
Note: Page numbers followed by ‘f’ indicate figures, ‘t’ indicates tables.


Abowd, Gregory, 73

ABS. See Activity Based Search

Abstract knowledge representation, 316

Abstract task model, 315, 316f, 317f

Abstractness, 13

AC. See Accessibility Commons

Access, 411

Access Monkey, 32, 350, 361

Accessibility. See also Social Accessibility; Web accessibility

assessment/visualization of, 355–356

database integration and, 352–353

fully-automated approaches to, 352

manual approaches to, 351–352

metadata, 349

of RIAs, 351–352

visualizations of, 355–356

Accessibility Commons (AC)

automation-based indexing and, 359

broken/conflicting metadata in, 363

database performance of, 363

metadata representation in, 358–361, 363

uniting disparate metadata in, 359–361

Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA), 349, 351–352

collaborative crawling and, 356–358

screen readers supported by, 357

ACE. See Attempto Controlled English

ACGT, 275

ACGT OncoSimulator, 275, 277, 279, 282, 284–285

Action history, 379

ActionScript, 290

Active wiki, 192

ActiveX, 407–408

Activity Based Search (ABS), 75

Adblock Plus, 29, 30

Adeo, 109

Adobe Developer Network, 425

Adobe Flash/Flex, 34–35

Adobe Flex, 425

aiBrowser, 350, 360

Air Canada, 376–377

AJAX. See Asynchronous JavaScript and XML


in Chickenfoot, 50–53, 52f

diff, 352

keyword matching, 50–53, 52f

optimizing, 304

recursive, 302–303

sloppy programming and, 300–304

sloppy Web command line and, 301–304

Alternative text metadata, 349, 29, 32–33, 51, 115, 191, 251

API for, 282, 427–428

collaborative crawling of, 357–358, 357f

mobile application, 114f

using TrailBlazer with, 373f

in Zoetrope, 255, 256f

Ambiguities, 75–76, 76f

American Airlines, 105–106, 106f, 122, 122t

Amtrak, 377

AnalogySpace, 335

Anaphora resolution, 337

Annotation, 328

CSS-based, 351, 361

d.mix Web pages, 197–198

manual, 351

of metadata, 351

site-wide, 351, 360

Annotation and Retrieval Integration Agent (ARIA), 75

AOL, 51

Apache, 441

APIs. See Application Programming Interfaces

Apple Data Detectors, 72, 73–74, 73f, 82–83

Apple iPhone, 105, 109

Apple Macintosh, 19

Apple’s Automator system, 208

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), 25, 191, 290, 291

for, 282, 427–428

Atomate and, 188

Flickr, 390

Google Maps, 390, 391, 392–393

Google Search AJAX API, 241, 246

Mash Maker wrappers for, 183

in mashups, 392–393, 392f

monitoring and controlling physical spaces, 201

sloppy programming and, 291

of social networks, 392–393

Web-based, 391, 394

Applications, open access to, 17–19. See also specific application

ARIA. See Accessible Rich Internet Applications; Annotation and Retrieval Integration Agent

ASP, 394

Assieme systems, 208–209

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX), 40, 58, 118–119, 123, 209, 275–276, 348, 424

API of Google Search, 241, 246

crawling, 352

transcoding with, 350

Athena Blanche, 57–58

Atom Garage, 146

Atomate, 127, 128, 147–148

APIs and, 188

Atom Garage, 146

availability, 148, 149

community sharing, 146

data flow, 134, 135f

data retrieval, 134

delegation interface, 137

design review study, 141, 143

entity explorer interface, 137–138, 138f

evaluation, 141–145

expressing actions to be taken, 137

extending the system, 132, 139–141

implementing, 139

life stream publishing, 146

new behaviors created by, 129, 129f, 130f

new data added to, 132, 133 f, 140

ongoing work, 145–147

peRSSona, 146

properties automatically updated, 141

PubSubHubbub, 146–147

pull to push, 146–147

related work, 133–134

rule creation and management interface, 138–139

rule creation study, 142f, 142, 143, 144f, 145f

rule language extension, 146

rules, 135–137

schema extension in, 140–141

simulation and by-demonstration UI, 146

situational constraints, 136

social coordination, 131–132

social networking sites and, 128

specifying conditions for behavior execution, 136

structure editor, 14f

time constraints, 136

triggering and scheduling, 137

user interface, 137–139

walk-through, 128–132

Web mashups inspiring, 134

world model updates, 134, 135, 135f

ATOM/RSS feeds, 146–147

AtomSmasher, 328

Attempto Controlled English (ACE), 133

Attention Investment model, 398, 399f

Authoring cards, 244–246, 245f, 247–248

Autocomplete, 293


predicates and actions added to, 139–140

simple contextual reminding, 129–131

Automated Click for Charity, 32

Automatic form fill-in, 29


-based indexing, 359

in Flyspray, 57

Automator system. See Apple’s Automator system

AutoPagerize, 31

AxsJAX, 350, 352, 360–361, 370, 376


Babel, 140

Barnes and Noble, 29

Bauer, Mathias, 69

BBC, 257

BEA, 411

Bespin. See Mozilla Bespin

Binding lenses, 260, 261f

Bioinformatics, 276

BitTorrent, 27

Black box reuse, 411–412, 411t

Bookmarklets, 26, 48, 360–361

Bookmarks, 165. See also Smart bookmarks; Social bookmarking systems

Bookstore/library integration, 54–55, 55f

Bragg, William Henry, 280f

Braille, refreshable, 367

Broken wrapper, 180

Broken/conflicting metadata, 363

Browser Helper Objects, for IE, 26, 32

Bug tracking

Chickenfoot, 55–57, 55f

Flyspray, 32, 55, 55f, 56, 56f

Burnett, Margaret, 12

Buttons, 25

Gmail Delete, 29, 33

stop sampling, 195–196, 197

Xerox Lisp, 208


C, 411–412, 424

C#, 408

C++, 424

C syntax, 290

C3W. See Clip, Connect, and Clone for Web; Clip, connect, and clone for Web

Calendar widget, 21, 21f, 187

CALO. See Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes

CAPTCHA, 32–33

Carlis, John, 69

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), 39–40, 200

annotation from, 351, 361

Web Summaries templates and, 244

WebPageDump and, 253–254

CCrawl, 357

CD. See Cognitive Dimensions of Notations framework

CellMultiplexers, 164f, 165

CHCS. See Composite Health Care System

Chickenfoot, 19, 24, 26, 29, 31–32, 31f, 34, 59–60, 63, 86, 181–182, 187, 207, 291, 294

