

8/80 rule, 61, 561


abbreviations, using with durations, 59

accessibility improvements, Project 2019, 9

Account page

Backstage view, 23

displaying in Project Online desktop client, 78

accrual method

defined, 561

entering for fixed costs, 219

Actions list, using with schedules, 113

actual costs. See also costs

defined, 276

entering manually, 329

actual work, entering, 333


collecting from resources, 335

defined, 561

recording, 169, 171, 175177


customizing task board cards, 490494, 511512

defined, 561

planning sprints, 494499, 513515

Priority field, 488

product backlog, 486488, 508510

progress from scrum meetings, 499502, 515518

reports for sprint reviews, 503505, 518520

resources, 506

Sprints Project template, 484485, 507508

Agile team, creating, 488490, 510511

ALAP (As Late As Possible) constraint, 190191


defined, 264, 561

seeing, 267268

apps for Office, Project 2013, 11

archival format, saving to, 445

ASAP (As Soon As Possible) constraint, 190191

assignment units, 202203

Assign Resources dialog, 108

assignment details, viewing and editing in Task Form view, 110111

assignment-level work, editing, 269


actual and remaining work, 325330, 340341

adjusting in Team Planner view, 251254, 261

applying contours to, 243246, 258259

calculation, 112113, 202203

defined, 561

delaying start of, 241242, 258

per resource, 332

starting, 242

and task values, 336

units, 202203

Auto save options, 43


applying, 300301

defined, 561

AutoFilter improvements, Project 2010, 12

automatic cost calculation, 330

automatically scheduled tasks, 54, 56, 60, 561


Backstage and OneDrive integration, Project 2013, 10

Backstage view

defined, 561

exiting, 24

Export page, 446

Project 2010, 11

using, 2226, 36

bar chart, 133

bar styles

defining, 372

reordering, 374

Bar Styles dialog, Gantt chart views, 368369

bars, seeing details about, 348

base calendars

applying to tasks, 199200

assigning to resources, 96

creating, 198

defined, 561

using, 44

baseline, saving for plan, 159162, 172

baseline plan, explained, 159


clearing, 162

defined, 561

vs. interim plans, 162

removing, 325

saving, 161162, 172

updating, 322325, 339340

billing and resource costs, 357

Blank Project option, 1617, 25

blended and burdened rates, 92

Boards - Work Status report, 503, 519

bottom-up and top-down planning, 64, 227, 561

Budget Cost Report, 355356

burdened and blended rates, 92

Burndown report, 346, 505, 561


calendar, 561. See also project calendar; resource calendar

Calendar list, 44

Calendar view

defined, 561

formatting, 382384, 393394

Cash Flow report, 354356


defined, 305

formatting, 137138

removing formatting, 138

Change Working time dialog, 9495

chart buttons, using, 407

Chart Design and Format tabs, 403404

Chart Elements, 404

Chart Filters, 404

chart portion of view, 27

Chart Styles, 404


copying from reports, 147

customizing in reports, 403407, 412413

displaying in Gantt chart view, 132

Field List pane, 405406

formatting, 407

including in reports, 144, 398

including Project information, 406

styles, 407

collaborating using PWA (Project Web App), 548554

collaboration and integration features

Computer mode, 538

Microsoft Planner plan, linking to, 540542

overview, 537

PWA (Project Web App), 548554

color formatting, applying to Gantt bars, 182185

column headings, sorting by, 292293

columns, adding to tables, 309


accessing, 19

actions performed by, 21

locating and using, 1718

on ribbon, 21

comparing plans, 324

completion percentage, entering for tasks, 164167

Computer mode, setting Project to, 538540

consolidating plans, 470474, 480481, 562

constraints. See also project triangle

defined, 562

managing, 528531

using to control task scheduling, 188194, 210.

