the screen.


Do not use as a noun to refer to cross-references to other Help topics or to hyperlinks.

Do not use as a verb to refer to going from one link to another. Use go to instead.

justify, justified

Do not use as a synonym for aligned. Justified text is text that is both left-aligned and right-aligned. To describe alignment on one margin only, use left-aligned or right-aligned, not left-justified or right-justified.

If content that discuss text alignment has an index or glossary, include justify in the index or glossary with cross-references to align, left align, and right align, as appropriate. See also left align, left-aligned, right align, right-aligned.

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