algorithms in, 50–53, 52f

applications, 53–58

bookstore/library integration, 54–55, 55f

bug tracking, 55–57, 55f

clipping in, 44

concatenating sequence of pages, 54, 54f

customizations transforming in, 53, 58

development environment of, 48–49

form manipulation, 45

future work, 60

Google Image Search, 41f

Highlighting vocabulary words in, 53, 53f

JavaScript writing, 42

keyword matching algorithm, 50–51

language of, 42

mashup, 177, 179

navigation and page loading, 46–47

other input, 46

page modification, 47

pattern matching, 42–44

PLOW v., 328

related work, 60–62

rewriting Web with, 39–64

security, 49–50

sidebar, 48–49, 49f

sorting tables, 53–54

synchronous, page-independent nature of, 59

transforming customization in, 53, 58

vocabulary-builder for, 31, 31f

for Web testing, 59

webmail faces, 57–58

widgets, 48

Chickenwire, 29

Cisco Unified Callmanager user options menu, 5f

CiteSeer, 274f

CitingPapers recipe, 274f

Citrine system, 20, 20f, 209

Clarifying knowledge, 445–446

ClearScript, 85, 89–90

grammar-based interpreter, 90, 90f

keyword-based interpreter, 89–90

Clip, Connect, and Clone for Web (C3W), 13, 108–109, 153–172, 168–171, 172, 184, 209, 236, 269, 270–272

automating access to Web applications, 165–167

capturing dependency relationships between elements, 161–162

clipping, 155, 156f, 157f, 158, 159f, 160–163, 168

cloning, 157–158, 160f, 164–165, 164f, 168, 169

connecting, 155–157, 163–164, 168

examples and explanations, 154–158, 155f

extraction, 166–167

formalized extraction of content, 166–167

handling multiple scenarios in parallel, 167–168

implementation requirements, 158–165

passing information between applications, 167

RecipeSheet, 270–272, 272f

recording and replaying Web

interaction, 165–166

related work, 165–168

replaying derivations, 163

WWW, 153–172

Clipping, 155, 156f, 157f, 158, 159f, 160–163, 168, 372–374

in Chickenfoot, 44

TrailBlazer syntax for, 372–374

CLOnE, 133

Cloning. See also Clip, Connect, and Clone for Web

code, 412

Clustering visualizations, 263, 264f

CNL. See Controlled natural languages

CNLI. See Constrained-input natural language interface; Controlled natural language interface

CNN, 154, 155, 174–175, 175f, 402

COACH, 370

Cobol, 341

Code cloning, 412

Code invocation, 411–412

Code reuse

assumptions in, 409–411

authorship-level evidence of, 415t, 417

black box, 411–412, 411t

code cloning, 412

code invocation, 411–412, 411t

code-level evidence of, 414–417, 415t

conceptual, 412

in end user programming, 407–408

evidence of, 413–418, 415t

flexibility/composability and, 416

forms of, 411–412

functional size and, 417

future directions in, 419–421

mass appeal/functional relevance and, 416

messiness in, 407

predicting, 418–419

prior use-level evidence of, 415t, 417–418

template, 412

understandability and, 416–417

untapped evidence of, 418

vision v. reality in, 408–411

white box, 412

Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes (CALO), 225, 326–328

Cognitive Dimensions of Notations framework (CD), 398

Cognitive load, sloppy programing and, 293

Cognitive overload, 278–279

Collaborative authoring, 349

Collaborative crawling, 356–358

of, 357–358, 357f

ARIA and, 356–358

SA and, 356–358

Collaborative debugging

social, 429–437

Yahoo! Pipes and, 430–431, 435f, 436

Collaborative problem solving (CPS), with PLOW, 313–315

Collaborative scripting, for WWW, 85–104

Collapse-to-Zoom, 109

COM objects, 408

Command line interface, sloppy programming and, 294–296, 294f, 301–304, 305

Comments, CoScripter and, 372

Commons-based peer production, 389


leveraging, to understand context, 74–76

reasoning, 336–337, 341

semantics, 336, 337

Comparative Web Browser (CWB), 167

Complexity ceiling, 203

Composite Health Care System (CHCS), 313

Computer literacy, 3

Concatenating, sequence of pages, 54, 54f

ConceptNet, 66, 74, 75, 82, 83, 328, 337

Conceptual reuse, 412

Conditionals, in PLOW, 322

Conflicting metadata, 363

Connecting, 155–157, 163–164, 168

Consistency in heterogenous environments, 229

Constrained-input natural language interface (CNLI), 127

Consumer Reports, 418

Content-based extraction rules, 239

Context Toolkit, 133

Control constructs, for PLOW, 322–324

Controlled natural language interface (CNLI), 128

Controlled natural languages (CNL), 133

Conventional programming languages, 12

Cookies, 187

Coordinated manipulation, 275–277, 276f

Copy and paste, 174. See also Clip, Connect, and Clone for Web

Intel Mash Maker metaphor, 188

in Tailor, 221

Correct widget, 177

CoScripter, 19, 24, 26, 29, 31–32, 34, 35, 61, 85–86, 103, 104, 170, 180, 207, 209, 276, 300, 304–305, 368f, 410–411, 420, 421. See also ClearScript; Interviews, CoScripter users; Real-world usage study, CoScripter