context menus, 19

contextual tabs, 20

contouring, 562


applying to assignments, 243246, 258259

defined, 562


charts from reports, 147

data between programs, 438441, 454

elements between plans, 418

elements to global template, 419

Standard base calendar, 197

tabular data, 440441

Timeline view, 147

views and reports, 146147, 155

cost and finish date, checking for plans, 276280, 286

cost details, seeing, 278

cost in project triangle, 525531

Cost Overruns report, 277

Cost Overview report, 346

cost per use, entering for resources, 92

cost rate tables

changing for assignments, 238239

creating, 237

defined, 562

cost resources

assigning to tasks, 117118, 128

defined, 562

and pay rates, 90

setting up, 9697, 103

Cost table

Resource Sheet view, 360

Resource Usage view, 360

Task Sheet view, 119, 279, 356

Task Usage view, 218

costs. See also actual costs; task costs

defined, 562

distributed over time, 280

entering manually, 329

costs per resource, checking, 121. See also resources

costs per tasks, checking, 121. See also tasks

critical path

defined, 562

viewing, 223225, 231

cross-plan links. See also plans

creating, 475

working with, 476478

custom elements, sharing, 416419, 431432

custom fields, creating, 307. See also field customization


d abbreviation, 59

daily scrum meetings, recording progress from, 499502, 515518, 562

Dashboard report, displaying, 348

data, copying between programs, 438441, 454

data maps

creating, 442445

exporting, 448


displaying, 4243

setting as nonworking, 46

deadline, defined, 562

deadline dates, entering, 215217, 229, 562

dedicated resource pool, creating, 465


baselines, 325

constraints, 194

cross-plan links, 478

deadline dates, 217

formatting, 74

hyperlinks, 74

macros, 422

notes, 74

resource filters, 494

resources, 87

tasks, 55

deliverable, defined, 562

dependencies. See also plans

creating, 6670, 474478, 481482

defined, 562

destination program, 437, 562

Detailed Timeline option, Timeline view, 147

driving predecessor, 67, 562


defined, 562

effect on schedule values, 168

durations, using abbreviations with, 59


effective date, setting for pay rate, 239

effort-driven scheduling, 111115, 117

defined, 563

and task types, 205

elapsed duration, 60, 62, 563

enterprise project management (EPM), 554

Entry table, 563

EPM (enterprise project management), 554

equipment resources, 88. See also resources


copying data between, 438

generating reports with, 450453, 459

PivotCharts and Pivot Tables, 451

export map, 563

Export page, Backstage view, 23, 446

Export Wizard, 448

exporting and printing views, 384388, 395396

Extensible Markup Language (XML) format, saving to, 445


FF (Finish-to-finish) task relationship, 67, 185186

field, defined, 305

field customization, Project 2010, 12. See also custom fields

Field List pane

charts, 405406

reports, 33, 400

tables, 408


customizing, 307

defined, 563

file formats

opening, 442445, 455457

saving to, 445449, 457458

File tab, 20

file types, support for, 446447


managing with Backstage view, 2226, 36

and settings, 2324, 43

sharing with previous versions, 449


clearing, 305

defined, 563

plan details, 299305, 316


creating and editing, 303304

customizing, 301302, 304305

using with task board cards, 492493

finish date

checking for plans, 276280

checking in Timeline, 71

fixed consumption rate, 563

fixed costs

defined, 563

entering, 218219, 229230

fixed-duration task type, 200201, 563

fixed-units task type, 200, 203, 563

fixed-work task type, 200, 563

flexible constraints, 189191, 563

float and critical path, 223

FNET (Finish No Earlier Than) constraint, 190

FNLT (Finish No Later Than) constraint, 190

folders, pinning to Recent Folders list, 23

font settings, tables, 409

footer or header, customizing, 387

forecasts, 343

Format group, Layout button, 371


Calendar view, 382384, 393394

cells or ranges of cells, 137138

charts, 407

