8. Sending and Receiving Email


In this chapter, you add your email accounts to the phone so you can send and receive email and attachments. Topics include the following:

Image Adding and configuring email accounts

Image Automatically and manually checking for new email

Image Reading mail, working with attachments, and designating priority senders

Image Composing, replying to, and forwarding messages

Image Adding attachments and inserting material into messages

Image Managing email

Image Using Gmail

You can easily configure your phone to send and receive mail for your POP3, IMAP, and Exchange Server email accounts. In addition, the Email app supports many web-based accounts—as long as they also provide POP, IMAP, or Exchange support. If you aren’t sure what types of email accounts you can set up, contact your Internet service provider (ISP), call your information technology (IT) department, or review the Help information for your web-based accounts. (For information on creating and adding Gmail accounts, see Chapter 1, “Galaxy S5 Essentials.”)

Adding Email Accounts

You can add accounts to your phone in two ways: automatically or manually.

Corporate Exchange Server Users

If you’re adding a corporate Microsoft Exchange Server account, contact your IT department or system administrator for the correct settings and then follow the instructions in “Manually Add an Account,” later in this section. Exchange Server accounts cannot be added using the automatic method.

Automatically Add an Account

1. On the Home screen, tap the Email icon. (If the icon isn’t present, you can tap Apps, Email.)


Setting Up Your First Email Account

If you haven’t already set up an account, when you open the app, the Email Accounts screen automatically appears. Go directly to Step 5.

2. On any message list screen, tap the menu icon and choose Settings.


3. Tap Manage Accounts.


4. Tap the plus (+) icon to add a new account.


Verizon Users Only

If Verizon is your carrier, you’ll see a screen asking you to Choose an Account to Set Up. Tap the icon that represents your email service provider, such as Outlook.com or Verizon.net. Tap Others if your email account type isn’t shown.

5. Enter your full email address and account password. If you have difficulty using the onscreen keyboard, tap the Show Password check box to ensure that you enter the password correctly.

6. Optional: Tap the Set This Account as the Default for Sending Emails check box if you want the phone to treat this account as your main, default account from which email is normally sent. This check box appears only when you set up a second or subsequent account; when you set up your first email account, Email assumes this account is the default and doesn’t give you the choice.

7. Tap the Next button.


8. Email attempts to verify the account and determine the correct Internet standard protocol to use: POP3, IMAP, or Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync.


• If successful, the Account Options screen appears. Make any desired changes and tap Next. (If this is a Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync account—used by Outlook.com, Hotmail.com, Live.com, and many corporations—additional options are presented, such as Email Retrieval Size and whether you want to sync data other than email.)

Now or Whenever

If you don’t understand some of the options, you can just tap Next. You can change the account settings whenever it’s convenient by following the instructions in “Edit Individual Account Settings,” later in the chapter.

• If there’s a problem, an error dialog appears. Automatic setup can fail for a variety of reasons. Check your username, domain name, and password for errors, and then try again. If automatic setup fails repeatedly, use the manual setup method described in the next task.

9. You’re given an opportunity to name the account and specify the name that displays on outgoing mail from the account. Make any necessary changes and tap Done. (If you’re a Verizon customer, tap Next and then tap Done with Accounts.)


No Option to Set the Display Name

Certain account types, such as Hotmail, automatically take the display name from your current account information.

10. The account’s Inbox appears and email downloads to the account.


Manually Add an Account

1. Perform Steps 1–6 of the previous task (“Automatically Add an Account”) and tap the Manual Setup button.


Continuing from Automatic Setup

If you just performed an automatic setup and it failed with an error, you can also begin a manual setup here.

2. Specify the Internet standard protocol for sending and receiving account email by tapping its button. If you aren’t sure which protocols are supported, contact your ISP or IT department for the correct option(s). This example uses IMAP.


Multiple Protocols

If your ISP supports multiple protocols (such as POP3 and IMAP), performing a manual setup is sometimes the only way to ensure that your preferred protocol is used.

3. Check the proposed settings on the Incoming Server Settings screen, and make any necessary changes. Tap the Next button to open the Outgoing Server Settings screen.


Entering Your Username

Depending on the account provider, Username may be the part of the name that precedes the @ symbol or it may be the complete email address. If this step fails and an error dialog appears, enter the username the other way and try again.