action types in, 377

automating tasks, 99–101, 99t

automation limitations and issues, 100–101

comments in, 372

debugging and mixed-initiative interaction, 91–92

evaluating effectiveness of, 92

general issues and future work, 102–103

Highlight integration with, 119

human-readable labels, 90–91

interface, 86–89, 87f

limitations and issues sharing, 101–102

method, 99

new processes learning, 86, 95f

participants, 98–99

personal repositories, 95, 96f

PLOW and, 328

procedure sharing and, 229

related work, 86

results, 99–102

reusing macros in, 407, 412

scripting language, 89–90

sharing how-to knowledge, 101–102

sidebar, 88f

Slop, 116

sloppy programming and, 296–297, 297f, 300–301, 370

TrailBlazer and, 368, 372–374

user needs understanding study, 92–97, 95f

variables and personal database, 91

CPS. See Collaborative problem solving

CPS agent (CPSA), 313, 314

step definition request by, 317

task goal definition for, 316–317

CPSA. See CPS agent

craigslist, 27

Creo, 32, 35, 65, 67, 69–71, 70f, 76, 84, 241, 328

evaluation limits of, 80–82, 81f

generalizing information, 77

implementation of, 76–78

limitations of, 78

recording actions on Web, 77

software ability to improve user efficiency, 79–80

usability of, 78–79

Cross-application scripting, 19

Cross-domain dataflow procedures, learning, 217–218

Cross-domain EUP, 214

open questions in, 228–229

Crowdsourcing, 198–199

csh, 290

CSS. See Cascading Style Sheets

CSurf, 369–370, 377

Customizations, 23–24, 32, 40. See also Web customization

desktop Web, 24–25

in Flyspray, 57

generic Web, 30–31

in Mozilla Firefox, 26–33

one-shot Web, 31–32

repeated use Web, 31–32

simplification, 29

site-specific Web, 30–31

transforming, in Chickenfoot, 53, 58

transforming Flyspray bug tracker, 57

CWB. See Comparative Web Browser

CyberDesk, 73–74


DaniWeb, 390

DAPPER, 132, 140, 183

Data detectors, 71–74. See also Google AutoLink; Microsoft Smart Tags; Miro

Apple, 72, 73–74, 73f, 82–83

goal-oriented Web browsers, 71–74

research on, 72–73

Data directors, 19–20

Data integration, 242–243

Data Mapper. See DAPPER

Data mining, 19–20

Data retrieval. See also Parallel retrieval Atomate, 134

Data sources, extending to new, 132

Data tree

of Mash Maker, 184–186, 184f

shared, 174, 186

showing additions from widgets, 184f


AC performance, 363

components, 408

coScripter variables and personal, 91

integration, 352–353

integration and SA, 352–353

metadata in Accessibility Commons, 358–361, 363


actions, 226, 226f

Atomate, 134, 135f

procedures, 216, 216f, 217–218

supports in LAPDOG, 216, 216f, 217

DBLP, 274f

DBpedia, 280–281, 280f, 282–284

Debugging, 423–426, 438

classical models of, 424–425

CoScripter, 91–92

guidelines for, 424–425

of mashups, 424–425, 426–427

mental models and, 425–426

social collaborative, 429–437, 435f

in software development, 423–424

tools/strategies in, 425

Web use for, 445–446

WWW and, 445–446

Yahoo! Pipes and, 430–431, 435f, 436

Declarative language, 21

Delegate to Remember the Milk, 29

Delegation interface, 137, 86

Delta, 376–377

Design review study, Atomate, 141, 143

Desktop Web customization, 24–25

DEVise, 255

Dey, Anind, 73

DHTML. See Dynamic HTML

Dice coefficient, 258–259

Diff algorithm, 352

Digestor, 108

Digg, 389

d.mix, 109, 183, 191–193, 210, 211

additional applications, 201–203

cluttered Web pages and, 201

deploying applications outside wiki environment, 207

evaluation, 203–207

finding and appropriating documentation and code, 208–209

foraging for examples, 193

implementation, 195–200

inconsistent models for sampling, 206

integrating site and service, 192, 192f

lack of documentation and error handling, 206–207

limitations and future work, 209–210

multi-language scripting, 206

parametric copy, 200

program by sample, 193–195

related work, 207–209

sample this button, 195–197

shortcomings, 206–207

site-to-service map authoring and maintenance, 198–199, 199f

study protocol, 204

successes, 204–205, 205f

tools for end user modification of Web experiences, 207

tools for end user synthesis of Web experiences, 208

virtually editing existing Web pages, 201

Web applications to monitor and control physical spaces, 201–203, 202f

Web pages annotation, 197–198

Web professional feedback, 203

wiki, 195

as wiki host and script executer, 199–200

Document Object Model (DOM), 23–24, 25, 198–199, 207, 209, 313

Web page structure of, 320f

Web Summaries and, 238–239, 240

WebPageDump and, 253–254

Dojo Dijit, 352

DOM. See Document Object Model

DOM inspector, PLOW in, 318–319, 318f

DOM mutation event listeners, 352

DOM tree, 276

Dontacheva’s Relations, Card, and Search Templates system, 117

Dr. Dobb’s Journal, 418

Drop Zones, 183

Dynamic HTML (DHTML), 244

Dynamic script generation, in TrailBlazer, 376–381

Dynamic Web content, 251, 376


Eager, 73–74, 86, 370

ebay Sidebar, 32

Elastic Windows, 273

E-learning, 349

Eli Lilly, 57

Emacspeak, 369

End user programming (EUP), 213

approaches to, 12–17

code reuse in, 407–408

control of data and services, 76

cross-application scripting, 19

cross-domain, 214, 228–229

evidence of reusable code in, 413–418, 415t

forms of reuse in, 411–412, 411t

gray areas, 8

HTML, 20–22

mobile, 22

motivations, 4–5, 6, 8

origins of, 3

PBD system, 13–17

programming-by-example systems and, 73–74

reuse in, 407–408

scripting languages, 12–13

semantic information, 19–20

social networks, 19

special case of spreadsheet programming, 11–12

Web removing barriers to, 17–22

what is, 4–12

End users, 4–5, 7f

bill paying, 4–5, 7f

forwarding phones, 4, 5f

gather hotel information, 6, 9f

nutritional information additions, 6–8, 10f

programming desire of, 4–8

text alerts, 5–6

Entity explorer interface, 137–138, 138f

ESP game, 348

EUP. See End user programming

Excel. See Microsoft Excel

Execution failure, in PLOW tasks, 325–326, 327f


Expedia, 176

Explanatory power, 303–304

Exploratory Web research, 235–236

External memory, 437, 440, 446

for syntax, 437

WWW as aid, 446

External metadata, 349–350


in C3W, 166–167

content-based rules, 239

patterns of, 236–237, 239–240, 239f, 247–248

rules, 238–239

temporal, 256


Faaborg, Alexander, 76–77

Facebook, 134, 137, 348, 389, 392–393, 402, 403–404

Client-Connect, 139

mashup showing friends, 185f, 186

Federal Express, 377

Felicity Conditions, 341

Filters, on lenses, 259–260

Fire Vox, 360–361

Firefox. See Mozilla Firefox

Firefox extensions. See specific extension

Firefox XPCOM, 25, 139

Flash, 34–35

Flashblock, 29

Flickr, 27, 29, 30, 30f, 191, 193, 195, 195f, 196f, 197, 198, 204, 206

API of, 390

Flyspray bug tracker, 32, 55, 55f, 56, 56f

automation in, 57

transforming customization in, 57

Folders4Gmail, 27, 27f

Forever 21, 402

Form elements labels, 349

Form manipulation, in Chickenfoot, 45

Formatting constraints, 243–244

Forms/3, 167

Fortran, 411–412

Frame based parsing, 335

FRAMENET, 335, 183–184

FreshDirect, 69

Froggy, 31


GData JS, 139

Generic Web customization, 30–31

GINSENG, 133, 430

Globefish, 31

Gmail, 27, 30, 33, 34, 360–361

Gmail Delete Button, 29, 33

GMiF, 27, 29, 30f. See also Flickr; Google Maps

Goal-oriented Search Engine (GOOSE), 75

A Goal-Oriented User Interface for Personalized Semantic Search (Faaborg), 76–77

Goal-oriented Web browsers, 65–84, 67, 68f

ConceptNet, 66, 74, 75, 82, 83, 328, 337

data detectors, 71–74

end users in control of data and services, 76

future work, 82

OMCS, 66, 67, 75, 337, 337f

semantics, 74

Stanford TAP, 67, 74, 82, 83, 328

teaching computers, 66–67

Google, 27, 33, 51, 352, 389. See also Gmail; iGoogle

goal of using, 372

parallel retrieval for, 273

query suggestions in, 305

Google Account Multi-Logon, 27

Google AutoLink, 65–66, 73, 74, 75, 76

Google Calendar, 29

Google Docs, 360–361

Google Image Labeler, 349

Google Image Search, 41f, 349

Google Mail, 40

Google Maps, 23–24, 25, 27, 29, 30f, 40, 175, 187, 191, 209–210, 275–276

API of, 390, 391, 392–393

Google Notebook, 430

Google Search AJAX API, 241, 246

Google Toolbar, 29, 30, 32

GoogleAutoPager, 31

GooglePreview, 27, 28f, 33

GOOSE. See Goal-oriented Search Engine

GPS Observations, 141

Grammar-based interpreter, 90, 90f

human-readable labels, 90–91

Grammars by Example. See Grammex

Grammex, 74

Graphical user interface (GUI), 293, 294f

Greasemonkey, 24, 26, 27–29, 32, 33, 34, 41–42, 61, 181–182, 187, 207, 360–361. See also LookItUp Greasemonkey script; Virtual Keyboard Interface Greasemonkey