Gantt bars, 136, 371

Gantt chart elements, 133134

Gantt chart view, 367374, 389390

items in Timeline, 376

link lines, 371

Network Diagram view, 377382, 392393

removing, 74

removing from cells, 138

removing from Gantt bar shapes, 136

Timeline view, 374377, 391

free slack, 223, 563

FS (Finish-to-start) task relationship, 66, 185186

fully allocated, 563


Gantt bar shapes

formatting, 136

removing formatting, 136

Gantt bar style

adding or changing text displayed, 373

creating, 372373

Gantt bars

applying color formatting, 182185

formatting, 371

setting or extending progress on, 166

Gantt chart styles, applying to Gantt bars, 136

Gantt Chart command, 21

Gantt chart, drawing, 135

Gantt Chart Style group, 133134

Gantt chart view. See also Leveling Gantt view; views

adjusting timescale, 139

assigned resources, 106107

Bar Styles dialog, 368369

chart, 132

critical path, 224

customizing, 132139, 151153

date displayed in, 42

defined, 563

displaying baselines, 162

elements of, 132133

formatting, 367374, 389390

formatting elements, 133134

panning and zooming from Timeline view, 142

Resource Names column, 109

seeing details about bars, 348

table, 132

and Task Form view, 30

timescale, 132

using to represent schedules, 2627

ghost tasks, 475

global template, 417420, 563. See also templates

graphic images, pasting, 441

gridlines, turning on or off, 371

Group field, 564


clearing, 299

plan details, 294299, 315

vs. sorting, 296


customizing, 297298

defined, 564

using, 17

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, 523


h abbreviation, 59

hard finish date, 279

header or footer, customizing, 387

Help tab, 20


clearing, 305

tasks and resources, 302, 305


adding to tasks, 73

defined, 564

removing, 74



adding to reports, 398, 403

pasting, 441

import map, 564

Import Wizard, 442445

import/export maps, 442

importing into Project for the web, 542544

inactive tasks, Project 2010, 12. See also tasks

incomplete work, rescheduling, 337338, 342. See also work

inflexible constraints, 189190, 192, 564

Info page, Backstage view, 2223

inserted plans, 470, 473, 564

instructional needs, matching content to, 557560

instructional tools, reports as, 401

integration. See collaboration and integration features

interim plans

vs. baselines, 162

defined, 564

saving, 323325

interrupting work on tasks, 195197, 210211


Kanban, 564

key indicators, displaying for plans, 118

keyboard shortcut, assigning to macro, 421


labels, adding to timeline bars, 377

lag time

defined, 564

and lead time, 187188

Late Tasks report, 350, 352

Layout button, Format group, 371

Layout tab, 34

lead time

defined, 564

and lag time, 187188

legend, Page Setup dialog, 386

level resources, setting, 275

Leveling Calculations group, 273

leveling delays, 268270, 276

Leveling Gantt view, 265, 275276. See also Gantt chart view

leveling options, setting, 272, 275

Leveling Order settings, 274

leveling resources, 275

line manager, 564

link, defined, 564

link lines, formatting appearance of, 371

linking tasks, 6870


m abbreviation, 59


defined, 564

editing, 422425, 434

keyboard shortcuts, 421

recording and running, 419422, 432434

security settings, 421

manually scheduled task, 54, 56, 564

margins, setting, 149150

material resources

and cost resources, 90

creating and assigning, 246249, 259260

defined, 564

maximum capacity of resources, 249

maximum units, 564

MFO (Must Finish On) constraint, 190, 216

Microsoft 365

defined, 564

showing updates for, 8

Microsoft Learning website, 556

Microsoft Planner plan, linking to, 540542

Microsoft Word, copying data between, 438439

milestone tasks, entering, 6263

milestones, defined, 565

Mini Toolbars, displaying, 19

mo abbreviation, 59

MSO (Must Start On) constraint, 190, 192193

must-hit finish date, 279


naming tasks, 54

negative slack, 565

Network Diagram view, 377382, 392393, 565

New page, Backstage view, 2324