4. Check the Outgoing Server Settings screen and make any necessary changes. Tap Next.


5. Specify settings on the Account Options screen and tap Next.


6. Name the account, specify the name to display on outgoing mail from the account, and tap Done. (If you’re a Verizon customer, tap Next and then tap Done with Accounts.)


Configuring Email Accounts

With the exception of General Settings (which apply to the Email app and to all registered accounts), settings for each email account can differ. After adding an email account, check its settings to ensure that the default choices are satisfactory.

Go to Settings

You can also view or change your email settings on the phone’s Settings screen. Open Settings and tap the Email icon (in the Applications section).

Edit General Settings

1. On any message screen, tap the menu icon and choose Settings.


2. The Settings screen appears. General Settings are presented in the lower half of the screen.

3. Display. Tap Display to set the following display-related options:

• When enabled, Auto Fit Content shrinks messages to fit onscreen. (Although text messages typically wrap to fit, HTML advertisements from online stores frequently require you to scroll horizontally. You can increase the size of such a reduced-size message as necessary.)

• Tap Message Preview Line to specify the number of lines of text (between 0–3) that are used to preview email in the message lists.

• Tap Title Line in List to specify whether the Sender or Subject will be displayed on the first line of each message in the message lists.

• When Hide Checkboxes is disabled, each message in a message list is preceded by a check box. The check boxes simplify the process of issuing commands that affect multiple messages, such as Delete or Move. When Hide Checkboxes is enabled, you must choose the Select menu command or press and hold a message to make the selection check boxes appear.


4. Default Display. When reading messages, this setting determines what is shown after you move or delete the active message: Next Email, Previous Email, or Email List.

5. Priority Sender Settings. Tap this option to modify settings that apply to the people and organizations that you’ve designated as priority senders. Options include Set as Default Folder to automatically display the Priority Senders Inbox whenever you launch Email and notification methods used to announce received mail from priority senders. (For additional information, see “Designate and Work with Priority Senders,” later in the chapter.)


6. Spam Addresses. Tap Spam Addresses to manually record email addresses that you want to block. You can also block addresses from individual messages as you receive them, which saves you the effort of typing or pasting their addresses into Spam Addresses. For more information, see “Managing the Spam Senders List.”

7. Delay Email Sending. Although you can’t cancel or retrieve a message after tapping Send, enabling this option serves to delay the sending of each message. If you tap the Cancel button before the delay elapses, you can prevent the current message from being sent.

Edit Individual Account Settings

You can change a variety of settings to ensure that your messages are retrieved on a reasonable schedule, display proper identifying information, and so on. Note that certain account types (such as Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync) may have additional options that aren’t shown in this task.

1. On any message screen, tap the menu icon and choose Settings.


2. Tap Manage Accounts.


3. Tap the account whose settings you want to review or change, and set options as described in Steps 4–18.


4. Sync Settings. Tap Sync Settings to edit synchronization settings including whether to sync the account, set the sync schedule, and specify whether to set a size limit for retrieved messages. For details, see “Configure an Account’s Sync Settings” in the next section.

5. Signature. To automatically add a personal signature (static text) to the end of each outgoing message, set the Signature switch to On. To change the default signature, tap Edit Signature, edit the signature, and tap Done.

6. Default Account. If you have multiple email accounts on the phone, you must enable Default Account for one of them. When composing a new email message, Email uses this account automatically as the sending account—although you’re always free to choose a different account before sending. (On the other hand, when replying to or forwarding a message, Email uses the account that received the message rather than the default account.)

7. Password. If you’ve changed the account’s password, you must also edit the password used by Email so it matches.

8. Email Notifications. Enable this option if you want an email icon to appear in the status bar whenever new mail arrives.


9. Notification Sound. Change the notification sound that announces the arrival of new email. In the Notification Sound dialog box, tap a sound to hear it. When you’ve made your selection, tap OK.

No Notification Sound

Select Silent if you don’t want an audible notification of new mail.

10. Vibrate. Enable Vibrate if you want the phone to vibrate when it receives mail.

11. To view the remaining settings, tap the More Settings button.


12. Account Name. To change the name used to label the account in Email’s account list, tap Account Name, make the necessary changes, and tap OK.

13. Your Name. To change the name used to identify you to recipients of your email messages, tap Your Name, make the necessary changes, and tap OK.