GUI. See Graphical user interface


HANDS system, 290

Hearsay, 360, 369

Heterogenous environments, 229


in ITL, 221

in LAPDOG, 217

in PLOW, 319

sloppy programming and, 305

Highlight, 32, 105–126, 105–108, 106f, 125, 126, 370

architecture of, 117–119, 118f

background, 108–109

breadth and benefits, 121–122, 122t

content operations, 113–115

CoScripter integration with, 119

discussion, 123–124

flight tracking application, 105–106, 106f

implementation, 113–117, 114f

informal user study, 120–121, 120f

interface walkthrough, 110–113, 111f, 112f

pagelets and transition events generalized, 116–117

system, 109–119

transition events, 113, 115

Web page elements identified, 115–116

Highlight Designer extension, 109–113, 111f, 112f, 114f

XPath expressions, 116

Holiday Inn example, 16f

How-to knowledge, recording/playback of, 370

HTML, 20–22, 25, 26, 34–35, 200, 209, 394. See also Dynamic HTML

Chickenfoot related to, 40

EUP, 20–22

Human-readable labels, 90–91

Hunter Gatherer, 165, 209, 236


IBM, 29, 290, 410

IBM corporation study, 97

email survey of lapsed users, 98

recording user activity, 97–98

user interviews, 98–102

IBM QEDWiki, 208

iCAP, 133

IDE. See Integrated development environment

IE. See Internet Explorer

iGoogle, 23–24, 29

iMacros, 86

IMDb. See Internet Movie Database

IMP Webmail system, 57, 58f

Indirectness, 13

Inferring intent, 13–15

InfoBeans, 166, 167

InfoBox, 167

Inform 7, 341

Informal learning, 390

Informal user study, Highlight, 120–121, 120f

Inky, 32, 305, 307

commands in, 298–299

feedback in, 299–300

sloppy programming and, 298–300

Integrated development environment (IDE), 292

Integrated Task Learning (ITL), 213, 214, 230, 231. See also LAPDOG; primTL; Tailor

action-oriented domain model for, 225–226

conditions/loops in, 222, 223f

copying procedures in, 221

cross-domain dataflow procedure learning in, 217–218

editing errors/flaws in, 223

extensible type system in, 227–228

framework, 420

heuristics in, 221

interface of, 217f

mapping actions across domains, 224–225

modeling human-level actions in, 226–227

modeling objects/relations in, 227

pluggable domain modules for, 225–228

procedure learning in, 215–218

procedure visualization/editing in, 218–223

typed dataflow editing in, 220–221

visualization templates in, 219

Intel Mash Maker, 32, 62, 170, 173–190, 188, 189, 420, 428

browsing behavior, 179

browsing Web example, 174–175

copy and paste, 188

editing wrapper for Yelp, 182–183

flight booking example, 176–177

Mozilla Firefox extension, 173

overlay mashups, 177–178

privacy/accuracy trade-off, 179

shared data tree, 184–186, 184f

teaching, 181f, 182

toolbar, 178, 178f

Web wrapper collaborative creation, 179–182

widget implementation, 187

wrapper editor, 183–184

Intel Research, 173, 174, 188

Intel Selection Recognition Agent, 72, 73–74, 79

Intel Software Solutions Group, 173, 174, 188

IntelligentPad, 158–159, 167

Interclue extension, 30

Interleaved demonstration/editing, 228

Internal metadata, 349

Internet Explorer (IE), 160, 270–272

Browser Helper Objects for, 26, 32

extension for, 6, 76

Mash Maker extension for, 173

SA plug-ins for, 353

Internet Movie Database (IMDb), 27, 34, 79

Internet Scrapbook, 69, 236

Interviews, CoScripter users, 98–102

automating tasks, 99–101, 99t

automation limitations and issues, 100–101

limitations and issues sharing, 101–102

method, 99

participants, 98–99

results, 99–102

sharing how-to knowledge, 101–102

iPhone. See Apple iPhone

Irmak/Suel, 183

Irreversibility of actions, 352

Iteration, in PLOW, 322–324, 323f

ITL. See Integrated Task Learning


Java, 34–35, 292, 408

JavaScript, 25, 26, 34–35, 40, 41, 59, 60, 118–119, 123, 139–140, 171, 187, 200, 206, 244, 289–290, 391–392, 425, 426–428

AxsJAX and, 352

Chickenfoot written in, 42

reuse of, 407

transcoding with, 350

WebPageDump and, 253–254

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), 428–429

JAWS, 351, 361

Join widget, 177, 188

JSON. See JavaScript Object Notation Just-in-time learning, 390, 437

key insights for, 424–425

opportunistic programming and, 438

with Web tutorials, 437


Kalbag, Sameer, 72

Kalpana, 32

Kangaroo, 32, 57–58, 58f

Kapow, 208

Karma, 188

Kay, Alan, 15–17

Keyword commands, 86, 370

Keyword matching algorithm

in Chickenfoot, 50–51

user study of, 51–53, 52f

Keyword-based interpreter, 89–90

Keywords, 44

Knowledge encoding, 328

Koala, 89–90, 276

Kohl’s, 402

Konstan, Joseph, 69

Koseki, Yoshiyuki, 69

K-Plex, Inc., 158


LabView, 12

LambdaMOO, 339


dataflow supports in, 216, 216f, 217

heuristics in, 217

parameter generalization with, 216–217

structural generalization in, 217

Latency, 352

LaTeX, 214

Lau, Tessa, 290

Layout templates, 243–244, 244f, 247–248

Legroom mashup, 176–177, 176f

Lenses, 252, 255, 256–262

applying filters for, 259–260

binding, 260, 261f

filters on, 259–260

inspirations for, 255

magic, 255

stacking, 261–262

structural, 256, 257–258, 258f

textual, 256, 258–259, 259f

types of, 256

visual, 256, 257, 257f

LexisNexis, 27

Library/bookstore integration, 54–55, 55f

Lieberman, Henry, 74

Life stream publishing, 146

Linked Data widget, 175

LinkedIn, 348

Live Clipboard, 430

Lixto, 166, 167, 183

Long Tail, 402

LookItUp Greasemonkey script, 31


Machine learning, 310

Macintosh. See Apple Macintosh

Mackay, Wendy, 24–25

Macros. See also iMacros; Web macros

recording systems for, 241

reusing, 407

Magic Lenses, 255

Mag.nolia wishlist, 29

Mailman, 30, 31, 32

Management interface, in Atomate, 138–139

Manipulation, coordinated, 275–277, 276f

Manual annotations, screen readers and, 351

ManyEyes, 348

Map widget, 186


ITL actions across domains, 224–225

semantic, 224–225

MapQuest, 51, 310

Marmite, 62, 170, 184, 208

Mash Maker. See Intel Mash Maker

Mashup(s), 23, 29, 173, 174f, 175, 184, 389–390. See also Intel Mash Maker; Overlay mashups