Night Shift base calendar, 565

nodes, defined, 377

noncritical task, 565

nonworking days, setting in project calendar, 4347, 50


adding to tasks, 73

defined, 565

removing, 74

types of, 72

using to document resources, 9799


Office apps, Paste Special feature, 439

Office Help and Training website, 540, 544, 548

OLAP (Online Analytical Processing), 451

OneDrive and Backstage integration, Project 2013, 10

ongoing operations, 565

Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), 451

Open command, Backstage view, 23


file formats, 442445, 455457

plans, 25

Options, Backstage view, 2226, 36


accessing, 2223

defined, 565

Orientation, selecting, 150

outline, defined, 565

outlining plans, 6365

overallocated, defined, 565

overallocated resources, leveling, 270276, 284285. See also resources

Overallocated Resources report, 268

overallocation indicators, seeing, 264

overallocations, finding, 267

overtime expenses, 91

overtime rates, entering for resources, 92


Page Breaks command, 149150

Page navigation buttons, 148

Page Setup options

adjusting in reports, 150

considering, 386

groups, 149

legend, 386

pan and zoom control, Timeline view, 142

paper size, setting, 149150

Paste Special feature, Office apps, 439

pasting data from programs, 440

pasting to Excel and Word, Project 2010, 12

pay rates, entering for work resources, 9092. See also resource pay rates

PDF and XPS formats

generating, 388

Project 2010, 12, 445

peak, 202203

phase, defined, 565

pie charts, 400

PivotCharts and Pivot Tables, Excel, 451

PivotDiagrams features, Visio, 452

plan details

filtering, 299305, 316

grouping, 294299, 315

sorting, 290294, 314315

plan title, setting up, 4748, 51


defined, 565

solution, 5

Planner help, 542

Planner hub, accessing, 542

Planner plan, linking to, 540542

planning, defined, 565

plans, 159162, 223225. See also cross-plan links; dependencies; schedules

applying top-down focus, 227

basing on plans and templates, 25

checking after assigning resources, 118122, 129130

checking cost and finish date, 276280, 286

comparing, 324

connecting to, 5

consolidating, 470474, 480481

creating, 1617, 4143, 49

creating as blank projects, 25

creating templates from, 2526

defined, 565

displaying key indicators, 118

duration and finish date, 7072, 8182

entering titles and properties, 4748, 51

linking to resource pools, 468

opening, 23, 25

outlining, 6365

pinning to Recent Projects list, 23

saving, 25, 43

saving baselines for, 172

saving baselines of, 159162

setting start dates, 4143, 49

tracking as scheduled, 163164, 173

unlinking from resource pools, 468

variance, 344348, 361

viewing critical path, 223225, 231

PMBOK Guide, 523

PMI (Project Management Institute), 523, 534535

portfolio management, 554556

PPM (project portfolio management), 537, 554556, 566

predecessor tasks, 67, 475. See also tasks

applying Task Path formatting, 182184

defined, 565

Presentation Styles, Gant Chart, 134

Print page, Backstage view, 23


and exporting views, 384388, 395396

reports, 150, 155156

views, 155156

views and reports, 148150

Priority field, Agile, 488

product backlog

assigning resources, 489490

creating, 508510

defined, 565

product backlog, creating, 486488

product scope

defined, 565

vs. project scope, 55

progress bar, 565

progress reports, 343

progress tracking, understanding, 158


blog posts, 548

learning communities, 533534

managing projects with, 531

portfolio management, 554556

success with, 13

Project 2010, new features, 1112

Project 2013, new features, 1011

Project 2016, new and improved features, 10

Project 2019, new features, 9

project calendar. See also calendar; resource calendar

creating from Standard base calendar, 197

defined, 565

selecting, 46

setting nonworking days in, 4347, 50

Project community and support resources, 544, 554

project constraints

defined, 562

managing, 528531

using to control task scheduling, 188194, 210.