14. Always Cc/Bcc Myself. Specify whether outgoing messages automatically include this account in the CC (carbon copy) or BCC (blind carbon copy) recipient list. The purpose is to ensure that a backup copy of each outgoing message from this account is also delivered to the account’s Inbox. If your email account automatically keeps a copy of each outgoing message in a folder called Sent (or a similar name), choose None for this setting.


15. Show Images. Check this option to automatically display all linked images that are present in messages. As explained later in the “Show Images Judiciously” sidebar, it’s best to leave this option unchecked if you are on a limited data plan or are concerned about receiving junk mail.

16. Security Options. If you need to encrypt messages that you send, sign them with a digital signature, or both, tap Security Options. You are more likely to need these options for corporate email than for personal email.

17. Number of Emails to Load. Tap to set the number of recent messages to be shown at one time. You can specify from 25 to Total (all).

18. Auto Download Attachments. Enable this option to instruct Email to automatically download attachments when your phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network; in other words, not over your cellular connection. This is usually a good choice unless you receive many massive attachments. In that case, you may prefer to download them manually as needed—leaving large ones for downloading only to your computer.

19. Tap the Back icon or press the Back key to return to the Settings screen for the email account.


Configure an Account’s Sync Settings

After adding a new email account, you’ll want to configure the account’s sync settings (specifying the schedule on which email will be retrieved).

1. Perform Steps 1–3 of the “Edit Individual Account Settings” task and then tap Sync Settings.


2. The Sync Settings screen appears. Set options as described in the remaining steps.

3. Sync Email. When checked, Email syncs this account using the schedules specified in Sync Schedule.

4. Sync Schedule. Tap to display the Sync Schedule screen on which you can specify how often the phone automatically checks for new, incoming mail to this account. Press the Back key or tap the Back icon when you’re ready to return to the Sync Settings screen.

• Tap Set Sync Schedule to display the Set Sync Schedule dialog box and select a frequency with which to sync the account’s email. Options include Manual or a specific interval, such as Every 15 Minutes or Once a Day.

• Tap While Roaming and choose Manual or Use Above Settings to adjust how your phone syncs email when you roam on other networks.

• To sync email on a different schedule during peak hours, enable Peak Schedule. You can then tap Set Peak Schedule and specify a frequency. Tap Peak Days buttons to indicate the peak days. Tap the Peak Time buttons to set the start and end times for peak days.

5. Period to Sync Email. Specify the period for which the phone will keep email in sync. Although you can select All, it’s best to specify a shorter time period such as One Month. Doing so ensures that you have access to your current mail and that the phone isn’t bogged down by having to sync a huge volume of older mail.

6. Limit Retrieval Size. To avoid data charges when out of range of a Wi-Fi network, you can specify the maximum size message that will automatically be delivered to the phone via a sync. Larger messages—primarily those with attachments—must be manually retrieved by tapping the message header. This option can be set separately for those instances when you’re roaming.


Message Format

If Sync Settings for your account includes a Message Format setting, tap it to specify whether retrieved messages will be in HTML format (containing fonts, colors, and formatting) or plain text format (all formatting removed).

Delete an Account

You can delete any email account that you no longer want on your phone. Deleting an account simultaneously removes the account’s messages and other data from your phone. (Deleting an account merely removes it from the phone; it doesn’t cancel the account.)

1. On any message screen, tap the menu icon and choose Settings.


2. Tap Manage Accounts.


3. Select the account that you want to delete by pressing and holding its name, and then tap the Trash icon.


4. Confirm the deletion by tapping the OK button.


Another Method

You can also delete accounts by tapping the menu icon and choosing Delete Account. Select the account(s) to delete, tap Done, and confirm by tapping OK.

Retrieving Mail

Email can be delivered to your phone in two ways. First, the Email app performs a check for new mail automatically for each account according to the account’s Sync Schedule settings—every 15 minutes or once per hour, for example. (For information on setting a retrieval schedule for an account, see “Configure an Account’s Sync Settings.”) Second, you can manually check for new mail whenever you want—regardless of an account’s schedule—by tapping the Refresh icon.

1. Launch Email by tapping its Home screen icon or by tapping Apps, Email.


2. Optional: To change the displayed Inbox or folder, tap the menu icon above the left edge. In the Accounts drawer, do one of the following:

• Tap Combined Inbox to simultaneously view all accounts’ Inboxes in a single message list.