APIs used in, 392–393, 392f

Atomate inspired by, 134

categories of, 398f, 401f

Chickenfoot, 177, 179

clarification of, 177

debugging, 424–425, 426–427

defining, 395–396, 396f

difficulty ratings of, 396–397

legal concern reduction, 178

legroom, 176–177, 176f

misbehavior prevention, 177

motivations for creating, 398–399

overlay, 173, 174, 177–178

predicting future engagement in, 400–402, 400t

problem areas in, 391–392

reasons for creating, 396f

research prototypes and, 426

suggested, 178–179

systems for, 328

types of, 391, 392f

underlying service/infrastructure dependence of, 427

usefulness ratings of, 397

users building, 390–393, 391t

users learning, 392

Mashup Awards, 25

MashupOS, 187


reuse of, 407

MDAT system, 108

Mechanical Turk, 348

MediaWiki, 29, 30, 32, 33

Meme Media Laboratory, Hokkaido University, 169

Mental models, 430, 436

debugging and, 425–426


accessibility, 349

in Accessibility Commons database, 358–361, 363

AJAX crawling for, 352

alternative text, 349

annotation of, 351

authoring approaches for, 350–351, 356

authoring skills for, 364

broken/conflicting, 363

conflicting, 363

external, 349–350

fully-automated generation of, 350

internal, 349

management tools for, 351

Pagemap for authoring, 356

SA and, 349–350, 353, 358–359, 364

for screen readers, 348, 349

Semantic Web and, 352–353

semi-automated authoring of, 350–351

structural, 348

transcoding with external, 349–350

types of, 349

uniting disparate, 359–361

Web pages in, 349

Metafor, 291

MOOIDE and, 333

Meta-URLs, 293

Mica systems, 208–209

Microformats, 19–20

Microsoft Excel, 11, 160, 410–411

Microsoft Live Labs, 430

Microsoft Outlook, 209

Microsoft Popfly, 184, 185, 186–187, 428

Microsoft Powerpoint, 426

Microsoft Silverlight, 34–35, 171

Microsoft Smart Tags, 65–66, 73, 75, 76

Microsoft Visio, 411

Microsoft Windows, 19

Microsoft Word, 214, 221, 426

Miller, James, 72

Miller, Rob, 69

Minimo, 121

Miro, 74, 76, 82, 84, 373–374

evaluation limits of, 80–82, 81f

implementation of, 76–78

limitations of, 78

natural language ambiguities, 75–76, 76f

software ability to improve user efficiency, 79–80

usability of, 78–79

MIT412, 29

Mixed-initiative interaction, 309–310, 312

Mixed-initiative learning, 228–229

Mobile end user programming, 22

Mobile Web customization, 35

Modern end user, 19

Money Magazine, 418

Montebillo Splendid Hotel, Florence, 9f

MOO, 341

programming in, 331–333, 338

Web-based, 332–333

MOOIDE, 291, 342, 343

Commonsense reasoning in, 336–337, 341

dialog manager in, 336–337

evaluation of, 338–341, 340f

interaction with, 334–335

interface of, 331, 332f

Metafor and, 333

NLP in, 335

parsing in, 335

work related to, 341

MooseCrossing, 290

Mozilla, 76

Mozilla Bespin, 200

Mozilla Firefox

Atomate implemented in, 139

Highlight Designer extension in, 109–110, 114f

Mash Maker extension for, 173

PLOW in, 318

SA plug-ins for, 353, 354

Supporter Tool plug-in for, 354, 355–356, 355f, 356f

transcoding and, 350

Web customization examples, 26–33

Web Summaries extension for, 236–237

Zoetrope and, 253–254

Mozilla Weave, 35

Mozilla Website, 26

Multiple interpretations, 15

Multiscenario Web access, with RecipeSheet, 269–273

My stuff, 137–138. See also Entity explorer interface

My Yahoo, 23–24

Myers, Brad, 69

MySpace, 348

MySQL, 441


Naive Bayes classifier, 379

Nardi, Bonnie, 72, 74

Natural language (NL), 309, 310, 328, 336–337. See also Controlled natural languages; Pseudonatural language

