
Do not use object as a synonym for item or thing unless you have no other choice. Try to be as specific as possible when you refer to an object because the term means different things in different contexts.

For example, in object-oriented programming, an object is an instance of a class. It contains both methods and data and is treated as one entity. Similarly, in COM-based technologies, an object is a combination of code and data that implements one or more interfaces. However, in assembly language, object refers to the object module, which contains data that has been translated into machine code.

Object Linking and Embedding

Note capitalization. Spell out on first mention. On subsequent mention, abbreviate as OLE.


Do not use as a verb. Use a phrase such as make obsolete instead.


Do not use of after another preposition in such phrases as “off of” or “outside of.” It is colloquial and can be confusing for the worldwide audience.

Microsoft style

The taskbar is outside the main window area.

Save your work and then log off the network.

Not Microsoft style

The taskbar is outside of the main window area.

Save your work and then log off of the network.


One word in all instances. Use in the sense of not being connected to or part of a system or network. Do not use in the slang sense of “outside the present context.”

off-premises, on-premises

Terms used to distinguish local computing (in which computing resources are located on a customer’s own facilities) from remote computing (in which computing resources are provided partially or totally through cloud computing).

Hyphenate in all positions. Note that premises is plural. Do not use on-premise, off-premise. Do not use on-premises cloud or off-premises cloud.

okay, OK

Use OK only to match the user interface. Otherwise, use okay. When referring to the OK button in procedures, do not use the and button.

Microsoft style

In the Save As dialog box, click OK.

It is okay to write passwords down, but keep them secure.

Not Microsoft style

In the Save As dialog box, click the OK button.

It is OK to write passwords down, but keep them secure.


It is all right to omit “Click OK” at the end of a procedure if it is clear that the user must click OK to complete the procedure.


Use on with these elements:

  • Menus (“the Open command is on the File menu”)

  • Taskbar, toolbar, ruler, and desktop (“click Start on the taskbar”)

  • Disks, in the sense of a program being on a disk (“the printer drivers on Disk 2”)

  • User interface (“on the user interface”)

  • The screen itself (something appears “on the screen”)

  • Network (“the printer is on the network”)

  • Hardware platforms (“on the Macintosh”)

  • The web (“on the web”)

Do not use on with user input actions. See also in, into; on-screen; onto; on to; procedures.

Microsoft style

Click the right mouse button.

Click the WordPad icon.

Click OK.

Press Enter.

Not Microsoft style

Click on the right mouse button.

Click on the WordPad icon.

Click on OK.

Press on the Enter key.

In COM programming, an interface is implemented on an object.

on the fly

All right to use in content for a technical audience to refer to something that is created when it is needed instead of beforehand.

on/off switch

All right to use. Use instead of on/off button except when referring to a remote control device.


To avoid ambiguity, especially for the worldwide audience, do not use as a synonym for after.

Microsoft style

After you save the document, you can exit the program.

Not Microsoft style

Once you save the document, you can exit the program.


One word, both as an adjective and as a noun.

online Help

In general, use Help by itself except when necessary to describe the Help system.

Microsoft style

You have easy access to hundreds of subjects in Help.

Not Microsoft style

You have easy access to hundreds of subjects in online Help.


Hyphenate as both an adjective and as an adverb in all instances. However, instead of using it as an adverb, try to write around by using a phrase such as on the screen.

Microsoft style

Follow the on-screen instructions.

Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

on-screen keyboard

A keyboard representation on the screen that the user touches to input characters. Do not use virtual keyboard, soft keyboard, visual keyboard, or keyboard display.


There is an add-in for some versions of Microsoft Office called the Microsoft Visual Keyboard. This program displays the keyboard for another language on your screen so that you can either click the keys on the screen or see how the keys in the second language correspond to the ones on your keyboard. This keyboard is also referred to as an on-screen keyboard.

onto, on to

Two words (on to) when referring to the action of connecting to a network, as in “log on to the network.”

One word (onto) to indicate moving something to a position on top of something else, as in “drag the icon onto the desktop.”


All right to use opcode when referring to a programming term such as the opcode parameter. However, do not use opcode as a shortened form of operation code. Use operation code instead.


Users open windows, files, documents, and folders. Describe the item as open, not opened, as in “an open file” and “the open document.”

Do not use open to describe clicking a command, a menu, an icon, an option, or other similar element. See also procedures, Ribbons, menus, and toolbars (Chapter 5).

Microsoft style

To open the document in Outline view, click View, and then click Outline.

You double-click the Works icon to open Works.

You can view your document in the open window.

Not Microsoft style

Open the View menu, and then open the Outline command.

Open the Works icon.

You can view your document in the opened window.

operating environment, operating system

By conventional definitions, an operating environment (or just environment) includes both hardware and operating system software, while an operating system is only the software. (A graphical environment refers to the graphical user interface of an operating system.) However, in practice environment often refers only to the operating system, as in “Visual FoxPro runs in the UNIX environment.”

You can use several prepositions with operating system. Programs can run on, under, or with an operating system, whichever seems more appropriate. However, do not use run against an operating system. See also platform.

Microsoft style

Word 2010 runs with the Windows operating system.

Microsoft Exchange Server runs on the Windows Server operating system.

Not Microsoft style

A number of programs run against Windows 7.

option, option button

In general, refer to items in a dialog box only by their labels. If you must provide a descriptor, use option. Use the exact label text, including its capitalization, but do not capitalize the word option itself.

image with no caption

You should generally refer only to the option that the button controls. If you must refer to the button to avoid ambiguity, use option button. See also control, radio button, switch.

Microsoft style

In the Sort Text dialog box, click No Header Row.

Not Microsoft style

In the Sort Text dialog box, click the No Header Row option button.

In content for a technical audience, it is all right to use option instead of switch to refer to a command argument or compiler option, such as /b or /Za, if your project style sheet permits it.


Do not use. Use negative indent instead. See also indent, indentation.


Do not use as a verb. Use as a term specific to the kind of output referred to, such as write to, display on, or print to instead.

Microsoft style

The output provided the information needed.

A printer is a standard output device.

You can print a document to a file instead of to a specific printer.

Not Microsoft style

You can output a document to a file instead of to a specific printer.


Use instead of the colloquial outside of.


To avoid ambiguity, use over to refer to a position or location above something. For quantities, use more than. Do not use to refer to version numbers. List each applicable version instead. See also later.

Microsoft style

A transparent viewing layer with a red border appears over the diagram.

The installed base is more than 2 million.

You need Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP.

Not Microsoft style

The installed base is over 2 million.

You need Windows XP or over.


Use to refer to Overtype mode (note capitalization). In Overtype mode the user types over existing content at the cursor.

Do not use as a synonym for overwrite. See also overwrite.


Use only to refer to replacing new data with existing data. Use replace to refer to replacing an existing file with a new one with the same name.

Do not use overwrite as a synonym for type over. See also overtype.

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