Project engineering team, 554

project finish date, Project 2013, 10

Project for the web

defined, 566

described, 5

importing into, 542544

Project hub, accessing, 544

Project Information dialog, 44

Project learning community, joining, 533534

project management

Agile, 486, 505

collecting actuals from resources, 335

communicating status, 347

effort-driven scheduling, 116

evaluating resource allocation, 266

finish date and critical tasks, 279

learning communities, 534535

perspective, 1213

progress tracking, 170

and Project, 4748

resource cost information, 92

task durations, 6061

tasks and deliverables, 55

teaching with Project, 560

top-down and bottom-up planning, 64

variance, 351

Project Management Institute (PMI), 523, 534535

Project Online desktop client, 48

Account page, 78

defined, 566

reviewing updates, 78

setting to Computer mode, 538540

upgrading to, 8

Project Online/Project Server, 566

Project Options dialog, opening, 23

Project Overview report, 345

Project partners, 556

Project plans. See plans

project portfolio management (PPM), 554556

Project product portal, 544, 554

Project product website, 556

Project Professional, 4, 6, 566

setting to Computer mode, 538540

Project program

editions, 4

overview, 34

Standard vs. Professional, 6

project scope, 566

Project Server, 5

Project Standard, 4, 6, 566

Project Statistics dialog, opening, 348

project summary task, 566

Project tab, 20

project triangle, 525527, 566. See also constraints

Project user interface

active view (or report), 18

Blank Project option, 1617

commands, 1718

contextual tabs, 20

exploring, 36

File tab, 20

groups, 17

Help tab, 20

parts of, 17

Project tab, 20

Quick Access Toolbar, 1617

Report tab, 20

Resource tab, 20

ribbon, 17, 20

ScreenTips, 1718

Start screen, 16

status bar, 18

tabs, 20

Task tab, 20

Tell Me box, 17

view label (or report label), 1718

<View Name> Format Tab, 20

view shortcuts, 1718

View tab, 20

Zoom Slider, 1718

Project Web App (PWA), 548554

project-management learning community, joining, 534535


cost, 526527

defined, 565

definition, 13, 523524

scope, 527

time, 526

properties, entering, 4748, 51

PWA (Project Web App), 5, 538540, 548554, 566


Quick Access Toolbar

customizing, 425430, 435436

locating, 17


R&D (research and development) process, 505

ranges of cells, formatting, 137138

rates, burdened and blended, 92

Recent Folders list, pinning folders to, 23

Recent Projects list, pinning plans to, 23

Record Macro dialog, 420

recording actuals, 169

recording work as scheduled, 164

recurring tasks, creating, 219223, 230231, 566. See also tasks

relationships. See also task relationships

creating between plans, 475

defined, 566

remaining work, tracking, 325330. See also work

Report Design tab, 398

Report or View label, 1718

Report tab, 20


adjusting page setup options, 150

applying styles to charts in, 144

applying styles to tables in, 144

for checking status of plans, 3235, 38

contents of, 32

copying, 146147, 155

Cost Overruns, 277

creating, 402

customizing, 143145, 154, 397403, 411412

customizing charts in, 403407, 412413

customizing tables in, 407409, 413414

defined, 566

displaying, 3435, 144

Field List pane, 33, 400

generating for sprint reviews, 503505, 518520

generating with Excel and Visio, 450453, 459

as instructional tools, 401

printing, 148150, 155156

Project 2013, 10

Task Boards, 503505

vs. views, 401

rescheduling incomplete work, 337338, 342

research and development (R&D) process, 505

Resource Allocation view, 265267

resource allocations

evaluating, 266

examining, 263268, 283

resource assignments

adding or removing, 111117, 126127

seeing, 122

resource availability, changing, 234236, 255256

resource calendar. See also calendar; project calendar

adjusting working time in, 9396, 102103

defined, 566

resource capacity, viewing, 249251, 260261

resource cost information, getting, 92

Resource Cost Overview report, 143144, 154, 359360

resource cost rate, setting up, 240241

resource costs, examining, 357360, 364

resource filters, removing, 494

Resource Form, 467

resource leveling, 270276, 566

resource lists, inserting work resources in, 87

resource manager, 566

Resource Names column, 110

Resource Names list, displaying, 109

resource overallocations

examining, 283

resolving, 268270, 284

resource pay rates. See also pay rates

changing, 239241, 257

working with, 236239, 256257

resource pools

defined, 566

sharing, 461470, 479480

Resource Sheet view, 2829

Resource tab, 20

Resource Usage view, 29, 121. See also views

assignments per resource, 332

resource capacity, 250

timephased actual work, 336

resource-centric vs. task-centric views, 119120

resources. See also costs per resource; equipment resources; overallocated resources; resource overallocations; work resources

