Hybrid Approaches: SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio

Optimally, it would be possible to both edit resources stored on the content database and the file system and be able to deploy them globally and to the content database using a single tool. While that is not yet possible, it is possible to utilize the strengths of both SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio when you implement customization and branding. To do so, SharePoint Designer is used to the greatest extent possible to customize resources using its graphical user interface and its ability to rapidly see the changes in an actual site. Once customizations have been completed and approved, the files generated can be saved to the file system for use with Visual Studio. Using Visual Studio, you can package the resources into a Windows SharePoint Services Solution Package for global deployment to the file system; features are used to create pointers to the files in the content database. The features involved are module features, which either make a physical copy of files to the content database or create a pointer in the content database to an uncustomized file. This approach has the very attractive benefit of utilizing the strengths of both design and development teams to the greatest extent possible.

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