Accessible webpages

Keep in mind that your website needs to be accessible not only to people with disabilities but also to people who use various kinds of browsers, who have graphics turned off, or who may be using older technology. The following guidelines are brief reminders. You can find more details about the rationale for these guidelines and some ways to accommodate them in the resources listed earlier in this topic.

To enhance the accessibility of webpages for people who use screen readers, follow these guidelines and the guidelines provided in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (

  • Always provide alternative text for elements that are not text, including graphics, audio, and video. For simple elements, a brief but accurate description is enough. Use an asterisk (*) or the word bullet for bullets, not a description such as little blue ball. Do not include information about invisible placeholders. For more complex elements, provide a link to a separate page with more details. For further guidelines for HTML accessibility, see the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

  • Provide text links in addition to image maps.

  • Write link text that is meaningful but brief. Do not use phrases such as “click here.” Use links that can stand alone in a list.

  • Make link text distinct. Use redundant visual cues, such as both color and underline, so that color-blind users can identify link text.

  • Plan links and image-map links so that navigation with the Tab key moves appropriately for bidirectional text.

  • If you use frames, provide alternative pages without them.

  • If you use tables, ensure that they are formatted according to production guidelines for your team and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

  • Provide closed captions, transcripts, or descriptions of audio and video content.

  • Do not use scrolling marquees unless you have no other choice.

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