ambiguity of, 75–76, 76f

output parameter identification and, 321

programming intent of, 338

Natural language processing (NLP), 290

in MOOIDE, 335

Stanford link parser for, 335

Natural programming, 290, 291, 341

Navigation, in Chickenfoot, 46–47

.NET, 408

New York Times, 57

NL. See Natural language

NLP. See Natural language processing

Norman, Don, 12

Noun phrase identification, 321f

Now Web, 251, 244–245


Object hierarchies, 337

Object relation mapper (ORM), 139

Obscure syntax, 13

Observation-based learning, 328

OCR, 350, 360

OMCS. See Open Mind Common Sense

on Cue, 73

OncoRecipeSheet, 283f

One-at-a-time interfaces, 267–268

One-shot Web customization, 31–32

Ontology of objects, 337

OPA Browser, 109

Open Mind Common Sense (OMCS), 66, 67, 75, 337, 337f

Open Object Rexx, 269

Open source movement, 17–19

Opera, 26

Opera Mobile, 121

Opportunistic programming, 425–426, 437

future work in, 450–451

just-in-time learning and, 438

lab study of, 425–426

study method for, 426–428

study results of, 428–429

Web search log analysis for, 446–450

Web tutorials and, 444

Orbitz, 370

OreO, 177

ORM. See Object relation mapper

Output panel, 48

Overlay mashups, 173, 174, 177–178

OWL. See Web Ontology Language


Pagelets, 116–117

in Highlight, 116–117

repetitive page structure, 116

repetitive site structure, 116

Pagemap, 356

PageTailor, 109

Palm Pre, 105

Pandit, Milind, 72

Papert, Seymour, 341

The Paradox of Choice (Schwartz), 278–279

Parallel retrieval, 273–275, 274f

for Google, 273

using RecipeSheet, 273–275

for Web-based information-seeking tasks, 273–275

Parameter generalization, 216–217, 328

Parametric copy, 200


frame based, 335

limitations in, 339

in MOOIDE, 335

syntactic, 335

Paste widget, 177

Pastebin, 430–431, 430

Path query, 136

Pattern detection, 74

Pattern matching, 42–44

Patterns panel, 48

PBD. See Programming by demonstration

PDF, 214, 221

Perl, 40, 60–61

Personal information management (PIM) tools, 127, 128, 138

Web capabilities of, 128

Personal information management tools (PIM), 27

peRSSona, 146

Pew Internet and American Life Project, 393

Phetch, 348, 349

PHP, 206, 391–392, 394, 441, 426–428

Piccolo, 255

Pictor, 183

Piggybank, 140

PIM. See Personal information management tools

Pinky, 305

Pipes. See Yahoo! Pipes

The Pirate Bay, 32–33

Placement constraints, 243–244

Platypus, 41–42


high-level step description in, 317

teaching Web tasks with, 315–324

PlexWare platform, 158–159, 160

PLOW. See Procedure Learning On the Web

Popfly. See Microsoft Popfly

PPIG. See Psychology of programming

Primitive actions, 318–319

primTL, 224–225

PrintMonkey, 32

Procedural knowledge

expressing, 370

representing, 370

in TrailBlazer, 370

Procedure Learning On the Web (PLOW), 241, 309, 310–311, 311f, 330

architecture of, 312–315

AtomSmasher v, 328

Chickenfoot v, 328

collaborative problem solving with, 313–315

conditionals in, 322

contextual information in, 310

control constructs for, 322–324

CoScripter and, 328

in DOM inspector, 318–319, 318f

editing tasks in, 325, 326f

evaluation of, 326–328

execution failure in, 325–326, 327f

heuristics in, 319

improving tasks in, 325–326, 327f

information flow in, 313, 315f

interface for, 313, 314f, 319f

iteration in, 322–324, 323f

mixed-initiative interaction, 309–310

in Mozilla Firefox, 318

natural language and, 309

parameter identification for, 320–321

persistent/sharable tasks in, 324

proactive execution in, 314–315

proactive interaction with, 310

reusing tasks in, 325

task goal definition in, 316–317

task hierarchy in, 321

task invocation in, 324–325

task management in, 324f

task representation in, 315–316, 316f

task step definition in, 317–319

tRIPS system in, 312–313

utilizing/improving taught tasks in, 324–326

work related to, 328

Procedure sharing, 229

ProgrammableWeb, 25, 191, 391

Programming by Demonstration (PBD), 13–17, 193, 309

inferring intent, 13–15

multiple interpretations, 15

presenting programs to user, 15–17

semantic knowledge, 15

Programming by sample, 193–195, 194f, 195f, 202f

Programming-by-example systems, 65–84, 68–71, 83, 193

end user programming and, 73–74

generalization, 69, 71f, 72f

research on, 69

Project Athena, 24–25

Protege, 183–184

Prototype, ideate, and discover, 437

Proxy server, 117–119, 118f

Pseudonatural language, 370

Psychology of programming (PPIG), 425

PubSubHubbub, 146–147

Python, 40, 60–61, 206, 289–290, 333, 334


QEDWiki. See IBM QEDWiki

Qtive, 73

Query formulation, 242

Query refinement, 432f, 437, 449–450

Quicksilver, 298


RateMyProfessor, 403

RDF. See Resource Description Framework

Reactive automation, 128

Real-world usage study, CoScripter, 97–98

collaborating over scripts, 98

email survey of lapsed users, 98

log analysis, 97–98

script usage patterns, 97–98

reCAPTCHA, 348

RecipeSheet, 269–273, 285

additional scenarios in, 269–270, 271f

C3W in, 270–272, 272f

CitingPapers recipe, 274f

coordinated manipulation with, 275–277

dependency connections in, 271f

initial evaluations of, 279–283

parallel retrieval using, 273–275

prebuilt recipes in, 270f

Recipe Browser in, 269, 270f

tentative composition with, 277–278, 278f

Recombinant Web, 201

Recursive algorithms, 302–303

Refreshable Braille, 367

Regex, 271f

Relevance-feedback retrieval interface, 279

Remember the Milk for Gmail, 32

Reminders, 446

Remote Grid services, 282

Repeated use Web customization, 31–32

Repetitive operations, automating, 33, 40

Resource Description Framework (RDF), 128, 132, 139, 148, 352–353

REST, 269

RIAs. See Rich Internet Applications

Rich Internet Applications (RIAs), 348, 350–351, 356–357. See also Accessible Rich Internet Applications

accessibility of, 351–352

RSS/ATOM feeds, 127, 134, 140

Ruby, 197, 198, 199, 200, 206, 290. See also d.mix

Rule chainer, 134

Rule creation

interface, in Atomate, 138–139

study, of Atomate, 142, 142f, 143, 144f, 145f

Rule firings, 134

Rule language extension, Atomate, 146

RuleML, 133


SA. See Social Accessibility

SADIe. See Structural semantics for Accessibility and Device Independence

Safonov, Alex, 69

Same-origin policy, 49–50

Sample this button, 195–197

Sampling, 192

Saxon, 254

Schwartz, Barry, 278–279

Scraping. See Web scraping

Screen readers, 348, 350–351, 367

ARIA support in, 357

augmenting, 369–370

JAWS, 351, 361

manual annotations and, 351

metadata for, 348, 349

Screengrab!, 253–254


collaborative, 85–104

cross-application, 19

d.mix multi-language, 206

social, 86

Scripting languages, 12–13

CoScripter, 89–90

end user programming, 12–13

interface, 289–290

structure editors, 13, 14f

syntax of, 12–13

of WWW, 40

Search engines. See also specific type

log analysis of, 446–450

synonym searching with, 445

translating terminology with, 437

transparency in, 273

Search result comparison, 242–243

Search template, 246–248, 247f

Second Life, 332–333

Selenium, 86

Semantic knowledge, 15

Semantic mapping, 224–225

Semantic Web, 133, 147, 171, 236, 281

metadata and, 352–353

Semantics, 19–20, 74

commonsense, 336, 337

knowledge bases of, 328

structural, 369

Set function, 137

sh, 290

Shared data tree, 174, 186

Shortcuts, 29


Chickenfoot, 48–49, 49f

CoScripter, 88f

ebay, 32

Silverlight. See Microsoft Silverlight

Simple contextual reminding, 129–131

Simplification customizations, 29

Simulator validation, 282

Site Pattern Analyzer (SPA), 351

Site-specific Web customization, 30–31

Site-to-service correspondence, 191

Site-to-service map, 195–196, 196f, 198

d.mix authoring and maintenance, 198–199, 199f

Site-wide Annotation, 351, 360

Situational constraints, 136, 418

Slop, 116

Sloppy commands, 292, 306

Sloppy programming, 289–290, 291–293

algorithms in, 300–304

APIs and, 291

benefits of, 292–293

cognitive load and, 293

as command line interface, 294–296, 294f, 301–304, 305

CoScripter and, 296–297, 297f, 300–301, 370

discussion of, 304–305

explanatory power and, 303–304

future work in, 305

heuristics and, 305

Inky and, 298–300

interfaces in, 292

key insight behind, 291–292

limitations of, 304–305

related work to, 290–291

systems for, 293–300

Web command line with, 294–296, 301–304, 305

Sloppy Web command line, 294–296, 294f

algorithm for, 301–304

A Small Matter of Programming, 11

Smart Bookmarks, 32, 166

Smart Tags, 76

Smartphones, 22

SMash, 187

Snap, 167

SOAP, 269

Social Accessibility (SA), 347, 348, 365, 366, 369. See also Accessibility Commons

