Evaluate your content

By publishing content on the web, you can get immediate feedback in a variety of ways from your customers. Using customer feedback, you can change or update your content to better meet your customers’ needs—and you can get this improved content to your customer much more quickly.

Some websites have built-in feedback mechanisms so that customers can rate and comment on content. For example, some content includes a feedback survey at the bottom of each page.

If your content has many customers, you might want to use tools to help with data mining and analysis of customer feedback.

A/B testing

If you can’t support sophisticated customer feedback tools and analysis, you might try the A/B content testing method, which is done through controlled online experiments. In A/B testing, customers are exposed to (A) control content and (B) treated content. Comparing the two by using the metrics that make sense for your site (number of downloads, sales, page views, and so on), you can make gradual and systematic improvements to your site.

Task analysis

Task analysis—understanding what your customers need to do and how they’re using your content to do it—is another way of evaluating your content. In general, the task analysis process is as follows:

  • Identify the top tasks that customers need to complete by using your content.

  • Have participants use your content to do the tasks.

  • Use metrics to measure their success rates.

Some metrics include the following:

  • Task completion rate

  • Disaster rate (percentage of failed attempts)

  • Time it takes to complete the task

After you have identified areas of weakness in your content based on task analysis, you can make changes and remeasure as necessary to achieve an optimal success rate. For more information, see Customer Carewords: Top Task Management for Websites, http://www.customercarewords.com/task-performance-indicator.html.

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