Chapter Summary

ToDo this
Add a comment to an MDX queryEnter double slash characters (//) before the comment.
Include all the members of the Product Name level on the column axisUse the clause [Product Name].Members ON COLUMNS.
Put sets of members on two axesUse both ON COLUMNS and ON ROWS in a query.
Create a set from explicit membersEnclose the list of members separated by commas, between opening braces ({) and closing braces (}).
Create a set consisting of all possible combinations of two setsUse the CrossJoin function with the two sets as arguments.
Calculate the average of all members of the State level of the State dimensionUse the expression Avg([State].[State].Members).
Calculate an aggregation by using each measure’s aggregation functionUse the Aggregate function.
Calculate the cumulative total restarting with each new member of the Calendar Year levelUse the expression Sum(PeriodsToDate([Calendar Year])).
Calculate a numeric value of the Price member property of the current member of the Product dimensionUse the expression CDbl([Product].Properties(“Price”)).

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