accessibility assessment/visualization with, 355–356

architecture/workflow of framework of, 353–354, 354f

authoring skills and, 364

broken/conflicting metadata and, 363

browser plug-ins for, 353, 354

CCrawl and, 357

challenges/future work for, 362–365

collaborative authoring and, 349

collaborative crawling and, 356–358

content provider collaboration and, 364–365

database integration and, 352–353

database performance issues, 363

incentive effectiveness and, 364

metadata in, 349–350, 353, 358–359, 364

Mozilla Firefox plug-ins, 353, 354

Open Repository of, 353, 354

pilot service of, 361–362

security/privacy/spam issues, 363

Supporter Tool of, 354, 355–356, 355f, 356f

transcoding in, 349–350

We-LCoME and, 349

work related to, 348–353

Social bookmarking systems, 86

Social collaborative debugging, 429–437, 435f

Social coordination, 131–132

Social networking sites, 128, 348 See also specific site

APIs of, 392–393

Atomate and, 128

end user programming, 19

Social scripting, 86

Software applications with commonsense, 65–84

ConceptNet, 66, 74, 75, 82, 83, 328, 337

Open Mind Common Sense Project, 66

Stanford TAP, 67, 74, 82, 83, 328

teaching computers, 66–67

Software development

debugging in, 423–424

models of, 424

Web and, 426–428

Solvent, 198–199

Sorting tables, 53–54

SPA. See Site Pattern Analyzer

Spark-L, 217, 218f

SPARQL, 280–281, 32

Speech act categories, 338

Speech recognition, 312

Sphinx-III, 312

Spreadsheet programming, 11–12

SQLite, 139

Stacking lenses, 261–262

Stagecast Creator, 12

Stalker, 183

Stanford TAP, 67, 74, 82, 83, 328

State explosion, 352

Stencils, 86

Stop sampling button, 195–196, 197

Structural generalization, 217

Structural lenses, 256, 257–258, 258f

Structural metadata, 348

Structural semantics for Accessibility and Device Independence (SADIe), 351, 361

Structure editors, 13, 14f

Styling information, 351

Subjunctive interfaces, 164, 267–269, 284. See also Cloning

defining, 268

user control through, 269

Sugiura, Atsushi, 69

Summary composition, 243–246

Supporter Tool plug-in, 354, 355–356, 355f, 356f

SurfCanyon, 27

Surprise-Explain-Reward strategy, 12

SWRL, 133

Synonyms, 445

Syntactic parsing, 335


C, 290

errors in, 289

obscure, 13

of scripting languages, 12–13

TrailBlazer clipping, 372–374

Web as external memory for, 437

Synthesized voice, 367


Tag cloud, 198

Tailor, 221

conditions/loops in, 222, 223f

copying procedures in, 221

editing errors/flaws in, 223

typed dataflow editing in, 220–221

TAP. See Stanford TAP

Technology initiative, 404


-based search, 246–248, 247f

code reuse, 412

layout, 243–244, 244f, 247–248

layout, in Web Summaries, 243–244, 244f, 247–248

matching, 351

reuse, 412

search, 246–248, 247f

visualization, in ITL, 219

Web Summaries, and CSS, 244

Temporal extraction, 256

Tentative composition, 277–278, 278f

Terms of Service agreements, 32–33

Textual lenses, 256, 258–259, 259f

Thumbtack, 430

Time constraints, 136

Time series visualizations, 263

Timelines, 262–263, 263f

Tiramisu recipe, 10f

T-Mobile G1, 105

Tokenizing input, 301–302

Toolkits, 21

Context, 133

WBI, 61, 177

TrailBlazer, 119, 367–369, 368f, 383–385, 386

action history in, 379 with, 373f

automatic clipping script component for, 377

clip command in, 372–374

CoScripter and, 368, 372–374

design guidelines for, 371–372

dynamic script generation for, 376–381

dynamic Web content and, 376

evaluation of suggestions in, 382–384

formative evaluation of, 374–376

future work for, 384

general suggestion script component for, 377, 378–379

goto script component for, 377, 378

interface of, 371f, 372

leveraging existing scripts for related tasks in, 380–381

likelihood action pair feature of, 380

presenting suggestions in, 381

prior action script similarity feature of, 380, 381

procedural knowledge in, 370

region description study for, 372–373

script creation in, 368

script repository-based suggestions in, 380

suggestions in, 377–378, 379–381

task script similarity feature of, 380, 381

work related to, 369–370

Trainable Information Agents (TrIAs), 69, 166

Transcendence, 32, 170–171

Transcoding, 349–350

with AJAX, 350

authoring approaches for, 350–351

with external metadata, 349–350

with JavaScript, 350

Mozilla Firefox, 350

in SA, 349–350

Web accessibility for, 349–350

of Web pages, 350

XML and, 360

Transforming customization

in Chickenfoot, 53, 58

in Flyspray, 57

Travian Web-based multiplayer game, 27–29

TravianBeyond, 27–29

TrIAs. See Trainable Information Agents

Triggering and scheduling, in Atomate, 137

Triggers panel, 48

TRIPS system, 312f

architecture of, 312, 312f

in PLOW, 312–313

reference resolution capability of, 321

task description from, 317

Trusted widget, 187

Turquoise, 69, 241

Tweets, 134, 140

Twitter, 134, 140, 392–393


Underwriters Laboratories, 418

Unformatted addresses, 14f

Unique identifiers (URLs), 23, 293

United, 376–377

United Rail Line, 377

Unix pipes, 208

Untrusted widgets, 174, 187

UPS, 377

URLs. See Unique identifiers

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), 263

User control, subjunctive interfaces for, 269

User interface design evaluation, 78–82, 80f

User needs study, CoScripter, 92–97

method, 93

participants, 92–93

processes, 93–94

results, 93–95

sharing knowledge, 94–95

USGS. See U.S. Geological Survey


Vaquita, 108

Vegemite, 32, 62, 170

VegeTable, 170

Video Cube, 255

Virtual environments, 332–333

Virtual Keyboard Interface Greasemonkey, 31

Visual Basic, 290, 292

Visual lenses, 256, 257, 257f


of accessibility, 355–356

clustering, 263, 264f

procedure, editing in ITL, 218–223

templates in ITL, 219

time series, 262–263

timelines/movies for, 262–263

with Zoetrope, 262–264


