Time and place

To globalize information for time and place, use the guidelines in the following table.


More information

Use international time formats.

Do not use A.M. and P.M. notation unless you have no other choice. Use 24-hour time format.

If you give a time for an event, include the time zone and the corresponding GMT zone.

Microsoft style

13:00 Eastern Time (UTC5)

Begin calendars on Monday, not Sunday.

This is the custom in much of the world.

Spell out names of months.

Use the format month dd, yyyy.

Microsoft style

January 5, 2011

Do not use numbers to represent months. For example, do not use 6/12/2011. This example could be read in different parts of the world as June 12, 2011, or as December 6, 2011.

Do not refer to seasons unless you have no other choice.

Remember, summer in the northern hemisphere is winter in the southern hemisphere. Use months or calendar quarters instead. If you must mention a season in other than the most general way, establish which hemisphere you are referring to.

Microsoft style

The product is scheduled for release in July.

The event takes place in northern summer.

Flowers bloom in the spring.

Not Microsoft style

The product is scheduled for release in summer.

Include the country or region name in event locations.


Do not name countries, regions, cities, or land features in disputed areas.

Errors in names of disputed territory can be highly offensive and even illegal in some countries.

For more information, see A.M., P.M.; Dates; Time zones.

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