Applying It

Independent Exercise 1:

  • Create a Table called people with columns of dept (numeric 4 positions), last_name (character 10 positions), start_date (date field), and salary (numeric 5 positions with 2 decimal positions).

Independent Exercise 2:

  • Insert the following data into the table, try out the & substitution character:

    • Dept 10, SMITH, SYSDATE, 10000

    • Dept 10, JONES, SYSDATE, 20000

    • Dept 20, KING, SYSDATE, 15000

    • Dept 20, JONES, SYSDATE, 18000

    • Dept 20, FOUNTAIN, SYSDATE, 12000

Independent Exercise 3:

  • Select those rows from Dept 20.

  • Select name and start_date with the start_date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY.

  • Give everyone in dept 10 a 10% increase in salary.

  • Set AUTOCOMMIT off, drop all the rows, and issue a ROLLBACK. Make sure all the rows are put back.

Independent Exercise 4:

  • Create a sequence that increments by 10 and begins at 10 over the current DEPT in the PEOPLE table.

    • INSERT <sequence name>.NEXTVAL, GARN, SYSDATE, 5000.

    • Create a primary key constraint on the DEPT column.

    • INSERT <sequence name>.CURRVAL, HACKETT, SYSDATE, 4500.

    • Why did you get this error?


The next chapter uses this PEOPLE table for its Exercise examples as well.

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