
So far, we have discussed a lot of high-level concepts, let's now wrap this chapter up before moving on and putting these concepts into practice through a series of examples.

I hope you're as excited as I am and, with this book, join me in shaping the future. This book consists of a series of examples, each walking through a "toy" example used to demonstrate a specific concept or feature of the HoloLens. As you work your way through this book, I encourage you to dream of what is possible, looking past some of the current nuances, knowing that they will be resolved in the near future. I would also discourage creating horseless carriages; a phrase used by the notable designer Don Norman in reference to how the car was designed (and named) on horse-drawn carriages, highlighting how new technology is always started by making it look like the old technology. So, rather than adapting from the existing apps, be inspired to adapt from the real world--with that said, let's make a start with our first example.

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