• Tap Priority Senders to view only received email from designated priority senders—regardless of the accounts in which their messages were received. (To learn about priority senders, see “Designate and Work with Priority Senders,” later in the chapter.)

• Tap a specific account’s Inbox or Sent folder to view only that account’s received or sent mail.

• To view a folder other than Inbox or Sent (such as Trash or Junk, for example), tap the account or entry’s Show All Folders icon and then select the folder you want to view. (You can also tap the Select Folder icon at the bottom of the current account’s message list.)


Interpreting the Accounts Information

If present, the number to the right of an account in the list indicates the number of unread messages it contains. By scanning the list, you can quickly determine which accounts have new messages.

3. Optional: Tap the Refresh button at the bottom of the screen to manually check for new messages.


Reading Mail

When new mail arrives or you want to review older messages, you can read the email on your phone. You can read messages in portrait or—by rotating the phone—in landscape mode.

1. Perform Steps 1–2 of the “Retrieving Mail” task.

2. Optional: You can filter the message list to make it easier to find the messages you want to read. Open the menu, choose Filter By, and select a filtering option. Only those messages in the current list that match the Filter By setting are displayed, and the Filter By setting is shown at the top of the screen. When you’re ready to return to the full message list, press the Back key or tap the Back icon.


Setting a View

You can also switch between standard and conversation view, presenting message headers as a continuous list sorted by date (standard) or grouped by Subject (conversation). To learn about views, see the “Standard Versus Conversation View” sidebar at the end of this section.

3. Tap the header of the message that you want to read. Headers with light backgrounds are unread messages; headers with gray backgrounds are previously read messages.


4. The message appears. You can change the magnification by pinching your fingers together or spreading them apart. Drag to see any parts of the message that are off-screen. You can rotate the phone to view the message in landscape mode.

5. To read another message in the current message list, do one of the following:

• Tap the Back icon or press the Back key to return to the message list. Tap the header of the next message that you want to read.

• Swipe the screen to the left or right to view the next or previous consecutive message in the list.

• Tap the Previous or Next icon at the bottom of the screen to view the next or previous consecutive message in the list.


View and Save Attachments

Some email messages contain attachments (accompanying files), such as photos and documents. If you want, you can download the attachments and—if you have compatible app(s)—view the files on your phone.

1. In a message list, files with attachments are denoted by a paper clip icon. Tap the message header to open the message.


2. The Attachments line shows the number of attached files. Tap it to view or download the files.


3. Tap an attachment’s Preview button to see a preview of the file. Your phone downloads the file and, if a compatible app is installed, displays or plays the file’s contents. To return to the Attachments screen, press the Back key.

4. Optional: Tap an attachment’s Download button to save a copy of the file on your phone. To save all of the attachments, tap the Download All button. Downloaded files are stored in the Download folder of the phone’s built-in memory (Device Storage).


Revisiting Downloaded Attachments

There are several methods you can use to view a downloaded attachment. First, launch My Files, tap Download History, and then tap the file. Second, in My Files, open the Download folder in Device Storage and select the file. Finally, if it’s an image file, you can also open it by launching Gallery, opening the Download folder, and tapping the file’s thumbnail.


Designate and Work with Priority Senders

By using the new Priority Senders feature, you can ensure that you never miss an email from an important person in your business or personal life. You can see all messages from priority senders in a single message list (similar to the Combined Inbox) or use it to filter your list so you can see only the messages from a specific person or company. Priority Senders is also available in Messages, enabling you to quickly find your favorite conversations.

Add Priority Senders

1. Open the Accounts drawer and tap Priority Senders.


2. Tap the + (plus) icon to add one or more priority senders.


3. The Add Priority Senders screen appears. Do any of the following:

• Tap the + (plus) icon of anyone in the Recommended list. If they have multiple email addresses, each address is a separate entry. Tap each person or address that you want to designate as a priority sender.

• Tap Enter Email to search for someone with whom you’ve exchanged mail or who has a record in Contacts. Enter their name or email address. As you type, matches are presented in a scrolling list. When you see the correct one, select it and then tap OK.

• Tap Contacts to select people to add from your Contacts records. Select one or more records, and then tap Done. (If a person has multiple email addresses, you must specify the address to use.)


