Answers to Chapter 6

Reviewing It

1: What is the difference between a tabular report and a form-like report?
A1: The Tabular report is the typical style with rows and columns, whereas Form-like can print a row of data per page
2: Using Oracle Reports, what are the two ways of putting in a SELECT statement for data selection?
A2: Query Builder or a pre-written SQL statement
3: What is the spool command useful for in SQL*Plus style reports?
A3: To capture the report output image in an operating system file
4: Where is the best place to put the SRW procedures when enhancing HTML reports?
A4: The BEFORE REPORT trigger
5: Does Oracle Reports support Java? If so, where does it go?
A5: Yes, Boilerplate Text Item with “Contains HTML tags” property item set to YES.

Checking It

1: How many different report style sheets are there?
  1. 4

  2. 6

  3. 8

  4. 10

A1: c
2: SQL*Plus is useful for making HTML style reports.


A2: False
3: SQL*Plus Column headings are controlled by:

  2. BREAK


  4. None of these

A3: c
4: SQL*Plus can make a master/detail report.


A4: True
5: HTML can easily be added to SQL*Plus reports.


A5: False, HTML can easily be added to Oracle reports
6: Oracle Reports can easily generate HTML from a command-line command.


A6: True.

Applying It

Independent Exercise 1:

  • Build a master/detail report using Emp and DEPT, showing each department (deptno and dname) followed by an ordered list of employee name, title, and salary, with a subtotal by department on salary and a report total of all salaries.

Independent Exercise 2:

  • Build the same report as Exercise 1 using SQL*Plus.

Independent Exercise 3:

  • Create HTML output from Exercise 1 and add the Metro Motors Logo to the top of each report, add “Contact us” with an e-mail hyperlink to the bottom of each report.

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