adjusting working capacities, 89

assigning, 106107, 109

assigning base calendars, 96

assigning to recurring tasks, 222223

clearing filtering, 305

clearing grouping, 299

clearing highlighting, 305

defined, 567

deleting, 87

documenting using notes, 9799, 104

entering cost per use, 92

entering overtime rates, 92

entering standard rates, 9192

filtering, 302305

grouping, 296, 299

highlighting, 305

managing, 529

maximum capacity, 249

overview, 8586

sorting by cost amounts, 360

vs. tasks, 197

unassigning from tasks, 117


customizing, 425430, 435436

interface, 567

locating and using, 17

Project 2010, 11

resetting, 430

tabs, 20

ribbon customization, Project 2010, 12

right-click menus, 19

risks, defined, 567


Save and Save As commands, Backstage view, 23


to archival formats, 445

baselines, 161162

baselines of plans, 159162, 172

data in file formats, 449

to file formats, 445449, 457458

interim plans, 323325

plans, 25, 43

to XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, 445

schedule details in views, 2632, 37

schedule results, changing, 116

schedule values, effect of duration on, 168

scheduled tasks, Project 2010, 11

schedules. See also plans

representing in Gantt chart view, 2627

using Actions list with, 113

scheduling formula, 567

scheduling modes, 54, 57

Scheduling Styles, Gant Chart, 134

scheduling tasks

controlling using constraints, 188194, 210

controlling using task types, 200205, 212213

manual vs. automatic, 5657, 7677

overview, 181

performing, 254


defined, 567

in project triangle, 525531

screen resolution, being aware of, 16

ScreenTips, 18

scrum framework, 488, 499502, 515518, 562, 567

security settings, macros, 421

semi-flexible constraints, 189191, 567

sequence, defined, 567

settings and files, 2324, 43

SF (Start-to-finish) task relationship, 67, 185


adding to reports, 403

including in reports, 398

Share page, Backstage view, 23

SharePoint Online, 5, 544548, 567

sharer plan, 567


custom elements, 416419, 431432

files with previous versions, 449

resource pools, 461470, 479480

sheet views, 2829. See also views

shortcut menus, 19, 567

Skype integration, Project 2013, 11

slack and critical path, 223, 225, 567

slipped tasks, identifying, 348352, 362. See also tasks

Slipping Tasks report, 351352

SNET (Start No Earlier Than) constraint, 190192, 253

SNLT (Start No Later Than) constraint, 190191

soft finish date, 279

sorted lists, resetting, 294


defined, 567,

vs. grouping, 296

plan details, 290294, 314315

resources by cost amounts, 360

source program, 437, 567

split, defined, 567

split button command, using, 21

Split Task commend, 195197

split views

displaying, 3132

items selected in, 30

Task Form and Gantt chart, 30

using, 2627

sponsor, defined, 567


defined, 567

planning, 494499, 513515

sprint backlog, defined, 567

sprint reviews

defined, 567

generating reports for, 503505, 518520

