Adding the Face API key and App Capabilities

If not done so already, copy your services key, which we just described, to your clipboard and paste it into the cognitive_service.key file within this project. Without it, the call to the Face API will fail, leaving you with the task of debugging.

Next, we need to add the capabilities of our application to allow us to get access to the internet and camera. Capabilities are a great addition to the Windows platform, giving users more visibility of what applications require, and consequently, more transparency and explicit control of the applications they install. The capabilities are defined in the projects manifest, which can be accessed by opening the Solution Explorer panel and double-clicking on the Package.appxmanifest file. This will open a new window with the properties of your application; click on the Capabilities tab and check the capabilities:

  • Internet (Client)
  • Webcam

Your Capabilities panel should look similar to the following screenshot with the previously mentioned capabilities checked:

You can learn more about these and the rest of the capabilities at

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