4. Press the Back key when you’re done. The scrolling Priority Senders list is displayed at the top of the screen.


Adding More Priority Senders

Some Step 3 actions automatically dismiss the Add Priority Senders screen and display the current Priority Senders list. If you want to add other people or addresses, scroll to the end of the list, tap the + (plus) icon, and repeat Step 3.

Use the Priority Senders List

1. Open the Accounts drawer and select Priority Senders.


2. The message list for Priority Senders appears. At the top of the screen are icons for your priority senders.

3. By default, all messages from all priority senders are displayed in the message list. You can do any of the following:

• Tap an icon to view only messages from that person or organization. If you’ve added more priority senders than will fit onscreen, you can scroll the list by swiping horizontally.

• Tap the All icon to view all messages from all priority senders.


4. Filter, read, and manage messages as described elsewhere in this chapter.

Manage Priority Senders

1. Perform Steps 1–2 of the “Use the Priority Senders List” task.

2. Press and hold any priority sender’s icon and select Edit List of Priority Senders.


3. Each priority sender’s icon is shown with a – (minus) symbol in the corner. Do any of the following:

• Change a priority sender’s position in the scrolling list by pressing and holding its icon and then dragging to the left or right.

• Remove an individual or organization from the list by tapping its – (minus) symbol.

4. When you’re finished making changes, tap Done to save or Cancel to ignore the changes.


Composing and Sending Mail

You can create new email messages, as well as reply to or forward received messages.

Create a New Email Message

1. Display the message list for Combined Inbox or a specific account, and then tap the Create Message icon at the bottom of the screen.


2. A new message screen appears, addressed from the current account. (If you’re viewing the Combined Inbox or Priority Senders message list, your default email account is used instead.)

3. Optional: To send the message from a different account, tap the expand/collapse icon and select the account name in the From box. In the Select Email Address dialog, select the account from which the message will be sent.

4. Optional: To add Carbon Copy (Cc) or Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc) fields, tap the expand/collapse icon to make them visible.

5. Tap the To, Cc, or Bcc box, and add one or more recipients by doing the following:

• Tap the Contacts icon to the right of the To, Cc, or Bcc box to select recipients that you have stored in Contacts. (See Chapter 5, “Managing Contacts,” for more information about the Contacts app.) Select each person that you want to add and tap Done. (If there are multiple email addresses for a person and you haven’t specified a default address for him or her, a dialog appears in which you can choose the correct address.)

Filter the Contacts

In addition to selecting people from the normal Contacts list, you can pick people from Groups or Favorites by tapping the appropriate tab at the top of the screen.

• Select the To, Cc, or Bcc box. Begin typing part of the recipient’s name, email address, or other information that’s stored in the person’s or company’s contact record. Select the recipient from the match list that appears.

Removing Recipients

Prior to sending, you can remove a recipient if you change your mind. Tap the box that contains the recipient (To, Cc, or Bcc) and then tap the minus (–) icon beside the recipient’s name.


6. Enter the message subject in the Subject box.

7. Type or use voice input to enter the message text.

8. Tap the Send icon to transmit the message.

Attachments and Inserts

An email message can optionally include embedded material or be accompanied by attached files. For instructions, see “Add Attachments and Inserts,” later in this section.


Reply to Mail

1. When reading a received message, tap the Reply icon. (To address your reply to all recipients of the original message, tap the Reply All icon.)


2. A message appears, formatted as a reply (RE: original subject). The text insertion mark is positioned for your reply. The original message text is displayed at the bottom of the window.

3. Enter your reply text in the top section of the message window.

4. Optional: You can edit the original message text (to eliminate extraneous material, for example) by tapping the Edit button or remove the original message text by clearing the check box in the Original Message bar.

5. Tap the Send icon to send the message.


Forward Mail

1. When reading a received message, tap the Forward icon.


2. A message formatted for forwarding appears. Specify recipients in the To, Cc, and/or Bcc boxes, as described in “Create a New Email Message.”

3. Optional: You can add your own text to a forwarded message in the top section of the message window.

4. Optional: You can edit the original message text (to eliminate extraneous material, for example) by tapping the Edit button or remove the original message text by clearing the check box in the Original Message bar.

5. Tap the Send icon to send the message.


Original Message Attachments

By default, attachments received in the original message are forwarded. To prevent them from being forwarded, tap the – (minus) icon to the right of each attachment’s filename.