-builder for Chickenfoot, 31, 31f

words highlighting, in Chickenfoot, 53, 53f

VoiceXML, 360


Wachovia, 7f, 17f

Wall Street Journal, 51, 76

WBI toolkit, 61, 177

Weather Channel, 51

Web 2.0, 360–361, 403–404, 405

Web accessibility, 347–348

collaborative authoring and, 349

external metadata for, 349–350

improving, 369–370

transcoding for, 349–350

Web automation. See Chickenfoot

Web customization, 23–24, 25–26

annoyance and, 33

creator of, 32

on desktop, 24–25

examples of, 26–33

generic v. site-specific, 30–31

kind of site, 27–29

mobile, 35

Mozilla Firefox examples of, 26–33

one-shot v. repeated use, 31–32

optimizing work habits with, 33

reasons for, 33–34

redundancy eliminated with, 33

repeated use, 31–32

repetitive tasks and, 33

Site-specific, 30–31

summary and future directions, 34–35

targeted site relationship with, 32–33

types of, 29

uniqueness of, 34

usability problems and, 33–34

Web macros, 69, 241, 409, 413

Web objects

DOM structure of, 320f

in primitive actions, 318–319

Web Ontology Language (OWL), 352–353

Web pages

applying mashup to, 179–182

d.mix and cluttered, 201, 202f

d.mix virtual editing of, 201

metadata in, 349

transcoding of, 350

Web scraping, 209

Web search

log analysis for opportunistic programming, 446–449

Yahoo!, 204

Web service calls, 191

Web service definition language (WSDL), 392

Web spiders, 348, 350–351, 357

Web Summaries, 32, 62, 237f, 238f, 250

authoring cards in, 244–246, 245f, 247–248

discussion of, 247–248

DOM and, 238–239, 240

layout templates in, 243–244, 244f, 247–248

Mozilla Firefox extension, 236–237

overview of, 236–237, 236f

predefined layout templates in, 243–244

query formulation for, 242

search result comparison for, 242–243

semiautomatic content gathering with, 238–243, 239f

summary composition in, 243–246

system design of, 237–247

template-based search in, 246–248, 247f

templates and CSS, 244

Web tutorials

just-in-time learning with, 437

opportunistic programming and, 444

Web-active end user, 389–390, 405

defining features of, 404

discussion of, 403–405

features of, 393–402

online activities of, 402–404

technology expertise of, 404–405

technology initiative of, 404

Web technology survey of, 393–397, 394t, 395t, 396f

Web-based APIs, 391, 394

Web-based information-seeking tasks

classification of, 275

one-at-a-time interfaces for, 267–268

parallel retrieval for, 273–275

WebInSight, 350

WebInSight for Images, 360

WebL, 40, 61, 62


Chickenfoot adding faces to, 57–58

IMP system, 57, 58f

WebPageDump, 253–254


integrating multiple, 40

Mozilla, 26

transforming appearance of, 39–40

WebThumb, 109

WebVCR, 58, 61, 166, 241

WebViews, 165, 166

We-LCoME, 349

White box reuse, 412

Widgets, 173, 174f, 175, 184

calendar, 21, 21f, 187

in Chickenfoot, 48

correct, 177

Data tree showing additions from, 184f

join, 177, 188

linked Data, 175

map, 186

Mash Maker implementation, 187

paste, 177

trusted, 187

untrusted, 187

WIEN, 183

Wikipedia, 19, 29, 30, 34, 198–199, 280–281, 349, 389, 423

Wikis, 349. See also IBM QEDWiki; MediaWiki

active, 192

d.mix, 195, 199–200, 206–207

WinCuts, 165, 209

Witten and Mo’s TELS system, 13

Wood, Andrew, 73

WordNet, 66

WordPerfect, 24

World model updates, in Atomate, 134, 135, 135f

World Wide Web (WWW). See also Clip, Connect, and Clone for Web; Semantic Web; Websites

automating access to applications of, 165–167

automating repetitive operations, 33, 40

C3W for, 153–172

Chickenfoot rewriting, 39–64

collaborative scripting for, 85–104

debugging with, 445–446

development, 426–428

d.mix professional feedback, 203

dynamic content, 251, 376

EUP barriers removed by, 17–22

evolution of, 347–348

exploratory research, 235–236

as external memory aid, 446

intentions behind use of, 429–437, 431t

learning from, 82

modern end user of, 19

open access to applications provided by, 17–19

recording and replaying interactions, 165–166

scripting languages of, 40

software development, 426–428

varied uses of, 213–214

wrappers collaborative creation, 179–182

Wrappers, 173, 174, 174f, 175, 184

broken, 180

collaborative creation on WWW, 179–182

editing, 182–183, 182f

editor, 183–184

editor for Mash Maker, 183–184

Mash Maker, for APIs, 183

Web, collaborative creation, 179–182

Yelp editing, 182–183

Wright, David, 72, 74

WSDL. See Web service definition language

W3C, 351–352

WWW. See World Wide Web


Xerox Lisp Buttons, 208

XML, 40. See also Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

RecipeSheet and, 269

transcoding with, 360

in Zoetrope, 254

XML parsers, 408

XPath, 43, 44, 116–117, 166, 170, 238–239, 254, 257–258, 360–361

XPCOM. See Firefox XPCOM

XQuery, 269

XSnippet, 291

XUL, 26, 41


Yahoo!, 27

Yahoo! Maps, 25

Yahoo! Pipes, 23–24, 62, 140, 147, 184, 185, 186–187, 208, 424, 428–429, 429f, 430–431

abstraction layers of, 434–436

collaborative debugging and, 430–431, 435f, 436

data types in, 428

developer forums of, 431, 431t, 432, 432f, 433–434, 433f

visual editor of, 429f, 436, 437f

Yahoo! Search Monkey, 181

Yahoo! Toolbar, 32

Yahoo! Web search, 204

YeastHub, 353, 241, 244–245

wrapper editing for, 182–183

YouTube, 19, 27, 28f, 29, 30, 34, 191, 195, 198, 204, 389

YouTube Lyrics, 27, 28f, 29


Zoetrope, 251, 264–266 in, 255, 256f

architecture of, 253–255, 253f

binding lenses in, 260, 261f

clustering in, 263, 264f

crawler in, 253–254

engine of, 254–255

filtering lenses in, 259–260

interface of, 255

lenses in, 252, 255, 256–262

Mozilla Firefox and, 253–254

overview of, 253–254

stacking lenses in, 261–262

storage/data in, 254

time series in, 263

timelines/movies in, 262–263, 263f

visualizations with, 262–264

XML in, 254

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