sprints, planning, 494499, 513515

Sprints Project template, Agile, 484485, 507508

SS (Start-to-start) task relationship, 67, 185

stakeholder, defined, 568

Standard base calendar, 93, 197, 568

standard rates, entering for resources, 9192

start date, setting or changing, 43

Start screen, 16

Statistics dialog, checking, 71

status, communicating, 347

status bar, 1718

status date, 568

status reports, 343345

story points, 568


applying to charts in reports, 145

applying to tables in reports, 144

subtask, defined, 568

successor tasks, 6669, 184, 476, 568. See also tasks

summary tasks. See also tasks

creating, 6365, 79

defined, 568

displaying, 7172, 345

scheduling manually, 226228, 232


Table Design and Layout tabs, 34, 407408

table portion of view, 27


adding columns to, 309

adding to reports, 402

creating, 305309, 317318

customizing, 308309

customizing in reports, 407409, 413414

defined, 568

design and layout, 409

displaying in Gantt chart view, 132

Field List pane, 408

font settings, 409

including in reports, 398

including Project information, 409

switching to, 162

tables in reports, applying styles to, 144

tables in views, switching in, 31

tabs, locating, 17, 2021

tabular data, copying, 440441

task and assignment values, 336

task bars, switching to callouts in Timeline view, 141

task board cards, customizing, 490494, 511512

Task Board view, Project Online desktop client, 67

Task Boards, reports, 503505

task calendar

applying to tasks, 198

defined, 568

task constraints. See constraints

Task Cost Overview report, 354, 356, 364

task costs, examining, 352356, 363364. See also actual costs; costs

Task Form view

assignment details, 108111

effort-driven scheduling, 114

and Gantt chart view, 30

task ID, 568

task information, documenting, 7274, 8283

Task Inspector, using, 206207

task link relationships, adjusting, 185188, 209

task linking, Project 2019, 9

Task Mapping, Import Wizard, 443

Task Path

Project 2013, 10

using to see task relationships, 182185, 208

task priority, 568

task relationships, seeing using Task Path, 182185, 208. See also relationships

task schedule details, seeing using Task Inspector, 206207, 213214

task scheduling

controlling using constraints, 188194, 210

controlling using task types, 200205, 212213

manual vs. automatic, 5657, 7677

overview, 181

performing, 254

Task Sheet view

Cost table, 119, 279

Variance table, 349, 352

Task Summary Name field, Project 2019, 9

Task tab, 20

task types

defined, 568

and effort-driven scheduling, 205

formatting text for, 371

using to control task scheduling, 200205, 212213

Task Usage view. See also views

Cost table, 218

timephased actual work, 336

using, 29, 120

task-centric vs. resource-centric views, 119120

tasks. See also costs per tasks; inactive tasks; predecessor tasks; recurring tasks; slipped tasks; successor tasks; summary tasks; unassigned tasks; unscheduled tasks; work on tasks