Add Attachments and Inserts

Any message sent from Email—whether a new message, reply, or forward—can optionally include one or more file attachments, such as photos, PDFs, and Office documents. The recipient uses a compatible program or app to open and view the attachments.

In addition to sending file attachments with a message, you can insert any of the following directly into the body of a message: an image file from Gallery, selected data from a Contacts record, a memo, an S Note, a location, or a Calendar event.

Message Size Limits

The maximum size for a message and attachments created in Email is 50MB. Note, however, that the recipient’s email account may have a size limit for incoming messages that is smaller than this, causing the message to be rejected. Check with the recipient before emailing massive attachments.

Add Attachments

1. Create a new message, reply, or forward, as described earlier in this section.

2. Tap the Attach icon at any point during the message-creation process.


3. Choose the type of item that you want to attach. (Choose My Files to select any file that’s stored on your phone.) This example uses a picture attachment.


Create an Attachment On-the-Fly

You can choose Take Picture, Record Video, or Record Audio to use the phone to create a photo, video, or audio recording to send as an attachment.

4. Select the specific file to attach to the message, and respond to any dialog boxes or menus that appear. When sending a picture, for example, you can specify a resizing percentage or keep the original size.


5. Repeat Steps 2–4 to add other attachments. To remove an attachment, expand the Attachments list and tap the red minus (–) icon to the right of the item.

Add Inserts

1. In the message you’re composing, position the text insertion mark at the spot in the message body where you want to insert the item.

2. Tap the Insert toolbar icon.


3. Choose an item type to insert. For instance, you can insert an image from Gallery, memo, Calendar event, or selected elements of a Contacts record (such as an email address).


4. The image and/or text appear in the message body at the text insertion mark.


Resizing Inserted Objects

You can change the size of an inserted object (such as a photo or map) by tapping it and then dragging handles that appear around the edges. Drag a corner handle to resize proportionally.

Managing the Mail

Although the Email app has fewer message-management options than a typical PC or Mac email client, you can manage message-list clutter by deleting unwanted messages, moving messages to different folders, changing the status of messages from read to unread (and vice versa), and marking important messages.

Deleting Messages

You can delete messages while you’re viewing a message list or reading a particular message. All message deletions are immediate; there’s no confirmation dialog box. If you realize you’ve made a mistake, quickly tap the Undo button that appears briefly at the bottom of the screen.

• While reading a message, tap the Delete icon at the top of the screen.


• While viewing a message list, you can quickly delete any individual message by swiping it off-screen to the left or right—the same way you clear individual notifications in the Notification panel. If you change your mind, tap the Undo button that appears. Otherwise, complete the deletion by flicking up or down over the buttons or in the message list.

• You can simultaneously delete multiple messages while viewing a message list. The method depends on the Display, Hide Checkboxes setting (see “Edit General Settings,” earlier in the chapter).

When Hide Checkboxes is enabled, tap the menu icon and choose Delete. Tap the check box to the left of each message that you want to delete, and then tap the Delete icon at the bottom of the screen. When Hide Checkboxes is disabled, tap the check box to the left of each message that you want to delete, and then tap the Delete icon at the bottom of the screen.


Moving Messages

You can move an email message to a different folder in the current account, as well as to a folder in another account. For example, you may be able to move a message from the Trash back into the Inbox or a project-related message into a project folder. You can move messages while you’re viewing a message list or reading the message.

While Reading a Message

When reading a message, it can be moved to any account’s folder.

1. Tap the message’s menu icon and choose Move.


2. Select a destination folder in the current account or a different account. Tap Cancel if you’ve changed your mind.

While Viewing a Message List

When moving messages from a message list, the destination folder must be in the current account—and the same destination folder must be used for all selected messages.

1. If each message in the message list is preceded by a check box, go to Step 2; otherwise, tap the menu icon and choose Select.


2. Select each message that you want to move to a particular destination folder.

3. Tap the Move icon beneath the message list. (Note that the position of the icon may vary.)


4. In the Move dialog box, select a destination folder in the current account. Tap Cancel if you’ve changed your mind.


Creating Account Subfolders

Although custom account folders are typically created in your Mac/PC email program or—for web-based clients such as Outlook.com—using your browser, you can also create them in Email. Open the Accounts drawer and tap Show All Folders for the account in which you want to create the folder. (Don’t tap Show All Folders in the Combined View—you can’t create folders from there.) Tap the plus (+) icon at the top of the screen, select a parent folder in which to create the new folder, name the folder, and tap OK.


