Notes and tips

Notes call the user’s attention to information of special importance or information that cannot otherwise be suitably presented in the main text. Notes include general notes, tips, important notes, and cautions. Use notes sparingly so that they remain effective in drawing the user’s attention.

If your content is cluttered with notes, you probably need to reorganize the information. In general, try to use only one note in a Help topic. For example, if you must have two notes of the same type, such as a tip and a caution, combine them into one note with two paragraphs, or integrate one or both of the notes in the main text. Never include two or more paragraphs formatted as notes without intervening text. If you need to put two notes together, format them as an unordered list within the note heading.

You can include lists within notes.

The type of note (distinguished by the heading of the note or its bitmap) depends on the type of information given, the purpose of the information, and its relative urgency. The following sections explain the types of notes used in Microsoft content and their rank, from neutral to most critical.


A note with the heading “Note” indicates neutral or positive information that emphasizes or supplements important points of the main text. A note supplies information that may apply only in special cases. Examples are memory limitations, equipment configurations, or details that apply to specific versions of a program.

Microsoft style


If Windows prompts you for a network password at startup, your network is already set up, and you can skip this section.


A tip is a type of note that helps users apply the techniques and procedures described in the text to their specific needs. A tip suggests alternative methods that may not be obvious and helps users understand the benefits and capabilities of the product. A tip is not essential to the basic understanding of the text.

In Microsoft content, a tip icon signals a tip, with or without the heading “Tip.” It is also all right to use the word “Tip” without an icon.

Microsoft style

You can also use this procedure to copy a file and give it a new name or location.


You can also use this procedure to copy a file and give it a new name or location.

Important notes

An important note provides information that is essential to the completion of a task. Users can disregard information in a note and still complete a task, but they should not disregard an important note.

Microsoft style


You must be logged on as a member of the Administrators group to complete this procedure.


A caution is a type of note that advises users that failure to take or avoid a specific action could result in loss of data. Also see Messages.

Microsoft style


To avoid damaging files, always shut down your computer before you turn it off.

For information about warnings and other UI notifications, see Messages (Chapter 5).

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