actual and remaining work, 325330, 340341

adding hyperlinks to, 73

adding notes to, 73

adding to Timeline view, 139141, 153

adjusting working time for, 197200, 211

applying Text styles, 136137

assigning cost resources to, 117118, 128

assigning material resources to, 249

assigning work resources to, 106111, 123126

clearing filtering, 305

clearing grouping, 299

clearing highlighting, 305

converting to milestone tasks, 63

creating, 5355, 7576

defined, 568

defining for deliverables, 55

deleting, 55

durations and estimates, 5862, 7778

entering actuals for, 175177

entering completion percentage, 164167, 174

entering milestones, 6263, 7879

entering values for, 167169, 171, 175177

filtering, 302305

grouping, 296, 299

highlighting, 305

inactivating, 280281, 287288

inserting in task lists, 55

interrupting work on, 195197, 210211

linking, 6870

linking to create dependencies, 6670, 8081

linking to Planner plans, 541

naming, 54

reassigning between resources, 254

relationships, 6668

representing as boxes, 377, 379

vs. resources, 197

scheduling modes, 54

slipping, 348352

sorting, 292293

splitting, 195197

synchronizing with SharePoint Online, 544548

timephased actual work, 330336

Team Planner view

adjusting assignments, 251254, 261

Project 2010, 12

Tell Me box, locating and using, 10, 17

templates. See also global template

creating from plans, 2526

defined, 568

pinning to New page, 24

using, 24

using with Network Diagram view, 379380

text, formatting for task types, 371

text boxes

adding to reports, 402

including in reports, 398

Text styles

applying to tasks, 136137

modifying, 137

themes, Project 2016, 10

throughput metric, 568


defined, 568

managing, 528

in project triangle, 525527

timeline bars

adding labels to, 377

adding to Timeline view, 376377

adjusting date ranges, 377

Timeline text styles, changing, 376

Timeline view. See also views

adding tasks to, 139141, 153

checking finish date in, 71

copying, 147

defined, 568

Detailed Timeline option, 147

formatting, 374377, 391

formatting items in, 376

panning and zooming Gantt chart view, 142

Project 2010, 11

Project 2016, 10

Project 2019, 9

selecting, 28

using, 2627

timephased actual work, tracking, 330336, 341342. See also work

timephased field, 568


adjusting in Gantt chart view, 139

adjusting in views, 31

defined, 569

displaying in Gantt chart view, 132

using with usage views, 332

title of plan, setting up, 4748, 51

“to-do list” tasks, tracking, 165

top-down and bottom-up planning, 64, 227, 561, 569

total slack, 223, 569

touch input

enabling, 21

Project 2013, 10


actual and remaining work, 325330, 340341

actual work, 325330

defined, 569

“to-do list” tasks, 165

explained, 157

plans as scheduled, 163164, 173

remaining work, 325330

timephased actual work, 330336

Tracking Gantt view, displaying, 352

tracking progress. See progress tracking

Tracking table, recording actuals in, 169, 171


unassigned tasks, assigning and scheduling, 253. See also tasks

underallocated, defined, 569

units, defined, 569

unscheduled tasks, scheduling, 254. See also tasks

Update Tasks dialog, recording actuals in, 169, 171

updates, reviewing in Project Online desktop client, 78

usage views, working in, 29, 332. See also views

user story, 569


variable consumption rate, 569


considering, 351

defined, 569

examining, 344348, 361

Variance table

Task Sheet view, 349, 352

using with baselines, 160, 162

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), 419, 424

<View Name> Format Tab, 20

View or Report label, 1718

view shortcuts, 1718

View tab, 20

views. See also Gantt chart view; Resource Usage view; sheet views; Task Usage view; Timeline view; usage views

adjusting timescale in, 31

copying, 146147, 155

creating, 310313, 318320

defined, 569

Gantt chart, 26

printing, 148150, 155156

printing and exporting, 384388, 395396

vs. reports, 401

Resource Sheet, 2829

schedule details in, 2632, 37

switching between, 31

switching to tables in, 31

Timeline, 2627

Usage, 29


generating reports with, 450453, 459

PivotDiagrams features, 452

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), 419, 424

Visual Reports feature, 450453


w abbreviation, 59

WBS (work breakdown structure), 569

“Who does what, when?” question, answering, 120

Word, copying data between, 438439

work. See also incomplete work; remaining work; timephased actual work

calculating, 106

defined, 569

managing, 530531

recording as scheduled, 164

work breakdown structure (WBS), 569

work contours. See contours

work on tasks, interrupting, 195197. See also tasks

work resources. See also resources

assigning to tasks, 106111, 123

calendar exceptions, 94

defined, 569

entering pay rates, 9092, 101102

maximum capacity for, 8889, 101

naming, 87

setting up, 8687, 100

work week, setting up, 4647

working time

adjusting for calendar, 45

adjusting for tasks, 197200, 211

adjusting in resource calendar, 9396

exception, 9495

working week days and times, modifying, 9596


XML (Extensible Markup Language) format, saving to, 445

XPS and PDF formats, 12, 388, 445


zoom and pan control, Timeline view, 142

Zoom Slider, 1718

Zoom-level buttons, 148

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