Changing the Message Read Status

Sometimes it’s useful to change a previously read message’s status to unread or a new message to read. For instance, if you’ve fallen behind in reading incoming messages from an account, you can mark the unimportant ones as already read.

• While reading a message, you can mark it as unread by choosing Mark as Unread from the message menu. When you return to the message list, the message shows that it hasn’t been read.


• While viewing the message list, you can toggle the read status of multiple messages by selecting each message of the same kind (read or unread) and then tapping the Toggle Read Status icon. (If check boxes don’t precede the messages, start by choosing Select from the menu.)

• If you select a mixed group of messages in a message list—some read and others unread—a pop-up menu appears when you tap the Toggle Read Status icon. Choose Mark as Read or Mark as Unread to set all selected messages to the same read status.


Marking Important Messages

If you’d like to mark certain messages as important, you can designate them as favorites (POP3 and IMAP accounts) or flag them (Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync accounts).


Favorite messages. In a message list or while reading the message, tap the star icon. To remove the star from a previously marked favorite, tap the star icon again.

Marking Multiple POP3 or IMAP Messages

When viewing a message list, you can simultaneously change the favorite status of multiple messages by selecting each header, tapping the star icon at the bottom of the screen, and choosing Add Star or Remove from the menu that appears. (All selected messages will be marked the same.)

Flagged messages. In a Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync message list or when viewing one of its messages, tap the flag icon to the right of the message header. The icon works as a toggle. Tap it to cycle between flagged (red flag), completed (blue check mark), and cleared (blank).

Flagging Multiple Exchange ActiveSync Messages

When viewing a message list, you can simultaneously change the flag status of multiple messages by selecting each header, tapping the Flag icon at the bottom of the screen, and choosing Flag, Unflag, or Mark as Complete from the menu that appears. (All selected messages will be marked the same.)

Managing the Spam Senders List

To prevent your account Inboxes from being cluttered with spam (junk mail), you can add email addresses to the Spam Senders List by doing any of the following:

• When reading a message, open the message menu and choose Register as Spam.

• When viewing a specific account’s Inbox message list, select the message header by tapping its check box (if messages are preceded by check boxes) or by pressing and holding the message header. Then tap the Register as Spam icon at the bottom of the page.


• To manually add an email address to Spam Senders, open the menu and choose Settings, Spam Addresses. Tap the + (plus) icon, enter the email address or only its domain (the part of the address that follows the @ symbol), and tap OK. If you later want to remove an address from the list, return to this screen, tap the Trash icon, select the address(es) to remove, and tap Done.


Using the Gmail App

In addition to the Email app, your phone includes a dedicated Gmail app—designed to access Google’s Gmail service. The app shares many similarities with Email, but also has some key differences. (For the sake of convenience, you might prefer to simply add your Gmail account to the Email app.)

When you first set up your phone, the setup wizard walks you through the process of adding your Gmail account—so the Gmail app is ready to run. To launch Gmail, go to the Home screen and tap Apps, Gmail. Following are some general and account-specific settings that you’ll want to review when configuring and using the app:

Add another Gmail account. If you have multiple Gmail accounts, you can add the others and switch among them as needed by opening the drawer and choosing the account you want to make active. To register another Gmail account on your phone, follow the directions in “Register Your Gmail Account” in Chapter 1.


Configure general settings for your accounts. Gmail works well with the default settings, but you can get better results by spending a few minutes choosing settings that suit your needs. Open the drawer on the left, choose Settings, and then tap General Settings. You’ll typically want to ensure that Reply All remains unchecked and that Confirm Before Deleting is checked.


Configure account-specific settings. After choosing Settings, select an account name. You can configure sound and vibration notifications, specify a signature, and set the number of days of mail to sync.


Organize your messages with labels. Whereas most email services use folders to store messages, Gmail uses a system of labels—tags that you can apply to messages to categorize them. To apply a label to an open message, open the menu in the upper-right corner, choose Change Labels, select the label(s) you want to apply, and tap OK.


View your messages by labels. Tap the drawer icon to display the list of Inboxes and labels—or carefully swipe the list in from the left edge of the screen. Then tap the label for the messages you want to view.

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